When justice fails, the internet shall shame 41 comments
· 8 years ago
you come to the Internet to relax ( is this your fist time on the web) and then get mad at people expressing their feelings,,sound like you need a hobby that doesn't include a keyboard
Edited 8 years ago
When justice fails, the internet shall shame 41 comments
· 8 years ago
all you have do is look at the statistics of black people in jail versus white, the fact that 8 in 10 adult balck men will be incarcerated in their life time shows that being a white offender versus being black will get you less time, now of course there are cases like the one you pointed, where this isn't always true, but the fact remains the same that I know of black men who have done nothing but make one mistake and are given hard time,,,I have seen it with my on eyes, being white with family that is black has granted me luxury of seeing this from the young balck mans point of view,,,the fact is this something that is a very serious issue in America
This aquarium is incredible 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm at work someone do the leg for us, and find where to throw some more of my away at
On my way to train 8 comments
Hard to find nowadays 6 comments
· 9 years ago
can we please not have another year of these stupid everyone is offend memes, it's getting old
Wait no.....come back 2 comments
· 9 years ago
got to have signals with the people around you, tap pencil once your leaning over paper too much, tap pencil twice your hand writing is shit,,etc....
How to trigger a feminist 19 comments
Groundhogs day > science? 18 comments
I'm Alive in my ass 396 comments
Oh yeah! 4 comments
· 9 years ago
more like the face you make when you realize how much you paid for all that
I hated being the remote 16 comments
· 9 years ago
I still have a t.v. like this, in my game room actually,,the older gaming systems nes, snes, Atari, etc... look so much better played on old t.v.,,,it's funny to look at sitting between my wife's and my 42' flat screens
Snappy snappy snap snap 5 comments
Snappy snappy snap snap 5 comments
· 9 years ago
it funny we blame the younger generation on having no patience, wanting everything catered to them,,,but everyone I know that works in food service will tell you it's not the younger generation that argues when their burger take a little longer to cook
Love the name 20 comments
Let’s Set Fire To The Rain 24 comments
· 9 years ago
poeple ask why am I scared of spiders. simple,,,a anything with 8 legs and shoots web out its ass is something that obviously should be feared,,,now they are raining on us, ohh fuckkkkk that
Edited 9 years ago
Australia is a scary place! 5 comments
Weird way to say dessert... 12 comments
· 9 years ago
just wondering if they have some Vaseline to go with them prices
Edited 9 years ago
Saving in games 9 comments
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
· 9 years ago
it cause he is pandering to the racist, hateful, and ignorant,,which we seem to have ALOT of in america
I'm like 4% sure. 14 comments
No jokes 8 comments
· 9 years ago
really hope I'm not the only one who went to YouTube and searched talking to giraffes
We should make a movie about him, where his role's played by JarJar Binks 30 comments
· 9 years ago
to the original comment,my daughter is a beautiful intelligent young lady, that's a lot different than saying she has a nice figure and I would date her