Konrad Koenig


— Konrad Koenig Report User
too damn right it is:3 2 comments
konscious · 10 years ago
That's some good acting. Look at the subtleties in her expression where her character wants to appear cute, cuddly, and innocent, but displays a quick glimpse of psychotic anger. lol. This is from Silver Linings Playbook, right?
Meanwhile in the subway 10 comments
konscious · 10 years ago
Hmm is fedget a fellow New Yorker?
Time to brush my teeth and- nope 25 comments
konscious · 10 years ago
You mean that bathroom. Ever. Again.
Iron Man break dancing 12 comments
konscious · 10 years ago
Quite possibly the best thing ever to exist
It's super effective! 8 comments
konscious · 10 years ago
That man died
Dr. Pepper knockoff collection 19 comments
konscious · 11 years ago
Missing Mr. Pibb
Inbetween the two towers -manhatten 7 comments
konscious · 11 years ago
Manhattan? -_- Seriously?
Sorry, but I had to. 16 comments
konscious · 11 years ago
Fuck you bro
Train of thoughts 6 comments
konscious · 11 years ago
That must be one of the shuttles from Grand Central to Time Square. Dope!
Mind blowing facts 21 comments
konscious · 11 years ago
Y u no give thumbs up? It's actually quite refreshing...