When you let your hormones think for you 14 comments
· 7 years ago
I had a friend I told her once about her boyfriend he was no good. Turns out he was snapping other girls and told them he was single while they were dating. I never rubbed it in her face or made her feel bad about it. I just wanted her to know because I cared about her and I had a feeling he was bad news. Fast forward to today, she hates me, tries to follow me on social media at least 5 times a month. I refuse every time. And this time when her and her friend tried to follow me at the same time I finally just tweeted “surprise! Persistency is not the key.” And she called me a 5 year old and said my petty shit is why we weren’t friends. Sorry, but I didn’t do anything to you except warn you about your trash boyfriend you stayed with. You were the one constantly texting me to keep tabs on what I was doing and would send your friends onto my social media to see what I was doing in my life. Yet I’m the petty one? Okay. Sounds about right.
Ladies and gentlemen, the man in possession of nuclear launch codes 26 comments
· 7 years ago
I prefer a man who doesn’t bullshit his words to manipulate his status. So yeah, I like trump.
Aww... I'm so proud of him 45 comments
· 7 years ago
Look at his amazing stats for 2017 and then tell me h’s a joke for a politician.
Too bad we can't retroactively unvaccinate the antivacers 26 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't think people should be forced to participate in the PRACTICE of Medicine. It's a PRACTICE for a reason. I'm vaccinated and I will probably pick and choose what my kids will get, but it's a fucking choice. I'm so tired of people thinking they have the right to tell me what I have to do.
Truth 16 comments
· 7 years ago
It isn't justifying slavery. It's stating the fact that every race has been subject to slavery and black people can't keep playing the victim card anymore in America. We are a free country and we are FREE of slavery. Obviously there are still issues with how people are treating each other. And no, I do think it's just white people being dicks. Black people are being dicks too. I don't fucking care if I'm going to be called a racist after this. Because I'm not. I'll respect you by how you present yourself, not because of the color of your skin.
God tweets 9 comments
· 7 years ago
What's hilarious is that back in the Bible days being called a Christian was bad and christians were supposed to call themselves believers. You have to study to know what you are talking and teaching about. That's why modern day christians are so ignorant to what they say. I am not a Christian. I'm a believer.
I really hope we get to see more of this 51 comments
· 7 years ago
Getting vaccinated trains your immune system to fight diseases. If you bring an un-vaccinated child who is 12 into an office where an infant is still going through their cycles of shots they are more prone to getting whatever the un-vaccinated child is carrying.
Edited 7 years ago
I really hope we get to see more of this 51 comments
· 7 years ago
Everyone acts like seeing a doctor is a right we have, but it's not. Everything is privately funded. Doctors don't owe you a visit. You can fire a doctor and a doctor can fire you. They have a right to refuse service if necessary. There are thousands of other doctors in this world. If you don't like how one practice is run, go to a different one. Simple as that.
this pretty much sums it up 57 comments
· 8 years ago
The group that hates labels labels themselves the most. It's absurd and I don't keep up with it anymore.
Who's offending who 70 comments
· 8 years ago
I was homeschooled but even then my parents avoided telling me till I was in the 8th grade. I struggled and cried every day from elementary school to middle school wondering why I was so stupid. I was bitter then towards my parents for not trying to help me, but I learned something from it all.
The world doesn't cater to your special needs. You have to learn how to deal with it.
im sorry everyone on here is being complete assholes to you. @tguy. You don't deserve the shit they're giving you. I'm still dumbfounded that people still find it socially acceptable to tell you to go kill yourself. Stay strong dude. You have a really good heart. I can tell.
The world doesn't cater to your special needs. You have to learn how to deal with it.
im sorry everyone on here is being complete assholes to you. @tguy. You don't deserve the shit they're giving you. I'm still dumbfounded that people still find it socially acceptable to tell you to go kill yourself. Stay strong dude. You have a really good heart. I can tell.
Who's offending who 70 comments
· 8 years ago
I think you're the immature and butt hurt one when you keep telling people to quit reproducing and to go ahead and end their life. Maturity is knowing when to stop and go on with your life. Out, bitches.
Who's offending who 70 comments
· 8 years ago
I have a learning disorder and you don't see me bitching at school books for not catering to my needs. It's called get over it and do you. Everyone has special problems they deal with and if you can't accept it and just make the best of it you're going to die a bitter person.
The struggle is real 3 comments
Just a thought 47 comments
· 8 years ago
Well shit. When 1 mistake can't go by. I thought we passed the era of "grammar nazis" already, but I guess someone is stuck in the past.
Just a thought 47 comments
Just a thought 47 comments
· 8 years ago
I know like, 10 well abled bodies that are on welfare cause they're lazy as hell.
Edited 8 years ago
George, oh George 38 comments
· 8 years ago
My brother in law was in the army and they actually printed shirts with the starts on the side we call wrong.
Seinfeld taught important life lessons 4 comments
· 8 years ago
I think people shouldn't settle in their obesity. For the world to tell them "it's okay! Be who you are! Being fat is okay!" It isn't okay. You're going to cause yourself several health issues and early death. No. It isn't okay to body shame someone for being obese but they shouldn't just settle with the fact they're bigger.
Keanu toy 7 comments
· 8 years ago
My mom almost named me Kiana but everyone kept saying, "you're naming your daughter after Keanu reeves?" And that is the story of how I was almosted named my favorite name.
Enjoying his last moments 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Thanks to you I am now curling up in bed crying and looking at pictures of dogs now.