Raina Alicia Wimbush


— Raina Alicia Wimbush Report User
It do be like that sometimes 10 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
What country is that?
It do be like that sometimes 10 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
It’s no secret that Japan and other Asian cultures are SUPER racist towards Black people.
Drunk driving is not a skill 12 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
I consider part of that to be knowing when you are too drunk to drive. So yea. There’s some skill. For instance. My limit before I’m like “no cars for me” is 2 Margaritas. My best friend’s limit is zero. Since she gets drunk on Mikes Hard Lemonades. The skill is all before you get behind a wheel.
Always a classic! 3 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
Frankenstein actually dropped out of school, cause creating Adam (the monster) freaked him out so much. So he was NOT a doctor. He was a dropout. And kind of a loser.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Nein, hier gibt es nichts zu sehen 1 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
I fondly refer to my car as the Hitler mobile. Especially when it has something stupid going on.
Solid as a rock 6 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
I always felt bad for Cain. And that’s why I got kicked out of bible study. See Cain was in charge of the grains, and Abel was in charge of the sheep. God comes down and asks for a sacrifice. Cain gives up grain, cause that’s what he had. God was having none of that. Cause you see, Abel had sheep and was able to give better sacrifices. In my understanding of the text, Cain knew exactly what he was doing even though he may have regretted it later. But God asked for blood, and Cain gave him what he asked for.
Plus “am I my brother’s keeper” is grade A sass and I love it.
True heroes right here 7 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
Yeaaaa. No. I, and many others can barely afford medical care now. Imagine if the person treating me cost millions of dollars just to show up.
Giggling in tobacco shares 23 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
Oh. Okay. I’ve always referred to them interchangeably. But then again, I don’t smoke and never purchased cigarettes. I still don’t think it’s $70 but my boyfriend would know. I’ll ask. I live in NY and I bought a 60ml bottle of juice for $20 from a cheaper shop. And a 100ml is closer to $30.
Giggling in tobacco shares 23 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
Maybe it’s a difference in region. But those mean the same thing to me.
Giggling in tobacco shares 23 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
Where do you live with 13$ E-liquid and $70 packs of cigarettes? I vape. My boyfriend smokes. I spend $25-$30 a bottle on juice. He buys Marlboros. They cost 11-13 dollars a pack. And he doesn’t have to worry about coils.
Giggling in tobacco shares 23 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
The running theory amongst people I know is this. Tobacco companies are funding the anti-vape movement. That way all those ex-smokers who turned to vaping can’t get their nicotine and go back to smoking, and people who started with vaping will start smoking. Vaping created a new generation of nicotine addicts and big tobacco would like very much to profit off of it. That’s why the only available flavours are to be menthol and tobacco, which is the flavour of a cigarette. Most people aren’t going to want to spend $30 on a bottle of unflavorful juice when they could spend $11 and get a pack of cigarettes for the same effect.
Also something of note is that the FDA said nothing about E-Liquids causing deaths in the first place. The whole thing started with CBD cartridges from China, which were tainted. The media ran with this and decided to turn on vaping.
Screw white people and their*shuffles deck, draws card*courtesy to cashiers and people 10 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
I’d tell the cashier I didn’t want those things. And take all the things I did want.
This is the law of equivalent exchange 2 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
I feel like the comparison can’t be made. Since “chinky” is directly referring to eyes. It means squinty eyed (at least in the colloquial I’m familiar with) and that’s why Asians get called that. But Nigger refers to the skin. So unless something happened to the other girl to turn her skin brown, there’s no comparison.
Well, Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming? 3 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
I love the flat faced muzzles. Cause even when a shih tzu is trying to eat me, they look hilarious
And I said 13 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
I will always love you - Whitney Houston
This is my parents 25 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
You’re the best.
Damned weebs 6 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
You disgust me...I am you 8 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
He is me.
A real picture of Zont 17 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
It’s the shiny form of the new legendary Pokemon.
Podcasts these days. 1 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
A little louder for the liberals in the back 48 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
@halfdeadhammerhead and @guest_ I apologise. I forgot I must be extremely literal around here. I’m happy my parents didn’t listen to a 6-12 year old and take me to the doctor to “transition” me in any way (whether that be chemical or surgical). I grew out of wanting to be a male as a teenager. As an adult I look back on that time and laugh. If I was a child in this day and age they would have immediately taken me to get hormone therapy. Kids and teens go through phases. Their entire lives shouldn’t be changed because of how they thought when they were 6.
A little louder for the liberals in the back 48 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
She has a point. I don’t think children under 18 should be able to make those kinds of decisions. When I was a kid and adolescent I wanted to be a boy. Because I wanted to pee standing up and do stereotypical “boy” things. I had serious penis envy and every day I said I wanted to be a boy. But now I’m a woman and I’m happy I didn’t grow up in today’s age where parents just rush into changing their kids’ genitals because it’s the “cool” thing to do.
It's not hatred. It's pen*s 77 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
I can’t anymore. This entire conversation makes me wanna hit my head into a wall. You win kiddo. Have fun trapping straight men. Or whatever it is you say it’s okay to do.
It's not hatred. It's pen*s 77 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
Dressing up as a woman, presenting yourself as a woman, picking up straight men, and not telling them that you are actually a male IS lying. It’s lying by omission. People shouldn’t have to go on every date going “hey girl, got a dick?” It’s on the person with the abnormal anatomy to speak up and say something. People shouldn’t have to assume that the woman they’re on a date with has a penis
Also you contradict yourself by saying people should know what their date has between their legs before getting into bed with them, then saying that trans people shouldn’t have to tell anyone. How are people supposed to know then? Psychic ability? The onus is on the trans
person to be upfront with their potential sexual partners. Unless you met them somewhere where the assumption is that they are into woman with penises, you should assume that a guy you picked up in the bar isn’t into dicks.
· Edited 4 years ago
It's not hatred. It's pen*s 77 comments
ladychaos114 · 4 years ago
Yea. But if I KNOW for a fact I don’t like exotic broccoli, I’m going to ask for my meal WITHOUT it. If the restaurant tells me “yea, this is 100% Broccoli free”, then gives me a broccoli soup. I’d send that shit back and never go to that restaurant again. Did it kill me? No. But if someone forced me to eat it, I’d have words.
· Edited 4 years ago