Please explain 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Sluts !
We know all about the first man to land on the moon but no one mentioned her 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Assuming youre serious and not trolling on some point that I missed...
That code isnt applied from the book, its given to the spaceship's computer to run. The books you see are just the printed version of it, for "archives".
Code is basically a set of instructions for a computer, written in a language (thats what was printed) that can be translated to instructions for the computer (1 & 0s).
So you might have some 'code' responsible for keeping the rocket vertical. What it would would actually be is a be a set of instructions, that would cause the rocket to read from its instruments to find out its angle compared to its lauch, and adjust the thrusters power to stay as close to expected values as possible. For instance, if you took a 2D model qnd try to take off an horizontal line, you would have instruments finding the angle of the rocket, and if it tilts to the right then you would increase the right thruster to set it back to vertical and vice versa.
That code isnt applied from the book, its given to the spaceship's computer to run. The books you see are just the printed version of it, for "archives".
Code is basically a set of instructions for a computer, written in a language (thats what was printed) that can be translated to instructions for the computer (1 & 0s).
So you might have some 'code' responsible for keeping the rocket vertical. What it would would actually be is a be a set of instructions, that would cause the rocket to read from its instruments to find out its angle compared to its lauch, and adjust the thrusters power to stay as close to expected values as possible. For instance, if you took a 2D model qnd try to take off an horizontal line, you would have instruments finding the angle of the rocket, and if it tilts to the right then you would increase the right thruster to set it back to vertical and vice versa.
Very useful if you want to survive in the wild 6 comments
· 6 years ago
In a similar fashion, if youre not in danger you can use tinder to find ways to use your vaseline and grease.
Dumbledore books 4 comments
· 6 years ago
I hate to be that guy but i cant let that slip. If you count the pannels you only see 6 panels. And the 4 first pannels match books 1 through 4. So its safe to assume that the 2 last pannels match book 5 and 6 (which, SPOILERS ALERT, makes sense since he is dead in the 7th.).
So title would be like "Dumbledore, framed as a terrorist by the kid whose candy I stole", and "This just sounds liks suicide with extra-steps"
So title would be like "Dumbledore, framed as a terrorist by the kid whose candy I stole", and "This just sounds liks suicide with extra-steps"
A glitch in the matrix 8 comments
· 6 years ago
And I feel like you REALLY dont appreciate hoz short 33microseconds is. If the camera is capturing at 144fps (pulled that one out of my ass; no idea howmuch a phone camera actually takes; but I doubt its more than that) then it takes a picture every 7milliseconds, which is 7000 microseconds.
This is NOT due to light travel I can guarantee it. Most likely @sublimegamer is right.
This is NOT due to light travel I can guarantee it. Most likely @sublimegamer is right.
A glitch in the matrix 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I don't think you realise how fast the light travels. It travels at 300.000km/s, meaning that if the distance difference (so the extra length he light has to travel) was of 10 meters (which is a lot more than in this case) then it would take an extra 10/300000s, or 33microseconds.
Pictures where the person and the reflection are in the frame and in different positions are most likely due to shutter speed.
Pictures where the person and the reflection are in the frame and in different positions are most likely due to shutter speed.
Wat iz wooman 6 comments
You would think that this would be pretty obvious to people 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Cant believe the upvotes on this thing... Its common courtesy to let people walk by, like wtf ?
Squishing your body ? Are you that obese ? They designed them wide enough for two people for a reason.
Edited 6 years ago
Squishing your body ? Are you that obese ? They designed them wide enough for two people for a reason.
I got mind read 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Actually if I half (2x+6)/2 I get x/2 + 1.5, take away x and I get -x/2 + 1.5
Luckily my number was (-3) so it still works. Spooky
Luckily my number was (-3) so it still works. Spooky
Can't think of one motive 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Great memes online of course, which is what this secret society has strived for for years.
And finally... BEHOLD EARTH CHAN
And finally... BEHOLD EARTH CHAN
It works 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Which is the same as only opening the first one, because the top drawer prevents access to the second one, which prevents access to the third etc...
Right way to go 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Maybe realize that its probably for kids instead of mindlessly jumping on the minions hate train. And a kid would definitely panick less as he is rushed to the hospital in a minion themed ambulance than a normal one.
Positively homo 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah, but (please dont take it the wrong way, im not trying to be sexist, this is a 'fact' based on empirical evidence) most of us straight guys find lesbians 'hot'.
So theyre cool.
Go gays and lesbians.
So theyre cool.
Go gays and lesbians.
Calling on CEOs to fire male virgins 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Exactly. Unless they are bad at their job or violate sexual harassment policies among the company let them believe whatever they want.
Calling on CEOs to fire male virgins 11 comments
M I N T 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I disagree, not a fan of the taste, but mints and minty products (namely chewing gums) have their use for breath control; when you dont have the possibility to brush your teeth.
I like taking one after I smoke at a party to make sure I dont smell like cigarettes when kissing my gf.
I like taking one after I smoke at a party to make sure I dont smell like cigarettes when kissing my gf.
Turbulence 11 comments
· 6 years ago
You coudl rationnalize that by the fact that when nothing else than a miracle can save you, then even if you dont believe in miracles hoping for one doesn't hurt.
Also someone saying "god please dont let this plane crash" is as much praying as say "Oh god ! Oh god !" while having sex. Its a saying, not an actual call to a god in which the atheist doesnt believe.
Edited 6 years ago
Also someone saying "god please dont let this plane crash" is as much praying as say "Oh god ! Oh god !" while having sex. Its a saying, not an actual call to a god in which the atheist doesnt believe.
Ha! Get rekt 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Community, the episode where annie and shirley join the security team.
Gentlemen take care of their girls 3 comments
The thousand yard stare- an Italian soldier, his photo taken after three consecutive days 16 comments
· 6 years ago
He didnt insult hack shit... He just said that that stare is mostly caused by sleep deprivation... Then he gave an example that resulted (according to him) in the same stare, but without the combat factor; which would then lead to sleep deprivation being the main factor behind this stare.
If you think saying a soldier who fought for 3 days in a row is sleep deprived is insulting idk what to tell u...
If you think saying a soldier who fought for 3 days in a row is sleep deprived is insulting idk what to tell u...
Smoke signals 6 comments
· 6 years ago
In french calling someone 'premature' can (depending on context) mean he suffers from premature ejaculation.
It's a huge arch 4 comments
Not to worry, most of you will be alone anyway 8 comments
· 6 years ago
The best seat will always be the one furthest away from the crying baby. Hands down.