

Whaddaya think I do? Click GIFs?

— Late_commenter Report User
Bread from pompeii 28 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
Grey clouds roll over the hills bringing darkness from above...
Cherry potter 4 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
I really hope his family kept the picture... Q_Q
No take backs 3 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
Have you SEEN red wine drunk Randy?
Seriously amazing 16 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
Parallel Universe 19 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
Sorry I'm late, ran into traffic and they somehow ran out of thighs three times, so they had to cook some. How much popeyes did you say you wanted? I don't know if 7000 boxes of everything is enough or not...
Conquer me, Bowser-sama~ 9 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
Please don't use those words...
What Avatar hands do you have? 61 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
#JustTomandJerryThings 9 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
Nice, apart from the r/uselessredcircle on #5.
great dad 14 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
If I could, I'd trade OP my Celebi in HG right now, he needs it more than me and I never play it anymore ;-;
He's a very important man 4 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
You must be terrible hungry by now because it's long past your suppertime, and I know Patrick would never forgive me, God bless his soul, if I allowed you to remain in his house without offering you decent hospitality. Why don't you eat up that lamb that's in the oven?
Ostrich Pillow lets you to sleep anywhere 2 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
Don't worry, I do that by myself.
"hooman..? what.. is he doing??" 6 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Kissing the sphinx 10 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
I don't think anybody does... I think somebody injected a little too much tumblr in themselves.
5 · Edited 5 years ago
This would be an awesome slumber party 24 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago that guy covered in mustard?
True 34 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
Science says that a high majority of kids did this, but almost none of them mentioned it because they thought it was just a dumb little thing they came up with.
It's like rainbow road! 14 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
I swear I had a dream where I was infinitely high up on these. I could see the ground, but I never got any closer, even after going like, 300 stories on them. At the end I realized it was a dream, jumped off and promptly woke up screaming.
$1 Prank 11 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
I also think it's illegal.
Scary af 5 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
This is giving me some serious Coraline vibes...
So my ex was flirting with me and decided to play her a game 10 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
I love you around 17.
Dog catching nuggets with its mouth 3 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
Image 4 looks like it would get photoshopped all to hell.
Nice try, German 21 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
I see the word 'genitalien'. I don't know what the entire sentence translates to, but I don't think it's worth risking...
· Edited 5 years ago
I love people sometimes 16 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
Also note how there's no magazine in the gun, it's very likely on safety, his hand is nowhere near the trigger and it's pointed away from everybody. At that point, the shoe would actually be more dangerous, considering the two surprisingly sharp and hard ends of the stiletto.
How to grow a pinapple 10 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
As the grandchild of a woman that grew many different kinds of fruits I can confirm.
Shots fired!! 29 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
@title You'd be lucky to say that if Canadian military fired at you, chances are you'd take a bullet to the brain from half a mile away before you got out the first letter. Their snipers are probably some of the most professional on the Earth.
Would that work? 7 comments
late_commenter · 5 years ago
I'm stealing this.