

— laughwendylaugh Report User
abyssus abyssum invocat 10 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
They should say something so that there may be a possibility that we could be together
The Canadian president mocked for wearing Chewbacca socks at an international conference 15 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
Except that the Ministers have experience in the field of the positions they were placed in. Ex. Health - has experience in the health field, etc.
Having an uncommon name 8 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
Having an uncommon name 8 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
My last name is really easy and people still mess it up. Fox. Really??
The Canadian president mocked for wearing Chewbacca socks at an international conference 15 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
I don't understand why people are making such a big deal about it. They're just socks!!
Wooden ring 7 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
I woodn't have asked for a replacement. This is beautiful!
Sometimes you got to take the chance 9 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
Thanks, I really appreciate it because you seem to understand it better than almost everyone I know.
Sometimes you got to take the chance 9 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
For me, yes. He only sees me as a friend but acts like we're dating and totally wants to sleep with me.
threes*me? 21 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
Dragon boating is based out of China where you paddle (not row) in long narrow boats. There are usually 20 paddlers (in China they sometimes have 40 or more), a drummer or caller, and a steers person. Most races are usually 200 meters, 500 meters, 1kilometre or 2 kilometres. Sometimes different lengths races in the same day.
It's a great team sport and fantastic exercise, working every part of the body. Where abouts do you live? If you're interested, I could help find a local festival or team so you can check it out in person.
Sometimes you got to take the chance 9 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
I think we're tied for mayor
Inprobus 7 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
I thought of Dark Angel...Alec aka Dean Winchester
threes*me? 21 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
I mentioned how when I'm in Amsterdam I would like to go dragon boating with a local team. My just rolled his eyes and later told my Mum "why would she want to do that?" I should mention that I just back from competing at the Canadian National Dragon Boat Championships lol!
threes*me? 21 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
My Dad just the other day. Ugh!
It wakes me in a cold sweat, shivering... 5 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
I don't think I've ever had a Klondike bar
Mayor of ottawa roasts witty boy 3 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
That's my mayor! lol
We loved with a love that was more than love 20 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
I don't think I've ever had that kind of love
As a female, I can confirm 28 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
Preach it!
Is this true? 24 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
Thanks :) I did find out that she's not interested in him other than just friends but it has been months and he keeps trying.
Is this true? 24 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
This weekend I found out that he has the hots for a friend of mine. She's pretty, totally fit, and a lot of fun to hang out with. I totally get why he likes her. Guess I'll keep looking.
Is this true? 24 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
I finally met a man who I think is adorable and the more I learn about him the more I like him. I could listen to him talk allllll day long and I never what he's going to say or do next. I have a lot of respect for him. Now, if I can just get him to date me...
Also wonder woman didn't have shit advertising 21 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
I thoroughly enjoyed WW. I watched one trailer and avoided everything else about the movie so I didn't have any expectations. I thought the Lasso of Truth was funny. Do you really want people to know what you're really thinking in front of a beautiful person? lol
Thanks, I have nightmares now 48 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
Not with that attitude
Revenge of the Fifth 4 comments
laughwendylaugh · 7 years ago
Thank you for explaining the joke. I may have to send this to my roommate to help explain it to her o_O