Goblin mutant 24 comments
· 11 years ago
Such ship. Much bromance. Wow.
Goblin mutant 24 comments
· 11 years ago
And I'm just sitting in the theatre like "SHUT THE FUCK UP LEGOLAS, YOU SEXY BITCH, YOU WILL LOVE HIM ONE DAY"
As seen on tumblr 27 comments
We're all surprised 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm 16, so my 15 year old self would probably just be like: "... So can you drive?" "Yes." "Is it awesome?" "YES" "OHMYGOD I'M JELLY OF FUTURE ME"
Is tech making us anti-social? 11 comments
Being a girl 26 comments
· 11 years ago
You know, girls do this to other girls, too. Other girls used to put me down for trying to be a "know-it-all bitch" if I spoke up in class, or call me a slut for wearing a v-neck top. I honestly think that's even worse than guys saying it. It's like, I thought we were in this together, but I guess not.
thank you white people, for your half jogs 8 comments
Geniuses at work 71 comments
· 11 years ago
I got so confused because my brain said 98 but the screen said 50 and then I was like ???? until I came to the comments section. My brain doesn't really handle numbers well.
4chan can be emotional sometimes. 25 comments
Why are we not funding this? 43 comments
Duh. 9 comments
· 11 years ago
This one time, I was late to English class because my locker was being a butt, and I know there are all these assholes in my class so I'm preparing for the regular stuff. The second I open the door, this obnoxious guy starts in with "Ooh, you're late!" I just turned to him, cold as ice, and said as sharply as I could "I'm aware, thank you." The entire class went silent and the teacher just stared at me as I took my seat calmly. The guy looked completely mortified. Needless to say, no one pulls that shit with me anymore.
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
· 11 years ago
Hi, I just got an account. I've been doing the guest thing for a while, and I've seen how kind all of you are and I really would like to join your community.
When I was in middle school, I went through a lot of bullying. Mostly name-calling and stuff. My favorite incident was the time the new kid came up to me during class and told me that he hated me because he had been watching me and decided that I was a "nagging bitch." All this made me a really strong person emotionally, and as much as it sucked then, I don't regret that it happened. It taught me to not be a doormat.
I guess my real regret is how it changed me. Recently, that new kid tried to friend me on Facebook, after 2 years, and I flipped shit. My friends all said he wasn't an asshole anymore, and I know personally how 2 years can change someone, but in my mind that didn't apply to him. I just couldn't forgive, and I really still can't.
I regret that the mistakes these kids made have made me a worse person, permanently.
Edited 11 years ago
When I was in middle school, I went through a lot of bullying. Mostly name-calling and stuff. My favorite incident was the time the new kid came up to me during class and told me that he hated me because he had been watching me and decided that I was a "nagging bitch." All this made me a really strong person emotionally, and as much as it sucked then, I don't regret that it happened. It taught me to not be a doormat.
I guess my real regret is how it changed me. Recently, that new kid tried to friend me on Facebook, after 2 years, and I flipped shit. My friends all said he wasn't an asshole anymore, and I know personally how 2 years can change someone, but in my mind that didn't apply to him. I just couldn't forgive, and I really still can't.
I regret that the mistakes these kids made have made me a worse person, permanently.