Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Wow. This ignorance is truly astounding. I can't believe it.
Humor about people and animals stuck is not even on the same plane as this. This compares more to how Hitler invaded countries during WW2 then it compares to a man that fell of his friggen chair.
ALL, yes ALL the countries had governing in some shape or form. They ALL had religious leaders and educational systems in place.
Here's what the Netherlands did in Indonesia when they took over:
They murdered the priests and some of the abbeys, where there were only nuns, they converted into brothels. To make life easier on the nuns they simply used them as prostitutes.
These were women that had spend their entire lives dedicated to their god and a foreign group overpowers them and rapes them for years to come.
This is not a single incident. This sort of thing happened ALL OVER. In ever single colonised country.
And no, I will not sit here and say it's funny to dismiss they gruesome things that happened there.
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
What do you call it when a country invades another; kills or by threat of force removes the standing goverment, religious leaders and the education system in place; forces the locals to work as cheap labor on penatly of death and uses the profit to benefit not the country they've usurped or the people therein, but the country the usurpers orginated from?
Depending on who does it and to whom, it can be called either an invasion or colonialism.
Please stop talking about this as if it's something to be proud of. It is VILE!
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Are we really celebrating colonialism?
Who would violate my cranberries? 7 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Just think about it, exercise AND nutrients all at the same time. Not only would it be a huuuge time saver, I think no one would ever be out of shape again.
Hawkeye Sings About His Super Powers 7 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
That was awesome!
Seriously though... 17 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Dammit. Wrote half a page and forgot I was logged out....
it's so cute!!! 7 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I'm not so sure he'd give up. He has the look of determination in his bloodred eyes.
Lego fortress 17 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
How does someone steal 2600 pieces of lego and have it go unnoticed long enough to build a shelter for himself?
Day 167 of your daily dose of cute: :D :D :D 8 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
If only I could be that happy with a piece of lettuce. I'd be so damn healthy!
It affects everyone 61 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
No problem
It affects everyone 61 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
He told some of his friends/peers about being raped and was then ridiculed for feeling bad. So much so, that he decided to hide his real feelings and act like his rape wasn't traumatising, but great.
His rape became such a defining part of him in the eyes of his peers that when he pretended to have liked it, he even became very populair because of it. Can you imagine?? People were celebrating his rape!
While all this is going on in his social circle, he's feeling terrible about the rape, obviously has problems dealing with it, but he doesn't feel he can express this.
As a result he now has a hard time trusting women because of the rape, can't speak out about it for fear of being ridiculed again and never really had a chance to deal with the psychological ramifications of it.
It's truly one of the most horrific things I've seen.
29 · Edited 9 years ago
awww... 23 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
You can do anything you want to!
Question is if it's really the best thing for you, but hey, I'm not one to judge.
Follow your dreams cactus-lover!
Oh look, a penny! 4 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
It just got funnier as it went on!
Or maybe I've been on FS too long...
Yes, I think that's it.
Firewood stacked to look like a tree 4 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Sooo.... cut down many trees to stack 'em up and make them look like one tree?
It affects everyone 61 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I teared up reading this. It is disgusting and horrifying when the victim has to play off or dismiss a very traumatic event because the people in their environment won't take it seriously. This has to stop.
I'm sorry this happened and I'm even more sorry you weren't allowed to deal with the pain it caused.
awww... 23 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Thank you!!!
Oh zach 14 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Most of us do. I read a statistic that over 90% of Dutch people speak English and personally I don't even know anyone that doesn't.
Photobomb! 13 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
The turtle looks like a celeb caught off guard by the paparazzi.
Like "Dammit! I can't even go for a swim now without camera's in my face?!"
Oh zach 14 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Come to the Netherlands, we have both already, Zach!
Reasons My Son is Crying 21 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Everytime I start growing a little fond of children something like this pops up and I'm back to 0.
Baby chameleons 8 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I like the one near the wrist whose trying to copy the tattoos.
He's hardcore.
At least he is good at dat math 15 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
It simplifies to all. 1/1 and 4/4 is one whole. You skipped all classes today, which in this case is 4 classes.
Point is: the meaning of the whole doesn't change by using fractions. 1/1 part of a pie when the pie is 9 inch in diameter isn't less then 4/4 part of a pie with a 9 inch diameter.
You still ate the whole damn pie.
My boyfriend didn't realize how ugly his dog was until they got a cute one 19 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
That black dog still looks smug af.
Like he's thinking "please, you think that thing can replace me? You must not know me."
Great for playing the piano 19 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
As a piano player I can't tell you how jealous I am of them...
Ewoks in owl form 5 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
When gremlins and owl mate....