Dog smiling 14 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
When I first read this comment I assumed 'Marbles' was a pet's name. Those were some terrifying 5 seconds, I'll tell you that much.
He just closes the door! 39 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
"well, nothing we can do about it now." *closes door*
Because I'm not sure anymore 12 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
It's an oddly kind and pacifistic post considering it has an agry man with a gun as a backdrop.
Dream job: Naming colors for cosmetics 6 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Unlimited raisin is a good second.
It sounds like a promotional stunt for a cereal company. And even then people would pass up on it...
Chain reaction 14 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
If you cut the first few second of it, it will look like a carefully made structure is violently unraveling itself. Poltergeist.
Making a point. 12 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Luwanda is not prejudice. Good on you, Luwanda.
Board game heaven 9 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I have found my lost kin!
How to make a cheating dice 16 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I have been pretty straight laced so far, but I am dedicated and a quick study.
I also play piano, so I have quick and flexible fingers.
Uhm, I meant that in a thieving way....
Two dads are better than one 22 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
pay no mind to the trolling guest atomic.
1960s Swag 4 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
He's so confident that his little bus will trail after him without tipping over. I'd be looking back the entire time.
Truly a petty move 7 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
How to make a cheating dice 16 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I want to become your apprentice in all things slightly dubious.
I promise to use what you teach me with great responsibility.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
How to make a cheating dice 16 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I don't know if I'm being rude and excuse me if I am, but I get the feeling you may also know how to lock pick doors.
Could you teach me?
Two dads are better than one 22 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Their childhood is gonna be legen.. wait for it......dary!
Just Putin this here 6 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Putin creeps me out.
How can some have a completely deadpan face WHILE making an expression??
It's unnatural. It's just not right.
I'ma princess in sundress! 16 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
lihea · 9 years ago
Well, I thought I overate at christmas but this is just ridiculous.
Admit it! 4 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
That's a great leveller. The next time someone acts arrogant just tell 'em this.
I'ma princess in sundress! 16 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I always thought that dresses and skirts suit the male anatomy better than the females'.
After all you guys need that space and freedom more than we do.
The very rare seahorse 4 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
No matter how long I live I will never look as graceful swimming as this horse does.
To be a gentleman costs! 17 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Exactly. An off the rack suit is a terrible means by which to judge suits. It simply does not compare to how well a suit fits when it is made to fit YOUR body.
Your measurements are used - your height, width, the way your body curves and where.
For that reason it is like a second skin and you won't be obstructed in your movements by either an abundance of fabric or by tightness of the garment.
Get a suit tailored to your measurements. You'll see what I mean.
To be a gentleman costs! 17 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
A well tailored suit should fit and feel like second skin. It is the most comfortable thing in existence.
And yes, even more comfy than your PJ's because, unlike you PJ's there's no extra fabric to get caught up in. And unlike those stretchy whatchamahaveits it's not skin tight and digging into skin and flesh.
God...I love suits too much.
Gotta dream 9 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
If you don't forwards this post to 10 of your friends within the next ten minutes she will be crawling into your bed at night for the next 7 years.
Spongebob Paused Faces comp 21 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Let's never do that again, ok?
This tree looks like it's melting 5 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Salvador datree ;)
Sorry for the bad pun.