They just don't write comedies like this anymore 9 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
If there's something strange in your neighborhood
Check your shoes before wearing them 26 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
What a cutie!!
Cat returning home 6 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
In the last one the cat looks like it's saying " What?! I still fit!"
How to get blacklisted 11 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
And then there's that strange adult in the back of the class happily throwing up his middle fingers...
All fangirls...including me 9 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Marry them?? The both of them?? That's...
Actually, yeah, that's pretty accurate.
Caucasian shepherd dogs 28 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Are we sure those are NOT Direwolves?
The saddest cat I've ever seen... Sad all the time 7 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
That's my spot 5 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Yup, I would go Sheldon Cooper on that chair. That's MY spot.
They also won't bite you 23 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I saw a spider some months ago and thought about all the spider love posts here. I decided to let him live and help catch flies.
Just a few weeks ago I noticed another spider, that's fine, too, I thought. No problem. Then I saw another, and another and a-friggin-nother!
The bastard I let live populated my whole house with spiders and they were friggin every where! I went on a rampage.
Never again will I let one live in my house. The next one I see will die.
Every time 9 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
R.I.P Oberyn.... I was always rooting for you.
Really j. K. Rowling? 15 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
But " terrible things happen to wizards who meddle with time". Unless they use it for innocuous goals, like taking an extrra class, which honest to god I wish I could do as well.
How to Distinguish an American 7 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
*jealous boyfriend sniffs around girlfriend after she's been out for the night*
" I smell... I smell freedom om you!! Have you been seeing that american guy??!!"
Giraffes sleeping 14 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
They are so cute asleep!!!
Stop booping my nose, human 4 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
White with green eyes? That is one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen.
Wisdoms of the Great Danosaur. 9 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I'm still mourning firefly...
Way to go... 25 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
They recreated fires of Mordor in a pan. I think that's impressive.
Those eyes 19 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
That baby is what anime character eyes were based off of.
Dying names 35 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Berrycloth? Berry Cloth??? A cloth for your berries????
That's it. I'm naming my son Berrycloth and sending him to school in a small cloth that strategically covers only the bare minimum. He will have to explain that he is Berrycloth and is also wearing a berrycloth.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
The coolest cats around 15 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Give the first one a high top hat and a cup of earl grey, please. He's obviously a well-bred gentleman.
12 · Edited 9 years ago
Very impressive hedge art 5 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Even hedges have better hair than I do...
Nice tree? 4 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I can't help but feel uncomfortable about the first pic.. It looks like the tree is making sexy eyes at me...
It's natural 7 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
It's natural 7 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
This post is only an hr old, but somehow your comment was posted 11 hrs ago o.O
Confused photographer 4 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Push him Pengui!
lihea · 9 years ago
It has blue eyes? Let me have it, I must cuddle it right now!