Restroom signs 19 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Right... The original goes "Come Mr. tally man, tally me banana".
Restroom signs 19 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Are you asking me how the original goes?
Restroom signs 19 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Uhhh....Close I guess...
*when you stick your hand under the table and touch chewed gum* 19 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
This GIF makes me nauseous...
*me trying to flirt* 1 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Hands down the creepiest part of the entire film.
The mighty wolf! 12 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Am I right? 11 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
*nods in agreement*
One can't be without the other.
A cat wandered onto a miniature village 8 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Imagine giant kitty's. We'd try to go to work but can't because the road is blocked by a lazy giant who just wants some sun and we're too little to make it move...
Then if we pester it too long it'll kill us and take our dead body and present it to someone...
Nope. No giant kitty's for me.
Captain Hangover 6 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I never realised untill now how incredibly similar hangovers and migraines are...
Take away the diarhea (which I honestly never had from a hang-over, but ok) migraines have all the same crippling side effects of a hangover, but without real control in preventing them...
Yayyy, migraines....
7 · Edited 9 years ago
Plz don't 9 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
But Miyamoto Sensei! It's...It's... out of love....? I think...?
I love you, Arina. (Yes I named my computer fight me about it) 8 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
*Dido singing*
"I will go down with this ship. I won't put my hands up and surrender."
je suis excité - the frenchies will get it 7 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Oh god. And this is why people should work on their vocabulary.
Clearly marge had an affair 9 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Did he tattoo his OTP on his inner thigh???
Kids and their amounts 22 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
It's weird... When I look at misha I have 2 competing thoughts: one where I wish he WAS my dad when I was growing up, then another where I wish he'd be my (as of yet unborn) kids dad...
Tree was not giving up 12 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
This is the best opportunity you'll ever have to make a hobbit hole. Seize it!!!
Restroom signs 19 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Yes, but more importantly:
DAY! Misadaymisadaymisadaaaaaaaay yo. Daylight come an me wan go home.
5 · Edited 9 years ago
Restroom signs 19 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Ay yo! Aaaaaaaay yo.... Daylight come and me wan go home.
Restroom signs 19 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Concept plane design and all I want is wider seats with more space for my legs 21 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Yeah Chicago to Tokyo was also longer if you count the stops.
But usually you have to transfer during those stops. I had 1 transfer during my flight somewhere half way through. That means I have 5 hrs to get out of my travelling clothes, into the pool, out of the pool, back into travelling clothes, blowdry my hair, which takes for friggin ever, grab something to eat, get my stuff ready again...
All this to say: not worth it to me... Just give me more comfy seats and a bigger screen.
Pssttt.... Wanna buy some drugs? 9 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I had to check out the comments to see what was hiding in his sleeve. I didn't recognize it and thought he had a teabag in it or something!
One very interesting looking shot 10 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
That looks less like a shot and more like a hangover to me.
Concept plane design and all I want is wider seats with more space for my legs 21 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Where the hell it is flying to that you need all of that? The longest I've ever been in a plane was from Chicago to Tokyo and even that was only about 11 hrs...
more tumblr for your enjoyment 12 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
That last one had me lolling. I have to be honest.
Ever felt the same? 4 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Yup. I pick up a book when I feel like that.
Just your typical Aussie beer ad... 12 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Wow thanks! It's amazing... All this info was encoded in speech and I got none of it... Yet, I thought I spoke English..