I guess that's one way to be remembered 17 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Even Joffrey had the decency not to steal from the sick.
Only use banana for scale 9 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Why not both?
I forgot D: 10 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I was very, very sick one day, and decided to play pokemon. I laid in bed playing pokemon on and off for 5/6 hrs then I shut off the game. WITHOUT SAVING!
I've never felt so destroyed in my life.
Damn girl 3 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Someone save the dog!! It's about to be crushed by a desk!
The only child Halloween costumes that matter. 5 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Both look totally underwhelmed with their costumes :(
"Do you know why I pulled you over, sir?" 10 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Little guy looks so innocent and adorable!!!!!
How freshmen should be greeted on their first day of high school 15 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Thank you. My name is Crowley. You'd do well to remember it.
I'm f**ked 12 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Maybe if you feel the need to force your SO to do anything it's a sign that the relationship isn't working out.
The simplest workout for your entire body 20 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I do 30 second planks and by the last 5 seconds i always think that this is it, these are my last few moments on earth and there's just no way I'll recover from the torture.
Whoever does friggin 45 second planks has my eternal respect.
ooh dang whoops 6 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
It was a jokeyjokejoke.
ooh dang whoops 6 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Ok, not to sound like a fashion snob...but seriously? A blue hoody under a black velvet jacket? I thought Kanye loved himself more than that.
When you have a gamer boyfriend 2 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I'm very serious about my pokemon, so I can relate.
Likely outcomes of owning a lightsaber 9 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Stop taking limbs illjusthavewater. It's very rude.
Likely outcomes of owning a lightsaber 9 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Also, hedge trimming just got epic!
I know that feel, sherlock 2 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
You said it, Sherlock.
Now where's my gun? I have a wall to shoot.
I sometimes think of this 4 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Keep on believing in yourself!
I recently moved out on my own and this sums up my experience so far 2 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Then, and only then do you start to understand why the lights should be turned off when you're not in the room and why sometimes it's just better to grab a big-ass sweater then to crank up the heater until you're as comfy as you would be on a island in Fiji.
It's the same answer your parents gave you when you did it at their house: You don't have damn Fiji island money :(
The real success 18 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
First you have to breed them to be able to survive through extremely cold winters. Else you'll be stuck shipping mosquitoes every summer.
This has to be the greatest politics idea ever 7 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
If politicians were forced to pay money every time they lie, national debt would be cleared up in a matter of months.
80HD 3 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Everyone knows 80 HD is the worst HD to have!
Spoopy 3 - The Respoopening 2 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
The life of an over-sharer... I can relate on such a deep level, I probably should not share it with people.
How could you mess up so much! 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
But....BUt!!! Washing clothes starts with WATER!!!! How? Just... how??!!
When Your Parents Don't Turn On The Heat 2 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Me inside my apartment when I try to lower my utility bills...
same 5 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
He's not afraid to share how he really feels about selfies.
Supertrees, singapore 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Please let me live there.
I have 10$ and a half eaten pack of oreos.