I would wear it if they are made for adults too 10 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Yeah, ok, they look like confused little flowers, and like me they must be asking themselves "why did you do this to us??!!"
with all the communist posts 3 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Disney princesses as hot dogs 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
A+ for best use of condiments I hve ever seen.
Nom 3 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
'Xcuse me, I'm eating here! Nom, nom, nom, nomnomnom.
On my way to train 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
A rare image of Goku in training!!
And they never fixed this problem 6 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
The only thing that has stopped me from throwing my laptop against the wall in frustration from this is the fact that I can't afford to buy another.
This is almost like saying "Happy 2016th Birthday America" on the 4th of July 9 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
No day without night...
Puns 5 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
It should be read as "red" not as "reed", just to clarify :P
Puns 5 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
This is the best post I read today!
with all the communist posts 3 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
It's like they're saying that having minor socialistic ideas implemented in governing will automatically lead to full dictatorship. That's like saying smoking 1 joint will without fail lead to you becoming a crack addict. It's an ridiculous exaggeration.
Canada has free health care, for example, and they haven't turned into a dicatorship. Finland has both free health-care and free college, and they're still free as well.
Just implementing sensible socialistic ideas is, well, sensible. And there's absolutely no reason to assume that other laws will be implemented that will be unreasonable and take away freedom from the people.
Possibly the most amazing house ever 7 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Customer: But is it Zombie Apocalypse ready?
Salesman: *hand over an aerial shot* You betcha! What do you take me for?
Holding back the floodwaters in Austria with a mobile flood wall system 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I would not sleep well on the dry side of that wall....
That's one big head 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
The best guy to sit next to when taking a test, the worst guy to sit behind in a movie theater.
Paused the movie at an inappropriate time 14 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Let them do as they will. Consider it GoT if you must.
Paused the movie at an inappropriate time 14 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Would you have said the same thing if they both were Elves??
This is how real pizza looks like in South Italy 24 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I just realized, when you ask people what their favorite cuisine is, very few people say Italian, but when you ask them specifically what their favorite food is you hear pizza and pasta more often than not...
There was no point to this comment. Sorry for wasting your time with my brain farts.
Friendship 19 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I wonder how religious relations in India are now. Are there any Indians on FS who could say something about it?
I remember seeing "Amar, Akhbar, Anthony" as a kid a realising muuuch later that it was also a statement that India was a country of different religions that are not enemies to eachother, but brothers. I thought it was a very lovely light-hearted way to bring attention to this subject and promote love amongst different religions. I have always wondered if this lovingly accpeting a difference in religion has roots in Indian society, or if the movie was made to influence Indian society so it would become more accepting.
Indian-side of FS please answer if you can!!
Paused the movie at an inappropriate time 14 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I say if Elves and Orks can bury the hatchett and learn to love eachother (even this thoroughly), then we're a bit closer to a kind world.
So nevermind if they need a room or not. Their message needs to spread like wildfire!!
Paused the movie at an inappropriate time 14 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Love is love guys! Leave them alone!
Smart Kitty 2 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Smart kitty, bright kitty,
clever ball of furr.
Witty kitty, brainy kitty,
learn, learn, learn.
10 · Edited 8 years ago
rawr :3 60 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
When you like someone too much and get a bit over enthousiastic.
Thysanostoma jelly and friends 3 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Whatever those black things swarming the jellyfish are, they look like the bees of the sea.
I wish it worked like that 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I second that. 7 days in my case though, and my schoolwork should be adjusted to allow me to miss one week a month.
Best friends 7 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
AWWW! Little kitten looks so content sitting there sheltered by the dog!
I usually dont listen to Miley Cyrus/ Ariana Grande but you people should check this out 6 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
They are so cute! I really like this :) I didn't know miley could sing this well!