You're normal 39 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
No, bipolar disorder is someone who has "hyper" episodes, which is sometimes followed by depressed episodes, but not always. They may even have months or years in between hyper and depressed episodes where they are just "normal".
The "hyper" episodes are what make the diagnoses of bipolar stick. Without the hyper episodes and just the depressive symptoms they will more likely be diagnosed with a depressive disorder.
The hyper eipsodes are incredibly debilitating. I've known a few people with bipolar and it may be one of the most difficult disorders to live with, not because of the depressive symptoms, which like I said before, aren't present in all people with bipolar, but because of the hyperactive episodes.
You're normal 39 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
So when your psy told you "you're a little depressed" it may mean something like you have some "core" symptoms of depression, but lack the ones necessary to call it a pathological problem. After all, being a bit down is part of being human, and there has to be a threshold that determines when something goes from being common among everybody to something that is a pathological disorder that requires extensive therapy.
Does what I wrote make sense to you?
You're normal 39 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I study psy, so off the bat I'll tell you I don't know everything, but there are somethings I do know. One of them is that certain disorders are known to have a spectrum, autism being the best known one.
That said, all disorders that are well researched have common symptoms and less common ones. Often they also have "core" symptoms. Symptoms without which the disorder will not be accepted as being pathological. Meaning, if you are just busy and don't pay attention often and like to move around a lot, that does not mean it is pathological, or in other words tied to ADHD. You could just be busy, with a lack of motivation and a lot of energy.
To consider it ADHD you have to have something like "hyperfocus", or something else off the "core" symptoms that would make it likely that this is MORE than just a busy kid.
So, the assumptions of psychologist is always that they are talking to someone without any pathological issues and to find IF there's prove against that.
Pearls in an oyster 19 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Cartoons have had far too much influence on the way I think and I didn't realize it until now. I always thought oysters would only have 1 pearl in them and that the pearl would just get bigger.... *hangs head down in shame*
*Ovaries and brain explode at the same time* 16 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I would push him off and scream "what the hell do you think you're doing??!!", as an almost instinctive reaction, then regret it every second of the rest of my life.
Simba....remember who you are 3 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
As soon as I saw this picture the intro to The Lion King started playing in my mind.
I think it's clear now. In 50 yrs from now I will still sing "AAAAAAHHHH so whenyaaaa!!!" And instead of people understanding me, they will wonder what psychological condition I have.
And that, kids, is how the people that chase buses screaming weird things are made.
You are mine forever 2 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Ash doesn't know how to seperate work and pleasure.
Chicken seizure salad 3 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Shaken, not stirred?
I laughed too hard at this 2 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
This actor has the worst case of "Everytime-I-See-His-Mug-I-Wanna-Punch-Him-Square-In-The-Face" face.
I feel bad for him. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but I crack my knuckles in anticipation, waiting for my opening to come, whenever I see his face.
· Edited 8 years ago
That way this cat sits is hilarious 7 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I think L has reincarnated in cat form.
Which game was it in your case? 40 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Quite a noticeable difference 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
It took me a minute to get what giraffes had to do with manscaping...
Patrick strikes again 6 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
No. It's Becky.
woah that is dedication 4 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
This is what people should be doing with fame. I would pay so much more attention to celebs if they did.
The lecture was about marriage 13 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Woah Prof! Leave your opinions at the door and let's only bring scientifically proven facts across the threshold. Thanks!
This college sign demands an explanation 7 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I'm thinking a scene like "potato girl" from AoT happened. Someone munched on them agressively while looking at the librarian defiantly.
7 · Edited 8 years ago
Who says art history class is useless? 1 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I like Rafiki best. He's my favorite artist.
Nothing to say here 17 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
No wonder it tastes foul.
Fox Sanctury in Japan :3 6 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Are those black foxes??? I never knew those existed!
Mmmmmmm..... Penguin bacon 1 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
D'aww! Even in bacon form the huddle together for protection.
They need to feel the bern 6 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
So then the 1% has all the resources to themselves and can now multiply massively and we have no way to stop them??!!!
And just when you thought Japan couldn't get any weirder.... 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
That's what they get for trying to suck out your intestines through your anus.
I love Japanese mythology.
That went exactly where I thought it would 10 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I'm kinda scared of 2017 because 2+0+1+7= 10. The exact number of murders I've commited had I not let that 1 homeless guy go...
And just when you thought Japan couldn't get any weirder.... 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
BUT, supposedly, Kappas are also obsessed with politeness, and have a little dip on top of their head that's filled with water. If this area loses the water normally in it, the Kappa will die if it doesn't get to water quickly.
Combine this with their obsession with politeness and what you get is a creature that, if you bow deeply to, he will follow your example and basically nearly kill itself as a result.
Where to start... How about the chop sticks? 1 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I don't care under what cuisine this falls, I just know I need it. All of it. Including the chop sticks.