I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
You do understand that there is a difference between CLINICAL psychology and Psychological research?
While the research uses empirical methods to determine psychological processes, the treatment of these findings are still often evidence based. In other words, people are using different theories for treatment. There is quite a bit of debate over which treatment methods are the best. This however does not mean the the recorded phenomena as observed and tested, and re-tested by scientist are not "scientific". The research is absolutely scientific, and the conclusions drawn from them are as well. How people choose to handle and "solve" the issues is another matter completely.
Please learn the difference between clinical psychology and psychological research, like the experiments I've mentioned earlier.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Your statement makes very little sense. Do you understand that psychological theory is derived from psychological experiments, which has been widely regarded by scientists the world over as a bonafide empirical science?
Do you mind explaining why exactly you disagree with incredibly well educated and experienced scientists on this point?
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
You don't understand science as a whole if you can say that.
EVERY form of science has "reinvented" itself. That is the POINT of science. To research based on the latest discoveries and research methods, and I can guarantee you there is not a single branch of science exempt from that.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I can only assume psychology is not very well understood by you either, Korozco.
You're right on one thing; it isn't an exact science. Then again, neither is Neuro Science, for exemple. But most Neuro scientists I know are psychology majors. Why is that? Because when it comes to empirically studying the human mind, including the biological processes involved, next to the social processes, a psychology masters provides one of the best pre-electives available.
Neuroscientist often use the same experimental designs as "purely" psychologica researchers do. Although in practice they both do close to the same thing and the lines between each science is very unclear. I'm telling you this so you can understand that the lines you're drawing are arbitrary and, most of all, not founded in any understanding of either of these fields.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
The results I have spoken of are, as always, done using empirical methods, well researched and replicated over large number of different groups and have consistently produced the SAME results. In Asia, in North America, in Europe, no matter where these studies are done, they produce the SAME results.
You can say you don't want to believe it, and that's your right, but scientifically these are well established FACTS.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Then you don't understand the way psychological studies are done. It IS a science, because it uses empirical research methods.
· Edited 8 years ago
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
The above example is literally from a study were a group of scientist had 2 perfect healthy students work with eachother on a project, when one was told tbefore hand that he other had a mental disorder the way they treated them chnged significantly.
They same has been found when dealing with women, minorities and older people.
The MOST EFFECTIVE WAY to combat stereotyping and discrimination has scientifically been proven to be consistantly seeing the marginalised group in counter-stereotypical behaviour and roles. Unfortunately that is hard to put into practise because stereotypes continue to keep marginalised groups OUT of those roles.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Ok, from a psychological perspective I've got this to add:
Firstly let me say that discrimination is real, and it happens everyday. This is the 1st thing we learn in social psy in our first year. The 2nd thing we learn is that one of the things perpetuating the discrimination is that people that are discriminated against (whether because of sex, race, religion or age) are "type casted" they are offered certain roles in social settings, certain jobs in bussiness settings and so on. They are often subtly discouraged from behaviours and roles that oppose the stereotype. For example; if I told you you had to do a school assignment with someone who was diagnosed with a mental disorder, how would you react? Would you be afraid? Thread lightly around them in order not to "trigger" anything? Would you expect them to be less intelligent and do more work yourself? If you are like the majority of people, the answer would be "yes" to all counts. Eventhough it is not warrented.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I study psy. I'm only telling you this because a large part of a psy students curriculum is statistics. I work with statistics almost everyday and understand it quite well.
Take a selection of the best performing students in your highschool, hell, take a 160 of the best performing students in your state, the chances of there not being even a single non-caucasian amongst them is very small.
Now in a comparatively small community like the acting community, the chances of selecting someone non-caucasian should be HIGHER, not lower. Still, at the oscars we see the exact opposite. Why is that??
1 · Edited 8 years ago
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
@ Novelus.
Firstly, you asume I'm not white? This isn't a matter of us vs them, or you vs me.
Secondly, look at the dates you qouted. Apart from the song, none of them are from the last 2 years.
All I'm saying is that I find it odd that so few non-caucasians have been nominated in these past few years. Have there really only been good acting performances by caucasians? To be honest I really doubt that.
· Edited 8 years ago
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Once in a while being key here. If it happened once, yeah sure, that can happen, but 2 years in a row? There are around 24 awards each year, and 4 nominees for each of them, but for 2 years in a row there hasn't even a single nominee that isn't caucasian.
That's a 160 filled seats without even a single non-caucasian nominee. That doesn't smell fishy to you?
Tiny snake friend 21 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
He looks like he's trying to hide underneath his own rolled up tail! Awww!!
Water Pipes Burst Underneath a Basketball Court 10 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Salvador Dali is breathing heavily in the afterlife.
I wanna live in Amsterdam but also in Rome but also in Madrid but whatever 13 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Tokyo. I lived in Fussa and 20 min one way and I'd be in downtown Tokyo, 20 min the onther way I'd be in a quaint mountain village/city, with beautiful nature and parks! And there is also a bay about 30/40 min away! Only problem is you need to have a very, VERY well paying job to live comfortably in Tokyo, not that groceries are expensive, but rent is astronomical.
Needed to be said 14 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Ahhh, now I get it! I kinda wanna watch it again, just to pay more attention to Azula this time 'round :)
Donut icecream cones 23 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I might actuallly eat the cone if you gave me one of these.
Preacher 12 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Ash would know.
A true bromance 2 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
If I had money this is the sort of thing I'd do with it. I wouldn't buy huge houses and dozens of cars, but buy weird billboards and funny personals in newpapers.
Needed to be said 14 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I'm with you on the first two, but what's the appeal in Azula?
That's really...dumb 6 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I have 2 small beautymarks on the center of my cheek, one about 1 cm directly under the other. When I was 12 people were gossiping that my beautymarks were fake, and when I rubbed them to prove they weren't fake, the gossip changed to my beautymarks having been tattoo'd on. I was 12... No one will tattoo a 12 yr old on her face.
Squad goal? 7 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Oh, and I call dips on joining. I play a mean triangle.
Squad goal? 7 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
This isn't a gang, it's the bremen town musicians.
Tadpoles swimming under lily pads 7 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Sometimes I wish I were a mermaid.
No one will ever have as good a hair day as this horse 11 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Daenerys; the unsung; queen of the pasture; mother of ponies.
Microfiction 10 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
So what? She put anthrax in the valentines day cards?