About time 10 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
I'm not attacking you, catfluff, all I'm saying is that we're not talking about leaving the classroom earlier at all. We're talking about using the last 20 seconds of class to pack your books and pens.
To say that packing books and pens 20 seconds before class ends leads to children walking out of class 30 minutes early seems illogical to me....
Lets not forget the time Shepard Smith was certain Florida was dead.....And your children 4 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
Lmao!!! Never seen such a bitter weatherman!
Find happiness 5 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
Happier still with a little forest fire, if you know what I mean ;)
oof 3 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
Wait, Russian whats?!? Is the N-word now being used as you would use "dudes"? The evolution of language can be mind boggling sometimes...
Better behaved than most people 6 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
I love this caatttt!!!!
About time 10 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
It's a bit of an exaggeration to assume that using the last 20 seconds of a class to put away your books and writing utensils will inevitably lead to, or justify, physically leaving the classroom 30 minutes early...
No one is talking about leaving the class early, so this reasoning doesn't seem to follow a logical course.
As a 90s kid I can't remember 8 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
Right?! Who actually did that?
About time 10 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
Are there any teachers here? Can you tell us why these last 20 seconds are so crucial?
"hooman..? where is my mr. kitten? " 3 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
Those eyes!!! So cute!!!
So that’s how 3 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
Sometimes those dearest to you hurt you the most...
Crazy wound makeup 6 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
Properly gross. I like it.
Wreiched 56 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
I was visiting a U.S military base once, and apparently they had the tradition of playing the national anthem over the thousands of speakers spread through out the compound. I'm European, so when I heard the national anthem being played, I thought it was odd for some random time in the afternoon, but didn't think much more of it and went about my business.
It wasn't long before I noticed everyone had stood still with their hands on their hearts and their eyes shooting daggers at me for casually walking by... Oops... :O
“As I understood...” = I have no clue what’s going on 4 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
"I'm afraid that doesn't fall under my department."
"That's not a project I am/was assigned to."
Why... Why?? 16 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
With extra room so the owner's ego can fit through the door as well.
Such a bad idea 10 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
Thanks for the reply guys! Now it makes a bit more sense!
The redness stays for days! I thought it was a temporary thing that disappeared after a few hours. The issue here is not whether or not she will have a tan, but rather that she'll look like she has been bitten by some strange cluster of insects for several days!
Thanks for helping me understand!
Such a bad idea 10 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
Ok, Funsubstance, I need your help.
I am not white. I am telling your this because I honestly don't know what will happen to white skin after it's gotten this red. Will she become brown/tan in the red spots? Will she just become even brown all through out? Will the tan be so subtle you can't even tell?
PLEASE, I need to understand the significance of this, I've wanted to know all my life!!!!
This happen to anyone else? (Sorry this isn't "fun") 15 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
Maybe it's also OK for ppl not to be as perfect as you imagined. It can be liberating to accept ppl for all their flaws and love them anyway. (Granted, of course, those flaws aren't harming you or others!)
Some people like to celebrate flag day pretty seriously 12 comments
lihea · 5 years ago
I am not white. I'm telling you this because it means my skin doesn't get sunburns and whenever I see a picture like this I wonder if the redness becomes a tan? Will he get brown in the red spots and then have a flag tan?
Someone pls answer... I've wanted to know what happens to the redness all my life...
Holy moly 11 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
This picture has shown me yet another drawback to facial tattoos.
Once you start going bald facial tattoos make it very clear where your former hairline was....
That's how you do it 4 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
Now I know why my dog always wants more 4 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
So we're dope dealers to dogs?
Well..At least he did something 7 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
What a life this man has lead!!!
This dog hugged everyone who walked by outside in Japan 6 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
She's so tiny!! I honestly thought it was a child until I saw her heels!
Who wore it better? 3 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
Why is she so orange?!