Understanding the woman 11 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Sometimes manufacturers use a large stitch to temporarily sew the pocket shut. I believe it has something to do with keeping the shape of the garment intact during shipping. You are meant to cut these pockets open. The stitches will be loose and you can easily cut even one string and the whole stitch will come out.
So if you see a pocket that has been sewn shut, but has a pocket "pouch" on the inside, it's probably just a protective stitch and there is an actual usable pocket in the garment!
Halloween Help 21 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
The avengers?
Including the Van 4 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Including the villains
Best of both worlds 3 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Sometimes it feels like the universe itself is a weird dnd campaign and some players are just trying to test their limits, and the DM is very forgiving...
Purple cum! 74 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Grey apple and ginger juice?
I think I may have gone bad and someone needs to throw me out...
Hon hon baguette 7 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Oui, oui, mi gusta le croissant!
Come get your damn child!!! 4 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
people with genitals shaped like sausage and eggs?
How lucky 4 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
The rapture was real for this girl.
Come get your damn child!!! 4 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Boys should be held accountable for their actions, like all other humans, and not be excused from responsibility for the sake of having genitals in the shape of a sausage and eggs.
Omg take me bacccck 11 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I was the shortest in my class and had asthma...
Who is going to be ? 43 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I saw The Good Place last. I'm not sure which one of the crew I saw last, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter. I'm thoroughly screwed...
The feels bar is open tonight, let your confession be heard by strangers to get a good 4 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a hard time getting a social network going in this new place!
I have moved around to different countries a lot and have picked up a few ways of building relationships along the way. Even though I have also found some countries and my personality don't really mesh, and I may not make many friends in countries like that, I usually end up with at least a few.
What I usually do is try to become socially active in group activities. Perhaps it's a sports club, or a chess club, or a dnd group, or a dance group. Whatever peaks my interest at that point in time. It introduces you to a group of people quite quickly and it's easier for me to be social when there's a common activity we're all involved in.
Maybe give it a try and see if it helps?
I hope things start feeling better for you soon!
Savage 4 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Whether someone is attractive or not, overweight or not, to reply to news of their suicide by mocking them is disgusting, tbh...
Gorilla does a funny human gesture 2 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Ishmael? Is that you?
Thanks man 5 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
In Norway the kill date of salmon is listed on the package and I think that's great. It allows me to choose the freshest salmon and it's amazing they get it from kill date to store in sometimes as little as 3 days!
The struggle is real 3 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Study that investigated cat's object permanence and concluded they do have it.
It makes sense, because no animal that hunts would be able to survive without object permanence.
Not Very Fun, But Important Nonetheless 15 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I would be surprised if there are not already kimono inspired lingerie items, what the real outrage here is, is that Kim K wants to trademark "Kimono".
That word does not belong to her and she should not delude herself into thinking that she has right to ownership of it.
Precious boi 1 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
He is so damn adorable!! Look at those big eyes!!
They can kill you in sleep 12 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
When I see these kinds of posts I often feel like they are written by people who just don't understand the differences between cats and dogs. Just because they are both 4 legged pets, doesn't mean they are the same or enjoy the same treatment.
If you just spend 5 minutes googling "things to know about cats" you will quickly learn why some might not like their tummy's rubbed, or why and when cats get over stimulated.
They are both great animals to have around IF you know how to treat them. :)
Better shave than sorry 3 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Glossing over a shiny head with a little plane shaped spot of hair, did that guy just use a machete to give a kid a haircut?!?!
If it looks stupid, but it works, it ain't stupid 3 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
It's all right up until the doorbell rings and she stands to go open the door...
It's cool and creepy at the same time 9 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Bull. I know a bloodbender when I see it.
Cake fail 5 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I recently had a dream where a male friend of mine (someone I don't actually know irl) came up to me and was super proud of his false (wearable) fox ears and tail he had bought.
I took a look at them and said; Those are not fox ears & tail, those are the raccoon ears and tail from super mario 3.
He got so upset with me he broke off our friendship...
6 · Edited 4 years ago
Uhoh 9 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
My point was only that the joke was super effective on me because i'm dyslexic. I was just making a joke though, so...
I would love to see Ethan Hunt kill that little girls ass! 9 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Yeah, but someone in their 20's beating up someone near 60 seems a bit unfair?