YES. Let's do this. 54 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
@ purplepumpkin
I use resin for it. I have silicone molds that I pour resin in, and i am going to be using a variety of materials for color and inclusions. I have found a shop that sells crushed gemstones which I will use to give it a more crystal look, and I have ultra fine glitter (basically glitter powder!) which I can use to give it a subtle sparkle (think starry skies rather than disco fest :P)
I have purchased a lot of other stuff, but i'm waiting for it to come in the mail. I'm SO EXCITED!!
@ Savage
I will post it! My very first dice was a tester that I didn't use color, gem dust, or glitter in. It is pure colorless resin. I just wanted to see if I could create the conditions necessary to allow resin to cure properly. Resin is very fickle and may not cure clear or hard for any of 999 reasons.
I was able to get it to cure hard, but not crystal clear. It's ok, because I have a good idea why it didn't get clear. And I still love my baby dice!!
I will post it soon!!
Why 21 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I hadn't noticed before and now I can't look at this pic anymore!!!
YES. Let's do this. 54 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I have started a new hobby! I am making polyhedral dice sets!!! I've wanted to for many months and I have finally purchased all the things necessary for it and cast my VERY 1st DICE!!!
I can't believe how happy it makes me! It's kinda silly how happy making dice makes me, but then again, it does! *shrug*
Why 21 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Being Poor adds up and charges interest 17 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
You know what really grinds my gears? In most countries renting is MORE expensive than monthly mortgage payments. And we're not talking 100$ more either. It is sometimes up to 500$ more expensive to rent than it is to buy.
WHY is it that people who have been renting, for say, 10 years and have never been late are rejected for a mortgage because the earn too "little"?
If they can spend 500$ MORE on rent, consistently and without fail, then they CERTAINLY can afford to pay rent and maintenance costs on a house. Monthly maintenance does NOT cost 500$ a month. Not even close.
Not edgy or anything 14 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Sometimes you have to take care of yourself first, no matter how much it hurts to not be able to help someone else.
Blep 4 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
They misspelled "absolute treasure of a cat".
CHONK 2 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I wanna see my special boy!
Here he comes!
I wanna see my special boy!
Its the small things that can matter the most 13 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
When I was in high school I had saved about 25 euro's to buy a very pretty, fancy calendar book for school. On my way to the store to buy it I ran into a lady with a girl a few years younger than I. She was begging for money and she and her daughter looked down on their luck, dressed in old, ill fitting clothes.
I thought to myself I would rather help them have dinner than get an expensive calendar book. A simple one would do the job just as well and if my money can help these people then it's money better spent. So I gave them all I could and bought a simple calendar book instead.
Later that afternoon I saw her daughter step onto the same bus as me, wearing different clothing, carrying the expensive calendar book I was going to buy!!!! I felt gutted.
After that I stopped giving money. But after reading this post I'm going to change back. That dad was right. Lying about your situation says something about your character, not helping when you can says something about mine.
Still waiting for she name. 4 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
It's likely their 2nd language, so you made an account to just be a douche...
Just wanted to show everyone my new puppy 9 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
No. This is my puppy now.
Happy holidays! 8 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I'm 28 weeks late, but I just want to mention that the babies are depicted as being able to stand on their own, and one of them has managed to get a six pack on his back. Hence forth known as a six back.
These are the real miracles if you ask me.
Baby Zebra Born With Spots Instead Of Stripes 4 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Were there also deer in this enclosure? Just checking...
These brothers have been separated for 3 years! 4 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
As happy as the lady in the background?
That is all 3 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I'm glad someone finally said it.
I've never agreed with anything more in my whole life 4 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Also there should be a "fast lane" running the entire length of the airport so that families of 10 who like to spread out and and then stop to talk for 5 minutes about where they should go next, are kept separate from those of us who know where we're going and just want to get there without slowing down to guide our hand luggage through a human obstacle course.
End rant.
Cute boi 2 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
What kind of reptile is this?
Oh yis 2 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I hate how the media sensationalizes research and comes up with ridiculous headlines just to draw attention.
The ACTUAL research paper is called:
Gluteofemoral body fat as a determinant of metabolic health
I tried to post a link to the article but I can't... :'(
Give it a google, though.
Let's go 16 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Americans: Please tell me why "Damn" is impolite, but "Dang" which has the same use and meaning is not impolite?
A rare ‘Megabat’ regularly found in Filipino forests. 13 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Vampires confirmed.
Akhal Teke, one of the most beautiful horse breeds in the world 8 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Look, I know the photographer is trying to be clever and work with angles, but I know a unicorn when I see one.
More cats 7 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
The pampas cat looks fed up with everybody's shhii
Behold currently! You are entirely a star child! 7 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
I translated it into Latin an back:
Who is the world to me immediately roll carrots
It is not the sharpest tool in the shed so that they
His look was as the finger of a kind of brute, and his thumb, which was with the
Over the heads of the animals, "the" in front of him
As soon as he came and did not stop the flows is come, and the years of well,
Rules will hit the ground running
Since the sense of the life He is, it is not no fun
Brain pain, but he accepts the change on yourself
Only do so much to see
So what's the ways of the evil on the rear of the taking?
I never knew, if they do not
I never shine if you do not glow
Ah, now you are in all things, the star, get out of your sport, to go to play!
*Edit because I forgot to translate the start of the chorus, arguably the most important part!!
3 · Edited 4 years ago
A three-story flat flat 5 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Just imagine going on vacation and having to lug a suitcase up and down these stairs....
I have a f*ckin' beesechurger 5 comments
lihea · 4 years ago
Uhm, so you catch an intelligent creature and then force it to work while not paying it and pocketing the profits yourself?
This reminds of something.... Can't quite put my finger on it though...