Angry uneven Grouse 14 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm not saying I'm right or wrong, I'm just shedding some light on a topic you appeared to know little about.
Angry uneven Grouse 14 comments
· 5 years ago
This post was referencing Muslim traditions in Muslim countries, though and there they do have the skills.
This post was referencing Muslim traditions in Muslim countries, though and there they do have the skills.
Angry uneven Grouse 14 comments
· 5 years ago
And I'm telling you that they do. Some people will have another family member do it for them, but they don't hire somebody else to do it
Angry uneven Grouse 14 comments
· 5 years ago
Yes, I too am aware of what a butcher is. But, Muslims do it themselves during their holiday which is what I was referencing.
Angry uneven Grouse 14 comments
· 5 years ago
I just assumed it was in reference to their holiday that was coming up, not a sexual stereotype. And yeah other places eat goat meat, but usually they don't sacrifice the animal themselves.
Angry uneven Grouse 14 comments
· 5 years ago
Well yes, but actually no.Muslims have a holiday where they sacrifice a goat and have a feast with the animal. It's to represent when Abraham was told to sacrifice his son to show his devotion to God, but after seeing his willingness to do so, God sent a goat for him to sacrifice instead.
We used memes for vaccines and contraception, now is the time to also spread awareness 4 comments
· 5 years ago
No, I work in healthcare and know of doctors that have admitted to doing this. It's a common practice that shouldn't be happening.
We used memes for vaccines and contraception, now is the time to also spread awareness 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Karens aren't the only ones to blame. Doctors prescribe some antibiotics (like zpaks) just to make sick people feel like they did something, even when it isn't appropriate nor needed
Edited 5 years ago
Robot gets back at his bully 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Girl pick on boys they like. They don't usually continue to do it through high school, but they definitely do in elementary school.
Bully vs Tough Love 20 comments
· 6 years ago
I thought being compared to a vagina was a compliment? Interesting how you changed your views so quickly...
And no, I wasn't born with thick skin I had to toughen up when I realized that life isn't easy and you need to realize sometimes that you're a little bitch and toughen up. The post mentions skin color, yes, but it also mentions other things like being fat that you can control. So maybe before you decide to backlash and start an argument because you feel victimized and inadequate, realize not everybody is a sensitive little bitch like yourself and we don't all care about your safe space of whatever bullshit you want to call it. So go ahead and be the child that you are and continue to act superior when called a pussy then turn around and call me a cunt. I'm not going to change my opinion because being bullied and pointing out flaws are very different things and y'all need to stop making yourself a victim just because you can't the truth.
And no, I wasn't born with thick skin I had to toughen up when I realized that life isn't easy and you need to realize sometimes that you're a little bitch and toughen up. The post mentions skin color, yes, but it also mentions other things like being fat that you can control. So maybe before you decide to backlash and start an argument because you feel victimized and inadequate, realize not everybody is a sensitive little bitch like yourself and we don't all care about your safe space of whatever bullshit you want to call it. So go ahead and be the child that you are and continue to act superior when called a pussy then turn around and call me a cunt. I'm not going to change my opinion because being bullied and pointing out flaws are very different things and y'all need to stop making yourself a victim just because you can't the truth.
Bully vs Tough Love 20 comments
· 6 years ago
I seem to know it a bit better than you as the term doesn't even refer to a vagina but rather the term "pusillanimous." And, if you consider it such a priviledge, why do you feel the need to defend yourself against it? Say thank you and move on.
Again, there's a big difference between bullying and pointing out our flaws and if you can't handle somebody telling you you need to improve, then you need thicker skin.
Again, there's a big difference between bullying and pointing out our flaws and if you can't handle somebody telling you you need to improve, then you need thicker skin.
Bully vs Tough Love 20 comments
Bully vs Tough Love 20 comments
· 6 years ago
Your parents pointing out your flaws is not bullying. You're just a pussy and that's another one of your flaws.
Luxuriant bizarre remarkable Wombat 76 comments
· 6 years ago
A prescription doesn't guarantee anything. Your insurance doesn't have to cover it just because your doctor wrote it.
Time to do it again 2 comments
· 6 years ago
You want her to bite your dick off? SeemS unorthodoxed, but who am i to judge?
Make someone's day 4 comments
Something literally posted for sale on my local by sell trade 26 comments
· 6 years ago
Nah, I don't use Facebook. But the post says watertown. Its such a remote area that I get excited whenever I see anything about it anywhere.
Something literally posted for sale on my local by sell trade 26 comments
· 6 years ago
I just wanted to stop and I say I love that you're from Watertowinsh. I'm from lowvilleish.
A small amount of time in other communities can open your eyes to lots of things 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Their community isn't toxic, it's just not the same as this one. Here you can be a special snowflake and people applaud you. There, you are ridiculed for being said snowflake. If you can't handle it, don't go there.
You're f**ked anyways 11 comments
Marvel shower thoughts 12 comments
· 6 years ago
The answer to the mystique is a definite no, unless she could yeild it as mystique. Just because her outside changes doesn't mean her worthiness has.