Love the name 20 comments
· 9 years ago
when is this crazy shit going to end?? when will parents stop naming their kids by the directions of the sky, fruit, random stuff and football clubs?? like, i do know you're not doing it so the Lanesras, Nort Wests, Apples and other kids with atrocious names would feel special or whatever, you're doing it for you, for attention, to look cool in front of other parents or whatever. It's selfish as fuck. Can you please stop?
Makes sense to me 21 comments
· 9 years ago
ps: if u ever wanna destroy the world with sarcasm, i'm right here&ready to go. it seems like we'd make a good match.
Makes sense to me 21 comments
· 9 years ago
because 'beauty' is totally a natural concept and totally isn't a changeable imaginary construct made up by the society and fashion industry.
please apply cold water to the burn area 10 comments
· 9 years ago
i will never get this. it's bad enough to be forced to look at teenage boys being dressed like this because obviously you can't tell a teenage kid what is he supposed to wear. but to purposely dress babies like this even though they'd be perfectly content with anything else (that isn't horrible to see) ???
I, myself, play the piano... You? 114 comments
· 9 years ago
some of us are really lousy at playing even after several years of 'practicing'... in short, this shoutout seems kinda undeserved, for me at least :B
Makes sense to me 21 comments
· 9 years ago
that depends on whether we're talking strictly makeup as in bb cream and mascara or we're talking all the shit people who do beauty pageants pay for to look better. that is one crazy ass long list full of insanely unhealthy things that could easily be compared to steroid abuse.
as for unfair advantage vs physical damage, well... i really do hope the latter is considered more important in this touchy-feely, all-around-concerned, bio/vegan/superhealthy world.
as for unfair advantage vs physical damage, well... i really do hope the latter is considered more important in this touchy-feely, all-around-concerned, bio/vegan/superhealthy world.
Being in bed 15 comments
· 9 years ago
i honestly did not need you to tell me that because, well, i spend 80% of my conscious time studying, worrying about studying, being annoywed by everything and asking myself why don't i have any friends. Might I be lonely, what an interesting question.
Edited 9 years ago
So many people do it 42 comments
· 9 years ago
okay just one thing, how come have you not come across any facial or oral microflora?? my textbooks say even demodex folliculorum is a part of normal facial skin flora. pretty wild, isn't it? and then there's various adults i've seen with my own two eyes who have been colonised by pseudomonas aeruginosa (those were skin lesions, nails etc, not mouth) and shit so, well, i am kinda terrified of all this bacteria people pick up in the long years of their lives and i would, were i a parent, like to keep the transfer of these crawly things onto my kids to minimum.
So many people do it 42 comments
· 9 years ago
oh god no don't argue with me, i'm an expert. sort of. gonna-be. anyways, point is, oral microflora in adults and the one in children are two different things. additional thing of importance being kids have yet to fully develop their immune systems so it's better to, ehm, not to shove adult bacteria in them before they're ready. it goes both ways, ofc. kids can have colonies of strep in their noses and it doesn't causes them any harm (mostly) while it can put a sucepptible adult in bed with a pneumonia.
finally, unrelated to microbiology, doesn't it get awkward if you have this habit of kissing your kids on the mouth, like, at what age is it the time to stop? don't booth parties feel weird when they don't want to do it anymore but sort of feel obligated to because it's "a habit"? like, why would you get into that when you can solve everything by kissing your kids on the rest of their face/head? they do have loads of surface there for you to land your loving parental smoochies.
finally, unrelated to microbiology, doesn't it get awkward if you have this habit of kissing your kids on the mouth, like, at what age is it the time to stop? don't booth parties feel weird when they don't want to do it anymore but sort of feel obligated to because it's "a habit"? like, why would you get into that when you can solve everything by kissing your kids on the rest of their face/head? they do have loads of surface there for you to land your loving parental smoochies.
So many people do it 42 comments
· 9 years ago
my only problem with this is hygiene. do you have any clue what a variety of bacteria does a regular adult carry in their mouth? those parents who kiss their kids on the mouth obviously don't. :P
Except for war horse. I like war horse. 12 comments
Aliens on earth 22 comments
Not sure if this is despair or acceptance 7 comments
... 'cause you annoying af 5 comments
I mean... I don't know what to feel about my country now 18 comments
· 9 years ago
let's just all feel weird about the USA and their flag-obsession thing.
Another reason not to re-use 11 comments
· 9 years ago
those are injection needles and if you need reasons like these to consider to stop re-using them, you've got fucking problems coming your way. even worse problems, if we're talking about iv drug use.
actually, nvm, everything about this post is terrifying, i'm out.
Edited 9 years ago
actually, nvm, everything about this post is terrifying, i'm out.
True dat 3 comments
· 9 years ago
i'm pretty sure there are other more important things one should belooking for in a potential spouse. but then, i guess it depends on how much you value quick laundry room sex. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I dont know 17 comments
· 9 years ago
yo, @deleted & @envius, let me thank you and give you cookies because i'm so fucking happy i'm not the only person who recognizes rotten douchebro logic (@envius, you've worded your comment so beautifully, i'm laughing here, A+ shit mate) :D
@smbadat, i need your help, please give me some contact i can reach you at 24/7 so i can, from now on, check with you every time i want to discuss things that aren't specifically spelled out in a particular post. please hurry because there's this post about beef and i'm not sure if i'm allowed to mention cows in my comment since the word 'cow' isn't specifically written in the original post. there is a picture of a cow tho, do you think that counts? probably not, right?
Merry Christmas!
@smbadat, i need your help, please give me some contact i can reach you at 24/7 so i can, from now on, check with you every time i want to discuss things that aren't specifically spelled out in a particular post. please hurry because there's this post about beef and i'm not sure if i'm allowed to mention cows in my comment since the word 'cow' isn't specifically written in the original post. there is a picture of a cow tho, do you think that counts? probably not, right?
Merry Christmas!
Drugs are bad 60 comments
· 9 years ago
isn't it harder to believe that in our modern age of empathy, wealth and funny food-product names some people don't have ANY food to eat?
sort of shocks me more than your chipchocks frothy minties or whatever not being known and loved all around the world.
sort of shocks me more than your chipchocks frothy minties or whatever not being known and loved all around the world.
No eye contact 12 comments
· 9 years ago
if i were the gorilla looking up mid-chill to see a flock of these creepy fuckers, no way i wouldn't flip my shit
I dont know 17 comments
· 9 years ago
i did say i'm out but funsub notice system apparently disagrees and since i'm here... what in the honest shit are you saying, theonewhoshallnotb ? please check the dictionary before publicly displaying opinions. look under the letter c, for cheating.
and for god's sake, please stop fucking saying i missed the point because i most certainly did not. what in the fuck is this, other than an equality issue if you consider heterosexual sex cheating and lesbian sex not cheating ?? sex equals sex, you refuse to see that, ti's an equality issue.
and what sort of a fucking poor argument is 'they are not really talking about equality as such'? do they have to use the word 'equality' for me to be allowed to adress that issue?
are you fucking joking, mate?
and for god's sake, please stop fucking saying i missed the point because i most certainly did not. what in the fuck is this, other than an equality issue if you consider heterosexual sex cheating and lesbian sex not cheating ?? sex equals sex, you refuse to see that, ti's an equality issue.
and what sort of a fucking poor argument is 'they are not really talking about equality as such'? do they have to use the word 'equality' for me to be allowed to adress that issue?
are you fucking joking, mate?
I dont know 17 comments
· 9 years ago
which one of us did, guest or me? because i'm app 100,2% certain i did not miss any points. the point is in equality, right? two girls having sex, two boys having sex, a girl and a boy having sex, it's all cheating, right? it's all the same. it's all sex. except it's not viewed as the same, is it, now?
that's a rhetorical question. i'm out. there's been enough problematic shit going on around me these days.
that's a rhetorical question. i'm out. there's been enough problematic shit going on around me these days.
I dont know 17 comments
· 9 years ago
but you gotta love those hypocritical, double-standard-ed guys, right? two guys making out is gross, let's beat them and throw them out of a club. two girls, however, oh my, that's a show, the sole thought gives me a boner so i guess it isn't wrong or cheating or even real, it's entertainment.
it will never cease to amaze me how can a human being have their head shoved so far up their own rectum.
it will never cease to amaze me how can a human being have their head shoved so far up their own rectum.
I don't mind, they can dress their kids in whatever they like, it's not my place to tell them what to do because it's not my kids. there's no harm in it indeed... except aesthetical damage. :P
what? shaming people who dress their kids like this? how about shaming people for expressing opinions? we're either both guilty or both innocent, m8. :D