Congratulations, you played yourself. 81 comments
· 8 years ago
makes sense bc only creatures one deems 'cool' are allowed to live. makes me wonder how many million of people that makes ... unnecessary.
Brutal 18 comments
· 8 years ago
i think the issue is more on the side of men with overblown egos who write random girls if they wanna date them.
not saying she was right to get angry instantly but i can understand why she did.
not saying she was right to get angry instantly but i can understand why she did.
Brutal 18 comments
· 8 years ago
it would however help if he dropped that vital bit of information about wantint to buy the phone a tiny bit earlier tho. i mean, if i want a loaf of bread i don't start asking the person selling it if they've got a minute to talk.
Who you callin' "unmanly"? 10 comments
· 8 years ago
honestly getting ot pet that cat would be a good enough reason to consider dating him. :D
PTSDE 11 comments
Majestic subject 6 comments
I don't know why I am laughing this much 32 comments
· 8 years ago
i'm sorry, i thought a joke was something that made people laugh not something that made /some/ people laugh. based on that i kindly refuse to consider your first comment a joke.
I definitely do! 32 comments
· 8 years ago
with the state of economy and job market here? fucking hell i do. but then i think about people being born in countries where there's been nothing but war in the past 10 years and i realise i should be fucking grateful to have been born where i was.
Frozen is the first... 11 comments
It matters so much 5 comments
· 8 years ago
so the point of this post is that a man looks better in a slightly photoshopped movie promo still than he does 10 years older in a candid pic with flash?
i feel that scruff you call a beard is the least important difference between these photos. :P
i feel that scruff you call a beard is the least important difference between these photos. :P
Ant colony revealed 9 comments
· 8 years ago
imagine being an ant while they're pouring metal in your home and you've got nowhere to go D::::
Majestic subject 6 comments
I don't know why I am laughing this much 32 comments
· 8 years ago
@borutouzumakix ยท thank you! ( i got hte bit where it was referencing that saying but i didn't understand the punchline :P)
@annoyingnerd, you know, it made me sad, what you wrote. A bunch of people having such miserable lives that it makes them happier to see others confused about a joke than explaining that same joke and helping them understand it.
kinda just... tragic. my heart goes out to you, y'know? i'm sorry you have to be like that. truly. please give my heartfelt sympathies to whoever has to interact with you on daily basis.
@annoyingnerd, you know, it made me sad, what you wrote. A bunch of people having such miserable lives that it makes them happier to see others confused about a joke than explaining that same joke and helping them understand it.
kinda just... tragic. my heart goes out to you, y'know? i'm sorry you have to be like that. truly. please give my heartfelt sympathies to whoever has to interact with you on daily basis.
I don't know why I am laughing this much 32 comments
· 8 years ago
excuse me?
1) i am female
2) why shouldn't the point of this joke be posted so that more people can laugh and enjoy it?
1) i am female
2) why shouldn't the point of this joke be posted so that more people can laugh and enjoy it?
Deer has a basketball stuck in his antlers 5 comments
I don't know why I am laughing this much 32 comments
· 8 years ago
yea no i dont get it. thanks in advance to the merciful soul who decides to explain it.
Dad's new phone case 1 comments
· 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago
Who would come to yours? 22 comments
· 8 years ago
me, sitting in the middle of a room filled with grown men of various degrees of gayness talking, giggling and flirting with each other: \(OwO)/
Piers Morgan Roasts Kim Kardashian After She Posts Nude Selfie 36 comments
· 8 years ago
i think it's embarrasing because it seems like she's got no better thing to do. all that money and fame comes with influence. she could make a difference. she could support charities. she could fucking literarly do anything of note but instead the highlight of her existence are naked selfies. how is that not embarrasing?
Ryan gosling wgeb he notices the paparazzi 7 comments
· 8 years ago
dude looks better on these candid pics than i would if i posed for a week
Rihanna not taking shit from anyone 6 comments
· 8 years ago
why does my comment have downvotes? it's a pretty obvious quote from widely watched game of thrones. everybody calm down maybe?