Women's Magazines 4 comments
· 7 years ago
acctually it's more like 'why don't you feel awful for not loving yourself just as you are' followed immediatelly by 'care to look at the list of 14255,3 ways you are imperfect in and should definitelly change if you ever want to be loved in your life'
When animals have more more humanity than humans 14 comments
· 7 years ago
i tihnk the point is that the men wouldn't stop beating her if a literal fucking bunch of actual lions didn't come at them and scared them away.
Didn't know that 15 comments
What a nice woman 21 comments
· 7 years ago
you could say the same about saying 'youre the oldest person on earth' to one's own mother but i didn't see you complaining about that.
Survivor finds a home 9 comments
· 7 years ago
i am not sure if this is sarcastic but i'll go with optimism and assume it's not in which case: good on you bro, i'm glad. :)
Crippling dept 12 comments
· 7 years ago
i'm not an expert on kids but i kinda always had a feeling that 7 year olds should worry about playing and eating their veggies, not starting companies and paying future college fees.
What an amazing person 9 comments
not about the boobies 35 comments
· 7 years ago
it's not appropriate to joke about brain tumors but ... dude, ambertek. get a check-up.
not about the boobies 35 comments
· 7 years ago
@darthsagacious: if there was a way to make people hysterical about blood in their stool, we could dramatically reduce the mortality of colon cancer.
never underestimate the effect of a good old fashioned hysteria ;)
thing is, people tend to loooove to be hysterical about the wrong things. but i'd definitelly prefer the hysterical patients over those that have had bloody stool for a year and only decided to drop by at a hospital yesterday. there's lorazepam for hysteria. there's nothing for stage IV cancer. :/
never underestimate the effect of a good old fashioned hysteria ;)
thing is, people tend to loooove to be hysterical about the wrong things. but i'd definitelly prefer the hysterical patients over those that have had bloody stool for a year and only decided to drop by at a hospital yesterday. there's lorazepam for hysteria. there's nothing for stage IV cancer. :/
Sorry not sorry 13 comments
· 7 years ago
no one ever knows if anything o nthe internet really happened. i'm not getting onto anyone, i don't care nowehre nearly enough to have a personal firgt with anyone on here.
i just shared my opinion bc i thought it was relevant. can't everyone go 'lulz xD' y'know, some of us actually like to be the voice of responsibility and similar stuff. :S
i just shared my opinion bc i thought it was relevant. can't everyone go 'lulz xD' y'know, some of us actually like to be the voice of responsibility and similar stuff. :S
Is this how you get a job? 10 comments
· 7 years ago
probably bc the professionals have to answer for that they do and procedures like inserting a fucking whatever into a human body do carry certain risks.
y'know if medicine is so fucking easy mabye i should drop out of medschool and get a comfier less stressful and better paid job. let smartasses google stuff and do the doctoring. see what happens then.
y'know if medicine is so fucking easy mabye i should drop out of medschool and get a comfier less stressful and better paid job. let smartasses google stuff and do the doctoring. see what happens then.
Survivor finds a home 9 comments
· 7 years ago
you're all right. instead of applauding a person for doing a good deed, let's all just complain and whine and talk about our lost faith in humanity. that's bound to improove the world, innit.
besides, it's not about saving 10 horses. or a hundred. it's about saving the one you can save instead of turning your back on it and walk away bc 'the world is doomed anyway'. it's about recycling your own trash and teaching your own kids to be kind and gentle. it's about changing your own self for the better instead of letting the cynism float to the surface like a turd and shit all over, squealing about being unimpressed because these people didn't save a fucking fuckload of horses.
nobody cares about you being butthurt because you /lost your faith in humanity/ or whatnot. fuck have you done to restore it huh? how many fucking horses have /you/ saved?
Edited 7 years ago
besides, it's not about saving 10 horses. or a hundred. it's about saving the one you can save instead of turning your back on it and walk away bc 'the world is doomed anyway'. it's about recycling your own trash and teaching your own kids to be kind and gentle. it's about changing your own self for the better instead of letting the cynism float to the surface like a turd and shit all over, squealing about being unimpressed because these people didn't save a fucking fuckload of horses.
nobody cares about you being butthurt because you /lost your faith in humanity/ or whatnot. fuck have you done to restore it huh? how many fucking horses have /you/ saved?
What to do 11 comments
· 7 years ago
if you ingest e coli which is commonly found in water, polluted with feces, there's an incubation period of 1 to 4 days before the gastroenteritis&diarrhea starts. and diarrhea, as you prolly know, can get you killed due to dehydration in no time. meanwhile, a human should survive approximatelly 5 to 7 days without water.
so if i may correct your statement a bit: don't drink the fucking water. for all you know it might have shigella in it or cholera or e coli with the shiga toxin. that means dysentery and, provided medical help is not within a hand's reach, death after a pleasant time of shitting out your insides.
instead, try to eat something. food contains a lot of water. eating a pine cone is prolly a better solution than drinking suspicious water.
so if i may correct your statement a bit: don't drink the fucking water. for all you know it might have shigella in it or cholera or e coli with the shiga toxin. that means dysentery and, provided medical help is not within a hand's reach, death after a pleasant time of shitting out your insides.
instead, try to eat something. food contains a lot of water. eating a pine cone is prolly a better solution than drinking suspicious water.
What to do 11 comments
· 7 years ago
i have a fun one to add: if you're ever approached by an angry/hostile-looking bull, smack it on the nose. it should turn and leave.
haven't tried it out tho so maybe it's just another piece of false information. :D
haven't tried it out tho so maybe it's just another piece of false information. :D
Person pranks woman who got pregnant with her friend's boyfriend 13 comments
· 7 years ago
but also bizzare, like... /hi, i got pregnant with a guy i knew was not single and now i come to you, his girlfriend, to yell at you like you everything is somehow your fault or somethin'./
what are people on these days? i mean lsd doesn't even register on this level of surreal.
what are people on these days? i mean lsd doesn't even register on this level of surreal.
Is this how you get a job? 10 comments
· 7 years ago
you folks do realise that radial artery and iliac artery are in different limbs, right? like, a. iliaca is in the leg and a. radialis is in the arm?
i sure hope nobody hires rachel bc for one, she can't even fucking tell a LEG FROM AN ARM.
Edited 7 years ago
i sure hope nobody hires rachel bc for one, she can't even fucking tell a LEG FROM AN ARM.
Sorry not sorry 13 comments
· 7 years ago
don't think you should do that, really.... kinda not your business to take pictures of other people in ... compromising settings or otherwise. also, you're next in line? some grand selfless gesture that was, no doubt.
Sometimes love is very complicated 7 comments
· 7 years ago
this isn't really true tho is it? if you don't know why you love a person, maybe you don't even love them? maybe you don't even fucking know them since you are unable to list one good thing about them that would be worthy of loving them, huh?
He just wants to be one of the bunch 3 comments
· 7 years ago
not just your pig, i needed a long moment to realise why there's talk fo some pig above some photos of what are clearly three lovely dogs.
Girl cheated on boyfriend 34 comments
· 7 years ago
i don't get this. getting upset and immediatelly smashing something in the heat of the moment i'd understand but calming down to calculate how to most efficiently destroy a bunch of shoes ... i don't get it. either you're too upset to think straight for like, hours or days, you call your friends, scream and cry, takes you weeks to get over it somehow, you don't want anything to do with the person, the least to fuck with her shoes, etc... OR you care so little you just move on and forget about it. at which point does it make sense to go about preparing for such a pointless lil shoe-spraing operation?
And they say girls don't like it. Is it true? 9 comments
· 7 years ago
i honestly wouldn't mind if someone drunk texted me. not that it ever happened nbc i dont have fun friends or drunkard friends or anything but y'know, in theory, i wouldn't mind.
ps: i dont know about you but i certianly don't have time to check funsubstance 24/7 in case someone replied to my comments so i'll reply to whatever i feel like replying and be grateful if you don't barge in on me saying unrelated shit, thanks.