

LindsMolinari Report User
So That's What Started It 24 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
oh my god or maybe people could just work on themselves, individually, to improove upon themselves and try to be less bigoted instead of giving the spaniards shit for having their own word for 'black'. why does everyone have to be so butthurt all the time over shit that doens't even matter. it's so easy to petition for shit and make yourself feel like you're a good person. it's much harder to actually act like a good person (and then refrain from posting it online in some form).
No such thing as thin privilege 26 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
how is "thin" privilige even a thing??? you're supposed to be normal weight, normal being a range calculated using BMI or some other shit, a p. wide frame whithin lies your good health and normal performance of daily activities. THINNES is a societal construct and it's insane. OBESITY is a medical condition and it should be regarded as such. it is however not the same kind of thing as being disable in one permanent way or other becuse obesity can be managed far better by modern science than, say, a severed limb.
how people treat you depends on a myriad of factors, their personalities included.
airplane seats are a whole other story, i can't even start wrapping my mind around the way y'all got the damn seats into th debate about a bizzare illogical concept of 'thin privilge'. what the honest fuck people.
a whole lotta problems could be solved by being polite to others and eating a reasonably healthy diet.
Crazy people 36 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
how is it not wasteful to rip apart an animal to get to the 'warm quivering heart' and then make your child take a bite out of it? aside from it being revolting to 11th degreee.... what if the poor deer had heartworm?
12 · Edited 5 years ago
Crazy people 36 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
yea well you prolly need to be close to adulthood for such fun games and that kid looks eight.
not to mention shooting deer with a rifle hardly counts and /slaying a beast/. mabye it counts as /being a beast/ tho.
Bone clips 11 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
quite literarly 'bone' clips huh? :D
Wholesome uncle 4 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
#RealMan. and i mean that unironically!
Nice carpet 4 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
i'd prefer to have the cat.
Can't stop him 10 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
but is finn okay now?!?!? :O
3 · Edited 5 years ago
This will surely offend a few. 36 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
you forgot to mention how he got crucified for the monumental offence of ...being himself.
· Edited 5 years ago
What do you think about it 28 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
what is it then? please, i'd really like to hear you intake on it.
This is a 500 euro; "room" to rent per month near center of Paris! 17 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
dude, you would have to clean out your knees and elbows too bc there would be no fucking room.
OH NO 13 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
looks like i'll soon be the absolutely last person, /m'lord/.
It's the little things! 2 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
these are A+ superfantastic socks and this coming from me says a lot bc i'm a die-hard fan of wearing fun socks (specially at work where i have to wear the uniform and that alone kills 90% of my sense of fashion)
Girls get nervous too 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
why in the fuck would anyone even do that i mean come on!
Knife sex 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
pray tell how is this in any way funny????
I feel deeply 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
i am a hugger. huge. love hugging people but it has to be people i know, like and want to hug. other people i do not fucking wanna touch, thank you and stay out of my personal space.
that's just how it is. i shouldn't need to /apologise/ to asholes who want to hug me, saiyng /i aint a hugger/ because saiyng 'i dont want you to hug me' might offend their little tender feelings. -.- that's bizzare and people (men) need to grow the fuck up. and also don't hug people you're not sure wanna be hugged.
I feel deeply 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
maybe she just didn't wanna be hugged?? why must women put up with everything unless they want to be a sob story by some dudebro on the interent???
personally i think it's worse if you're being hugged when you don't want to be hugged than to get a handshake when you were hoping for a hug. christ. grow up.
Who swallows? 6 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
spitters are QUITTERS
I'm guilty of this 59 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
the air movement while compressing the chest does fuck all in terms of reoxygenation because breaths have to be deep enough to exchange the air in alveoli etc etc. still, there's enough oxygen in the blood itself and also the lungs to help oxygenate the brain for a few minutes while the help arrives, that's why cpr is vital.
as for hands, you can always intertwine your fingers and flex them but honestly, touching boobs accidentally really shouldn't be an issue when you're trying to save someone's life.
Shower thoughts 24 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
hahaha, you don't know the way i live or my line of work, hon. 40 tops.
I should start doing this 29 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
dude some people actually have shit to do in their lives?? and online chatting with a near stranger somehow doesn't come up as a priority for several consecutive days sometimes?? like sometimes i spent 12+ hours at uni and prioritize eating and sleeping over some flirting, y'know. it's not like they didn't talk for several months or something .christ.
Nature's lamp 7 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
i hate the cunts who write smug presumptious shit and add smileys as if those fucking smileys make them nicer or worth listening to. wish they stuck those smileys up their arseholes. -.-
What does this mean to you? 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
pain is relative. waht doesn't kill you might be enough to kill someone else. think it through before you say 'stop whining, i've had worse'.
Just so you know 7 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
that's honestly even worse :D