Dating is hard for women 17 comments
· 6 years ago
both genders have double standards, i know it, confirmed :D
still, dear guest, please chill the fuck out a bit with all the name-calling and stuff. you are decidedly NOT giving off the most "normal, well adjusted human being" vibe. kinda proving my point there with this insane-level freakout. i said a woman never knows when a seemingly normal looking man might go off like a greade and ... here you are. going off like a grenade.
also: you forgot to counter my brilliant peasant-grade logic about the biological differences between the sexes and how that affects the whole 'setting for the kinda-okay' guy, which inevitably leads to marital/family issues.
men are biologically awarded a lot more freedom when it comes to choosing a partner and men have used and abused this advantage. this is not "some feminist bullshit". it's a fact. it doesn't change just because you called me a bitch and other choice titles a couple times.
still, dear guest, please chill the fuck out a bit with all the name-calling and stuff. you are decidedly NOT giving off the most "normal, well adjusted human being" vibe. kinda proving my point there with this insane-level freakout. i said a woman never knows when a seemingly normal looking man might go off like a greade and ... here you are. going off like a grenade.
also: you forgot to counter my brilliant peasant-grade logic about the biological differences between the sexes and how that affects the whole 'setting for the kinda-okay' guy, which inevitably leads to marital/family issues.
men are biologically awarded a lot more freedom when it comes to choosing a partner and men have used and abused this advantage. this is not "some feminist bullshit". it's a fact. it doesn't change just because you called me a bitch and other choice titles a couple times.
He deserves a big pat on the back 5 comments
He deserves a big pat on the back 5 comments
· 6 years ago
dreading the day, to be honest. i get much less stress as a student. .... and the amount is already enough to be killing me, i am reallllly afraid of what the actual work might bring. :/
A burden I'm not funny enough to bear 3 comments
· 6 years ago
it's even worse when you're the one emotinally stable, supportive friend. when you're having a bad day, nobody is willing to put up with your "mood" AND everyone is still dumping their personal petty drama on you even though you have no capacity to handle it.
...meaning you need to a) care more for self and less for unstable idiots and b) tell the aforementioned unstable idiots where they can get psychotheraphy they clearly need.
...meaning you need to a) care more for self and less for unstable idiots and b) tell the aforementioned unstable idiots where they can get psychotheraphy they clearly need.
John keanu wick 10 comments
· 6 years ago
it's also necessary to have other people because humans are sociable animals, basically, and do not do well on their own. we need interpersonal interactions and also physical touch of other people, that's just how it is, i dont make the rules.
it is aLSO true that nowadays everything is a lot more individualised than it used to be simply because we've got too much of everything and odn't need anyone to help us acquire things or help us do things.
we are lonelier, on average, i think.
it is aLSO true that nowadays everything is a lot more individualised than it used to be simply because we've got too much of everything and odn't need anyone to help us acquire things or help us do things.
we are lonelier, on average, i think.
Literally only two types 10 comments
· 6 years ago
i'm the second. i realise people tend to useme for it but i just canny fucking stand waiting about for other (cowards) to gather enough courage to do the job and ask a perfectly innocent question or knock on a door.
Dating is hard for women 17 comments
· 6 years ago
did i forget to mention how men hit the second puberty once they get in their 50s ? they do. affairs, shopping sprees and gambling addictions ensue. not to worry tho, their previously hot young wife is now a middle-aged woman with 3 children and acute awareness she's got two choices: divorce the lunatic and remain alone forever or endure. a rather obvious choice, especially if said woman is financially and in-other-ways dependant on her darling hubby... who is now shagging the secretary but, well, everyone makes mistakes and divorce would mean you end up like sarah down the street who left her husband and now has to live in a shitty apppartment, makes a minimal wage and throws out garbage bags that clink a lot.
Dating is hard for women 17 comments
· 6 years ago
dating /is/ hard for women. you never know which of those five thousand are creeps, emotionally unstable, clingy, rapists or plain ol' axe murderers. just the process of weeding out idiots takes fucking ages, not to mention it's really far from foolproof. still, you have to do it and hurry, perhaps settle for lesser things in the process because the clock is ticking and your eggs are dying. meanwhile men your age enjoy the nice life of making up an unrealistic ideal woman, writing moaning posts on social media about being friendzoned and having casual, free-from-crippling-fear-of-getting-pregnant sex.
eventually women settle with the slightly older and slightly fatter kinda okay guy who at the very least isn't a serial murderer, have babies and start sprouting regrets.
men, on the other side, have by now probably somehow built a career, the stupid ones took longer but by the time they're 45, they're prolly doing okay so they marry the hot young 20-something and start reproducing.
eventually women settle with the slightly older and slightly fatter kinda okay guy who at the very least isn't a serial murderer, have babies and start sprouting regrets.
men, on the other side, have by now probably somehow built a career, the stupid ones took longer but by the time they're 45, they're prolly doing okay so they marry the hot young 20-something and start reproducing.
Fat kitty cat 13 comments
· 6 years ago
no honestly that was someone's dad who tried to tell theri family cat how fat it was and the risks that carries.
That's what friends are for 26 comments
U S A 16 comments
· 6 years ago
...which is a bonus because that island is sorrounded with many metric tons of cold saltwater, a wonderful thing to have sitting between oneself and the awful orange buffoon you call president.
There are two kinds of women 16 comments
· 6 years ago
allow me to point our that men (also) have very obvious and laughable double standards: they shame women with fake eyelashes, boob jobs etc AND deem flat-chested women who don't wear makeup ugly.
#what#do#men#want #(besides anime cat-girls which is a totally the most realistic concept ever)
#what#do#men#want #(besides anime cat-girls which is a totally the most realistic concept ever)
Big mistake 9 comments
· 6 years ago
sugar free candy usually means the sugar is substituted, at least in part, with sorbitol which is a, surprise surprise, laxative. quite potent, actually. chewing a whole pack of gum, say 10 pieces, in a day, will grant you a diarrhorea.
Wrong number 4 comments
Victory Doesn't Look So Good 14 comments
· 6 years ago
the benefits of war cannot in any fuckign way ever outweigh the destruction and chaos and horror. they cannot and they will not, fuckign ever. try and understand that, it's really not that difficult.
still there's always the people that are fully aware of all this but still refuse to understand or are just too callous or plain evil to give a shit, well ... i hope they drop dead.
still there's always the people that are fully aware of all this but still refuse to understand or are just too callous or plain evil to give a shit, well ... i hope they drop dead.
Victory Doesn't Look So Good 14 comments
· 6 years ago
war is good for business, you're right. at war, many people prosper, become rich, countries rise to the "top of the world", along with their people. well except those who die in some trenches or others but i suppose they wouldn't mind dying for such a grand purpose. right?
war boosts developement, technology, even medicine. so many useful, helpful things were discovered in concentration camps, right? all thanks to war. what a wonderful opportunity, what a brilliant thing, war. right? hundreds, thousands, perhaps millions, profiting immensely from war, one way or another. billions dying, imprisoned, tortured, orphaned, mutilated, hurt beyond words.
i hope fools like yourself realise soon enough how very wrong you are. we all lose when it comes to war, we lose people, cities, cultures, we are utterly sullied as a fucking species. when i think about the several genocides humans have commited, including but not limited to holocaust, i am ASHAMED to share the same fucking gene pool!
war boosts developement, technology, even medicine. so many useful, helpful things were discovered in concentration camps, right? all thanks to war. what a wonderful opportunity, what a brilliant thing, war. right? hundreds, thousands, perhaps millions, profiting immensely from war, one way or another. billions dying, imprisoned, tortured, orphaned, mutilated, hurt beyond words.
i hope fools like yourself realise soon enough how very wrong you are. we all lose when it comes to war, we lose people, cities, cultures, we are utterly sullied as a fucking species. when i think about the several genocides humans have commited, including but not limited to holocaust, i am ASHAMED to share the same fucking gene pool!
When you don't see it 9 comments
Faith in humanity restored 14 comments
· 6 years ago
i love it how the whole thing just keeps reastablishing how absolutely abnormally odd it was for that girl to stick to her decision to donate. i'm like.. y'all bitches just couldn't believe she'd do it? even after she'd done it, did you still go like 'hey miles you didn't just donate a piece of your liver to our kid did you?'. it comes off utterly condescending.
Epic makeup skills 29 comments
· 6 years ago
hey, bitchy guest, maybe try to tune your scepticism down a notch and dial your positivity a bit higher. let's just be happy for the dude with mad makeup skills, huh?
ps: sorry for coming off rude, it was what i intended. i'm not one of those hypocrites who go 'i dont wanna be rude' and they say something outrageously rude and pretentious. :P
ps: sorry for coming off rude, it was what i intended. i'm not one of those hypocrites who go 'i dont wanna be rude' and they say something outrageously rude and pretentious. :P