Brilliant 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Human brain: makes depression *BACK AT YA HON*
I can see that she still loves me, and I try my best to support her... But the pressure 7 comments
· 6 years ago
improve upon yourself! even if shit goes bad, you'll still have the satisfcation of : trying to fix things and b) being a better version of yourself.
OP can call the doggy ‘Harry Pupper’ 3 comments
· 6 years ago
very handsome, should try to enroll him in some dog modelling agency or sth.
could make dog food advertisments :D
could make dog food advertisments :D
Be gentle but these are my envelope doodles 9 comments
Advice from various marriage-therapist/relationship surveys/studies. See comments for 47 comments
· 6 years ago
that's terribly nice of you, thank you!
glad we agree that fighting, at least the regular, slightly prodcutive, often unavoidable kind, isn't supposed to be a dreaful, mean attack on the other person involved. it matters a lot if you yell at someone /because they left breadcrumbs on the couch/ or because /they're a bad person who leaves breadcrumbs on the couch/. just like you said, we should avoid criticising the person instead of their actions, it's mean and usually unproductive.
i believe it's possible to love someone very much and disagree with certain things they do or believe. p. sure it's quite impossible to love absolutely everything about someone. :S
glad we agree that fighting, at least the regular, slightly prodcutive, often unavoidable kind, isn't supposed to be a dreaful, mean attack on the other person involved. it matters a lot if you yell at someone /because they left breadcrumbs on the couch/ or because /they're a bad person who leaves breadcrumbs on the couch/. just like you said, we should avoid criticising the person instead of their actions, it's mean and usually unproductive.
i believe it's possible to love someone very much and disagree with certain things they do or believe. p. sure it's quite impossible to love absolutely everything about someone. :S
Advice from various marriage-therapist/relationship surveys/studies. See comments for 47 comments
· 6 years ago
oh no, that angry-ish bit in my reply , the one about 'proving' things wasn't aimed at you, @guest_ , honestly. :) you sound like a very balanced person and if not at least as someone articulate and experienced enough to make the reading of your commentary quite a delight. i've no beef with you, promise.
i'm just upset a bit that people (apparently, considering some replies to this thread) consider a bit of a disagreement and yelling to be a marker of a bad relationship. i on the other hand worry more about being afraid to express feelings and anger for fear of your partnet resenting you or whatever. even a terrific relationship will still feature lots of screaming and disagreements, that's how people are. nobody is so compatible they'd be able to read each other minds and such. talking/expressing concerns is a healthy way of solving things, not silence and repression/resentment. :S
i'm just upset a bit that people (apparently, considering some replies to this thread) consider a bit of a disagreement and yelling to be a marker of a bad relationship. i on the other hand worry more about being afraid to express feelings and anger for fear of your partnet resenting you or whatever. even a terrific relationship will still feature lots of screaming and disagreements, that's how people are. nobody is so compatible they'd be able to read each other minds and such. talking/expressing concerns is a healthy way of solving things, not silence and repression/resentment. :S
Advice from various marriage-therapist/relationship surveys/studies. See comments for 47 comments
· 6 years ago
i've been around people who express their feelings even if that leads to a bit of a heated discussion with their beloved partner. perhaps y'all want to prove it to me how repression for the sake of ''peace'' is healthier.
also, perhaps the economics should be considered. there's not much to fight about if everything is in abundance. :P
also, perhaps the economics should be considered. there's not much to fight about if everything is in abundance. :P
He's wearing a sweater 5 comments
Advice from various marriage-therapist/relationship surveys/studies. See comments for 47 comments
· 6 years ago
in this way, if everything goes right /in the first try/ i'll have kids when i'm 45 and that's just a no-go if you're a person with ovaries.
nothing will ever be perfect and nothing is foolproof. just waiting about to see if stuff blows up is useless. besides, even the most ''perfect'' couples have a row at least once a day, you just don't know about it bc they don't put it on facebook.
....not saying you should consider reproducing on the 5th date tho.
nothing will ever be perfect and nothing is foolproof. just waiting about to see if stuff blows up is useless. besides, even the most ''perfect'' couples have a row at least once a day, you just don't know about it bc they don't put it on facebook.
....not saying you should consider reproducing on the 5th date tho.
If you're gonna make a tinder, take notes from this guy 4 comments
· 6 years ago
got me, i love a guy who knows his way with animals. :D
no but honestly as far as tinder population is concerned this one ranks pretty high. at least he's gotta be some manner of responsible if he's managing 300 cows.
no but honestly as far as tinder population is concerned this one ranks pretty high. at least he's gotta be some manner of responsible if he's managing 300 cows.
Hire me please!!! 6 comments
· 6 years ago
okay but if a man is the type that complains about friendzones and shit he a) clearly aint mature enough to even grasp the meaning of the word 'relationship' and b) isn't deserving of an actual relationship, romantic or not, bc he obviously only wants what he wants and when he doesn't get that thing exactly, he goes on whining about it and tiring everyone with his endless bitter stories about this one time he didn't get what he wanted.
welcome to the real world where people in fact do not get what they want every time they ask. how do you even have the time to complain and cry about being friendzoned?? shouldn't you use that time to try and work on your charachter and personality and skills and stuff instead??? better yourself as a person instead of just going on about the same shit forever and ever? who would want to date a person like that?
welcome to the real world where people in fact do not get what they want every time they ask. how do you even have the time to complain and cry about being friendzoned?? shouldn't you use that time to try and work on your charachter and personality and skills and stuff instead??? better yourself as a person instead of just going on about the same shit forever and ever? who would want to date a person like that?
She is kinda special 9 comments
Oof. Pro-facts 48 comments
· 6 years ago
y'all need to calm down and cheer up
y'all need to calm down and cheer up
Savage 8 comments
· 6 years ago
unless they have baby triplets and toddler twins AND both work 12 hours a day ....
Oof. Pro-facts 48 comments
· 6 years ago
just wanna applaud guest_ for writing this giant and eloquent essay on relevant matters and for, coincidentaly, believeing in similar stuff as i do. nicely put my man!
A Dog’s Purpose According To A Little Kid 1 comments
· 6 years ago
the parents were right tho, to let the little boy be with his doggo for one last time. if it were horribly bloody it might not be a good idea but this way, the child learns about death and also that it can be nice and peaceful. it's easier to accept someone's death when you've seen them die (like in this case) or seen their dead body (presented nicely, not chopped up after a crash for example).
Only gentlemen will understand. 9 comments
John keanu wick 10 comments
· 6 years ago
it's perfectly okay to need people and "complete" each other as long as you are a whole, functional person on your own. nobody really likes to be alone but also nobody likes people cannot be alone for 5 mins to save their lives.
Fat kitty cat 13 comments
Literally no in between 19 comments
· 6 years ago
no but honestly you're right, some people have no idea how much they can handle and when they should stop.
it's better to sip alcoholic drinks thank to down them.
it's better to sip alcoholic drinks thank to down them.
Literally no in between 19 comments
· 6 years ago
the true art is to drink just enough to be on the brink of plastered but still have control over most of your limbs. :DDD
Fat kitty cat 13 comments
· 6 years ago
seconding that.
fuck's sake mate, let people enjoy their fat cats in peace. do you take a piss at EVERYTHING you see and don't like???
fuck's sake mate, let people enjoy their fat cats in peace. do you take a piss at EVERYTHING you see and don't like???