Home run 3 comments
· 5 years ago
“Raise” awareness. Hehe.
Good breakup advice 2 comments
f*ck girls who get painless periods 43 comments
When I make a huge amount of food that's too spicy but I'm too cheap to let it go to waste 9 comments
· 9 years ago
You should flour the meat and brown it on all sides first, adds a really nice extra layer of flavor. But I definitely love my crock pot!
Don't drive angry 8 comments
Here's my rant about the weight subject. 26 comments
· 9 years ago
A Dr. Tells the truth, but they also know your medical history. That's their job, not a stranger's.
The new scumbag ceo 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Just so everyone knows, after a few days he put it back to the same price or within a few dollars. Most likely because he received a death threat or two.
Britain's View On Independence Day 12 comments
Lemme update my will first 6 comments
The most important places in each American state 46 comments
· 9 years ago
Washington they can visit Pike Place, EMP, the Space Needle. We have forests, rainforests, deserts. WA is far from boring.
How to win war on drugs 3 comments
· 9 years ago
I work at Comcast. 1002% effective. The weed sir, is much cheaper if you bundle it with the heroin. No sir, I understand you won't use it, but it's cheaper to bundle.
i am no man 11 comments
Just a few tricks 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Sidenote, believe and think each have a different tone. Think sounds more unsure or as if you are creating more of a hypothesis whereas believe is more personal and strong-willed.
Just a few tricks 9 comments
· 9 years ago
It varies on the professor. I was told by one to write that and had a whole class on the phrase. I regularly use it and excel with writing. It also depends on the topic. To each their own, but it has not hindered me as of yet.
Just a few tricks 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Tbh I disagree. The I believe is a great statement as long as you express why. It states your opinion, lets people know about you, and how you interpret your thoughts. Also makes it harder for people to disagree while sounding like an ass. In my experience, they're typically more respectful towards a belief even if they don't believe in the same thing. Very powerful and very underrated.