An account dedicated to everyone living the sloth life -- Netflix binging and fangirling.
— lokihasthephonebox Report User
I would be a bird and fly 20 comments
· 9 years ago
*waits for fellow spn fans to help me explain why this is not a good idea at all*
I got diabeetus just reading this 38 comments
This Guy's Bible 73 comments
· 9 years ago
In reply to the first comment in this chain, just because you're a Christian doesn't mean your troubles will go away and you'll have a great, happy life. It may get harder; people might become bitter to you for your faith and you might be put down. But when the hard times come, and they will, you have this feeling in your heart that you have backup (in a sense) and that somehow, everything's gonna be alright. That someone's always there for you. Just this uncontainable joy that can't be put out..I choose to believe it's God's love. People say that when you become a Christian, His love fills your heart and it kinda sounds cheesy but once you experience this joy..
I'm just sad to see how many people are missing out on that.
Edited 9 years ago
I'm just sad to see how many people are missing out on that.
This Guy's Bible 73 comments
· 9 years ago
Just because your bible is marked up and falling apart doesn't mean you're an extremist, it just means you're reading your bible a lot/doing bible studies and etc.
she knew something was wrong! 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Brandy lived to be at least 18, she was a stray so we of course didn't know her real age, but she had to be put down because she could barely walk (old age). I know she's in a better, painless place now, though :')
I have nothing to worry about 18 comments
· 9 years ago
My period has changed from five days of light flow to three days of monsoons and cramps.
she knew something was wrong! 17 comments
· 9 years ago
I saw this thing and it said cats lick us and bring us dead things like mice and stuff because they legit think we're babies and can't do anything for ourselves, so they feel like they have to take care of us. The bringing of dead things is them trying to teach us how to hunt, haha. I've also heard cats understand what we're trying to tell them, but choose to ignore us.
she knew something was wrong! 17 comments
· 9 years ago
My dog (in memory of her, lost her last year to old age) would do the same if other dogs (we had a neighborhood stray at one point, once it wandered into our yard and Brandy stood in front of me) got near me and didn't look friendly. Miss her so much, she was the best.
Daredevil is just doing the best he can 25 comments
· 9 years ago
*sam and dean laughing in background because they basically save the world every day*
Speaking of skills 19 comments
· 9 years ago
In English class last year, we had to do a big speech. The grade was in two parts, the speech (writing, the paper) and the speaking/presentation part of it. Well, the paper was so good my teacher told me I should publish it or something, which saved my grade, because the speaking part was so bad; I was stuttering and using the wrong words because I was so nervous, I was close to an anxiety attack or something. That thing was the worst thing of freshman year, haha. I ended up with a final grade of 88%, but let's just say when I end up taking a public speaking class I'm gonna have a real hard time. xD
Edited 9 years ago
Point well made 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Satan doesn't rule hell. Hell is..a lot of things. God's wrath. Seperation from Him. But God is in control of hell, not satan.
Point well made 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Totally. You can have a opposing belief from someone but you shouldn't be hateful. It's sad to see the world label Christians as intolerant hateful people when the first thing the bible teaches is to love and to put others before yourself...love changes people in ways so much further than hate ever will and no one realizes this.
Edited 9 years ago
Worst muslim ever 39 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm going with Wolfpack..some people holding signs doesn't define who /I/ am as a person. I want to love on people and share my faith. Some people take it to another level like being hateful, but those people's actions don't define how I should be viewed.
Just Dance 15 comments
The problems shy people face when growing up 27 comments
· 9 years ago
For last year's big speech thing we had to do in English, my paper's actual grade was 100% and my teacher told me I should publish it or something, yet I got an 88% on the final grade because my actual presentation was so bad. I was so nervous I would say the wrong word, stutter or mispronounce every two or so words, so it was super bad. I think my teacher could tell I was nervous so she gave me some sympathy there, but people don't get that I have so much anxiety just from school and public speaking/presentations is one of the reasons why. I'm getting better but still..I hate presentations with a passion xD
hhhmmmm elementary 32 comments
· 9 years ago
We used to hold hands and make a train of scooters with the whole class (in other words..30 screaming children hooked together in one butt scooter train being pulled by one or two brave 10 year olds)
I once had a dog named Spiderman 7 comments
Red Flash vs Blue Flash 26 comments
Soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fat 7 comments
Which one is your favourite? 85 comments
· 9 years ago
Condsidering no one /wants/ to be a cyber man, I'll go with the iron man helmet. *inner nerd intensifies*
food that looks like things 4 comments
Murica weirdness 36 comments
that's what I was trying to say xD