

An account dedicated to everyone living the sloth life -- Netflix binging and fangirling.

— lokihasthephonebox Report User
The most devious of creatures tend to come in cute packages 2 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Also with my horse, who is a total goofball and has the mentality of an actual toddler eheh
Crazy times 12 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I'm in the US and we had a recorder unit in 5th grade music class. *thankfully* we didn't have to share but we had to pay for our own recorders.
Pets 10 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Cat and tummy rubs in the same sentence? We all know that's just another word for "death is imminent"
· Edited 9 years ago
Period jokes 11 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Try mydol, maybe? Advil usually doesn't work for me either but sometimes mydol helps a little more.
Awesome letter from the vet after putting down a dog 13 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
We got our dog's paw print made into a clay thing after she died..that's one of the few things I still have to hold onto the best dog I've ever had.
Ye old bayblade 7 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Shhhh no it's a beyblade
Well, he asked. 16 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I was gonna say how I don't get why guys are so grossed out by it but honestly..it's pretty gross. I guess we're just accustomed to it and it doesn't bother us (gross-factor-wise)
Linda will be his ally 12 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
She'd get my vote
ok 37 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Probably. He was inhuman and just..terrible..in the suffering he created.
ok 37 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
People can say they're a Christian but i think we can all tell Hitler was far from Christian with what he did.
Always keep fighting because you are not alone 16 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
AKF funsubstance family! *internet hugs*
'MURICA! 40 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Guns are fine, in my opinion. As long as you know how to shoot em right and use em right/follow gun safety, you're okay. Guns don't kill people on their own; while some are sadly used for terrible purposes, that only happens if the gun falls into the wrong hands. If used right with good intentions, they can put food on the table and people can target shoot for fun. And learning self defense is never a bad idea either.
Talking to short people 15 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Whenever they did that I would stand on the nearest, highest place possible and say "ah so this is what it looks like to be an actual giant"
fire 12 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Honestly I feel like this whole election is like an IQ test for Americans when none of the choices (candidates) are even good. Bernie is socialist (hello we are Capitalist..), Hillary belongs in jail, trump voices his mind too much and has weird hair, Cruz may or may not be the zodiac killer and there's other candidates who are still trying to run but most likely won't make it through.
Map snap, very hardcore 8 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Everyone in my elementary school did two things for sure:
1. Was weirdly obsessed with silly bands to their point we were cutting off circulation (like no joke I saw a kid with silly bands from his wrist to his shoulder)
2. Played on coolmath4kids
sea is life 6 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
On a vacation my family and I took to Florida last summer, this little girl had a fake mermaid tail on and was swimming in the pool, it was so cute. You go lil mermaid girl. Rock that rainbow sparkle tail.
10 · Edited 9 years ago
Scumbag timmy turner 12 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I think it's that one where the crazy girl wants to go out with him and he friendzones her
Would be more fun than any club 24 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Eh true.
Would be more fun than any club 24 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Nah come in August- that's when fall really starts here. May is too stinking hot, gets to be in the 90sF
Would be more fun than any club 24 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Come to Kentucky, you haven't lived yet if you haven't been to a big bonfire here!
This unnatural and they should never do it again 12 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Jared could pull off short hair just fine. And then there's long hair + Jensen....
JACK 6 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Fifth, I'm definitely gonna start saying 'twat waffle'.
Guns replaced with thumbs up in movies 16 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
anyone with good photoshop skills out there? I would make an edit but it would just turn out weird ehe
Guns replaced with thumbs up in movies 16 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
If someone makes an edit of supernatural like this I will love you forever.
hte spaghetti 17 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Does anyone else pronounce emojis and those ^ in their head by just making like a "nuh" noise or do y'all just skip over it?