

Lol1210 Report User
She's so pretty! 5 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
I was wondering the same thing.
Floridians be like 7 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
I live in Florida and yeah it can be cold but I only put on a sweatshirt when the wind picks up. But there is people who complain. I guess growing up in a northern state makes you tolerable to the cold.
British national pride 5 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
In the background of the second picture Miley is licking his head!
Anti-pick up lines 6 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
I'm always going to love the one I saw on here once
He: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
She: no but I did scrap my knee coming up from hell.
I'll taunt this hungry bear while I'm still within arm's reach 16 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
I don't think the person was taunting the bear. I think they were trying to make it stand up but the chain hindered it from doing so and it grabbed the person to get whatever they were holding.
i know it's supposed to be FUNsubstance, but everyone needs to hear this 63 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
It's true that most teenage girls that self harm just want attention. I've known people that harmed them selfs then tell every one. But there are people who have issues and can't find another way to deal with it. As I said in my first comment I do self harm but I don't like telling my friends because they get all concerned and then try to help me, when all honesty I just want it to be my own secret. So yes there are attention seekers but there are also people who self harm and keep it to them selfs. Usually the non attention seekers are people that smile the most because they want to hide the fact that they have done something that many people view as wrong.
i know it's supposed to be FUNsubstance, but everyone needs to hear this 63 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
I just wanna say something because I do self harm but it's not because people say hateful things to me but it's my own mind that causes me pain. See I have anger issues I get angry at people easily but I get angry at my self too. I put lots of pressure on myself to be better but when I can't achieve what I wanted to, I turn on my self. I haven't harmed my self in a while but it's still there eating away at my mind when I get angry. I don't know why I'm sharing this. I guess I just wanted to say its not always other people that make people resort to harming them selfs, sometimes it's there own self that fuels the fire.
one crazy year 23 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
No that's so incredibly great!
i always stuffed mine in my laundry basket at night 23 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
I faintly remember my sister having furbies but it didn't do anything demonic though
First Post! 16 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
Yeah I don't say that to my parents but I do walk away.
First Post! 16 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
When someone says this to me I just like to reply with "oh look she/he is being a dumbass! Oh wait you're always a dumbass!" Then walk away
Santa realization 6 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
Why does it look like his whole face is a beard
what happened after friday 12 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
It's hard to believe she actually sang this
For those whose birthday is in December. 45 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
*high fives* WOO!!!
For those whose birthday is in December. 45 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
Mines tomorrow so I'm lucky I get separate gifts but if i get something amazing on my birthday i won't get anything that great on Christmas. But hey I'm not complaining I'm happy I get anything at all
2 · Edited 11 years ago
Skill 19 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
All I could think was her saying " see you later bitches"
the lotr one is the best 46 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
Doctor who and Sherlock are my favorite!
Time has come 5 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
That's some Doctor who shit right here
Please, no. Not the groups! 9 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
I hate getting in groups in a class that you have no friends in. You wait for someone to pick you and you sit there awkwardly. No one picks you and then the teacher puts you in a group and they don't even look at you.
I would love this 83 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
If it was an actor instead I would be overjoyed as David Tennant sat under the tree and ate cookies!!
Suck n' lick 5 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
Ahh Billy and Mandy one of my favorite childhood shows
Unfair club penguin 2 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
I'm gonna go around screaming lettuce today
lol1210 · 11 years ago
Ah I see you don't feel people are taking you seriously
Benedict sockerbatch 5 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
This is why I love him!
I hated these teachers 16 comments
lol1210 · 11 years ago
Nah had this one kid in geometry got every question plus the extra credit that kid was too damn perfect