A walking, talking, frickin oxygen thief is all you are 71 comments
· 8 years ago
And you say you're not misogynistic.
There is something seriously wrong with you.
@geluregis I'm sorry about him. There's really no reasoning with him, he doesn't have a functioning brain, you see ^-^
There is something seriously wrong with you.
@geluregis I'm sorry about him. There's really no reasoning with him, he doesn't have a functioning brain, you see ^-^
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
Thanks. I'm the reason Britney Spears wrote toxic.
Edited 8 years ago
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
You're not one to talk. I like how that's the one thing you point out.
I'm done with you.
You're toxic and disgusting.
I'm done with you.
You're toxic and disgusting.
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
I don't even know why I'm still arguing with you. You're too immature to realize you're wrong. Too thick-headed and narcissistic
I know I'm wrong sometimes.
I just know I'm right with this.
You're obviously an idiot.
One more thing. You shouldn't joke about drugs. You try living with depression or skitzophrenia. It's not like your ex girlfriends could have chosen how they are. I'm happy for them. They don't have to deal with your bullshit now
Edited 8 years ago
I know I'm wrong sometimes.
I just know I'm right with this.
You're obviously an idiot.
One more thing. You shouldn't joke about drugs. You try living with depression or skitzophrenia. It's not like your ex girlfriends could have chosen how they are. I'm happy for them. They don't have to deal with your bullshit now
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
I honestly feel sorry for people like you who are arrogant to how things actually are. Looking back you seem to think vaccinations cause autism even though there's no proof of it.
Are you single? I wouldn't be surprised if you were, and if you aren't, I feel so sorry for your girlfriend for having to deal with a misogynist pig
Are you single? I wouldn't be surprised if you were, and if you aren't, I feel so sorry for your girlfriend for having to deal with a misogynist pig
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
He was cheating though.
They were in a relationship.
It was clearly stated.
I've never been cheated on before, either. All of my relationships have been healthy and came to peaceful ends
Edited 8 years ago
They were in a relationship.
It was clearly stated.
I've never been cheated on before, either. All of my relationships have been healthy and came to peaceful ends
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
Wow aren't you mature.
The woman would still be at fault. There's no excuse for cheating. If the guy was abusive, she should have broken up with him.
It's as easy as that.
The woman would still be at fault. There's no excuse for cheating. If the guy was abusive, she should have broken up with him.
It's as easy as that.
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
No I think you're just too dim to know correct grammar.
And it's not always the guys fault, but it's always the cheaters fault. This time it's the guy who cheated, therefor he is at fault.
It's not mail.
It's male.
You sound like a 4th grader. Or at least you have the education and mentality of one.
And it's not always the guys fault, but it's always the cheaters fault. This time it's the guy who cheated, therefor he is at fault.
It's not mail.
It's male.
You sound like a 4th grader. Or at least you have the education and mentality of one.
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
So the girl is still the real bad guy? Even though the guy had no clue it was a test. She just wanted to make sure she could trust him.
Nice lack of spelling out 'too', too. Did you not know which one was right? Just like you don't know the right you're/your?
Nice lack of spelling out 'too', too. Did you not know which one was right? Just like you don't know the right you're/your?
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
Auto-correct doesn't fix your poor grammar
He intended to cheat on her
He told her he was single and he touched her ass
Edited 8 years ago
He intended to cheat on her
He told her he was single and he touched her ass
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
@yogithebear and you know what? she's in the wrong too if she is referring to cheating on him. bottom of the line is cheating is never justified, it is never the right thing to do, only an idiot would do it. also.
please check your grammar.
its horrendous
no wonder you think cheating is okay, you cant even use the right your/you're
what are you, an elementary student?
please check your grammar.
its horrendous
no wonder you think cheating is okay, you cant even use the right your/you're
what are you, an elementary student?
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
It was testing him to make sure he wouldn't cheat. He failed. He's a douche bag. End of story. She wasn't manipulating him, she probably had a motive to not trust him in the first place. She wanted to make sure she could trust him.
Cheating. Is. Never. Justified.
Cheating. Is. Never. Justified.
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
His morals are fine, divorce happens. @matthewg is totally right, if you cheat on your partner, you're not a man. You're an idiot
Really sad 16 comments
· 8 years ago
He knows that even Hillary is better than trump. He's not a sellout, he's just going with what he's got, he's going with the lesser of two evils, and I stand by him.
Before the Minions, there were these guys 5 comments
Busted! This girl catches her boyfriend cheating with big booty with hidden camera 71 comments
· 8 years ago
If anyone even considers cheating, they're dumb fucks. End of story. This guy is a dumb fuck, even though it was a test, he didn't know, and he chose to want to cheat
I can not think of a title 29 comments
· 8 years ago
It's just trying to make guys feel better about themselves??????
It's just trying to make guys feel better about themselves??????
I can not think of a title 29 comments
· 8 years ago
or you know you guys could just take the nice and complimenting posts and not have a problem with it??
Thanksgiving dinner by famous artists 8 comments
The effect of tumblr on the human body. 1 lik = 1 prae 24 comments
· 8 years ago
I guess having cool ass hair and wearing normal clothing makes you an sjw...? I prefer the right one. At least those clothes look more comfortable.
You're very kind