

Lucky11 Report User
RAW POWER 4 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
Nothing like throwing cake everywhere.
The difference in todays world 13 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
"Today's world." As if this hasn't been a constant practice since forever. It's just easier for everyone to do it now than it used to be.
win 13 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
You have a very skewed outlook. Sexism is not highlighting one person nor is it to obscure reality. Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender, end of. You've spewed a lot of nonsense in the attempt to back your opinion. In fact the only thing you've said that was worth reading was "There are no winners or victors in assault. Life isn’t supposed to be battlefield covered in blood and fear for anyone." And, "each person is equally valid." Both of which you seem to be willing to completely disregard in an attempt to attack men because of one man's response to a headline about a criminal that got caught. This to me is only highlighting your own prejudice that you've couched in fluff in order to justify your viewpoint. You don't stop violence by hitting back harder you stop violence by making sure no one punches in the first place.
win 13 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
The proper term is Sexism. Nothing like advocating against sexism by promoting sexism.
Damn those humans, always trying to cheat the system 1 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
But you can divide by zero. The answer just isn't always except when it is.
Fertile cooing Gnat 9 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
Wouldn't it be easier to just use the oven portion instead of the stove top? One it would be warmer and two you're less like to catch something on fire.
28 · Edited 4 years ago
Congrats! You had unlock the 4th rule 3 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
Yes, and giant bugs and whole lot of other things too.
Congrats! You had unlock the 4th rule 3 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
I would wish for 15% more oxygen in the air we breathe.
It's an amusement park, I swear 4 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
Well okay then. I'm just gonna go ....not here.
Sign language 8 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
I would eat that.
Sign language 8 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
Whipped Icing tastes good and is the only kind I can stomach.
A great movie it was 5 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
Blockbuster 5 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
Not sure where this is from but Radio Shack is still in business.
Heh nice 8 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
The pizza bites I get say to cook at 425°. I suppose you could cook them at 420° and just add 20-30 seconds.
You can work here and still have your dignity. - Denmark, probably 45 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
present it coherently and hopefully concisely. This also assumes there are no issues with picking a leader or following the time table or anyone mistaking what they're supposed to do. Plus, simply because of the numbers involved the larger group must turn in their work 76 times earlier so everything that needs to be done before the presentation can get done. So could a system that works for 5 work for 380? Kinda, but not really. Everything got way more complex simply because of the numbers involved. And remember this isn't taking into account personalities that may clash or division in how something needs to get done. So @princessmonstertru was right in saying this shouldn't be and apples to apples comparison because at best it would be an apples to orchard of apple trees and that makes a huge difference.
You can work here and still have your dignity. - Denmark, probably 45 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
I would disagree. Here's an example I think you can understand. Now this isn't completely accurate but it's simplified. I'm sure you've worked on a group project. So lets say that group has 5 members. Each of the 5 has their jobs and they do it and turn it in to the group. Now with 5 it's easy to see which members did a great job, which did okay, and which if they even did their part is mediocre at best. Worst case scenario the rest of the members work harder to pick up the slack of that one bad member. Now lets say your group has 380 people. Same scenario. Only now you need people whose job is nothing but checking others work. People whose job is nothing but picking up the slack. People who have to organize all the work into a cohesive unit. People whose job is to check that. How about presenting the work? The group with 5 can each do the bit they know because they did the work. But the 380 have to choose a group of people who then have to learn everyone else's bit so they can
You can work here and still have your dignity. - Denmark, probably 45 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
That is indeed a major factor. To put things in perspective Florida, a single state, has a population of over 21 million, while Denmark a single country has less than 6 million. That's well over 3x the population to manage. Governments, which by definition doesn't make money, need to be of a certain size to manage a country or state. I'm not even referring to military just civilian government employees. Population is a major part in determining the amount of people needed to successfully run a government. Downside is that larger governments require more money. Governments, let me say it again, don't make money. They are parasites. Necessary yes, but still parasites. I'd be more interested in these types of topics if someone did an after tax/after bills comparison between countries. Like at the end of the day when everything is paid for, food, housing, etc..., taxes are taken, how much money can they reasonably expect to pocket every paycheck? I think the answers would be interesting.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Best remedy for a cracked windshield 5 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
That's completely unrealistic. There's no way Tien would be able to do that to adult Goku.
lucky11 · 4 years ago
I saw that episode of Doctor Who. Aren't they just Cyber Men trying to break through into our dimension?
I like being underestimated 3 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
College courses can be fun.
Noice 4 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
It's the Kansas City Shuffle.
:Don't turn around, don't look away, and never blink." 1 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
The only creature in the universe that kills you by letting you live out the rest of your life.
I like being underestimated 3 comments
lucky11 · 4 years ago
Teacher gives you your exam and it's 120 questions long. Only 20 are multiple choice; 80 are fill in the blank; 15 are matching, and 5 are essay questions. The exam is cumulative for the entire semester including all lectures and reading materials on the book list that was in your syllabus that you haven't looked at since day 1.
Someone should try this 5 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
The whole reason I used to type up my reports for school was because no one could read my handwriting. This would defeat that purpose.