Butthurt 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Some faulty logic he's got going on there if we take it face value. Granted he would presumably know more about the person than we readers would but still. Reading books do to a desire to escape reality doesn't preclude the person not being quirky or intelligent. Same thing about rooting for the characters development and relationships doesn't mean the person is stagnate and unable to form meaning relationships of their own. But like I said he may know more about the person than we do. But given only this example I can only conclude he's bending the truth in order hurt them more and simply falling short of the mark.
Feel the sting 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Just love it when people stitch two unrelated photos together to make up a scenario.
I'd celebrate, but that seems too rational 21 comments
· 5 years ago
So this is an issue when you have privatized prisons. Lets say a prison can hold 1000 prisoners. They need 800 prisoners to make a decent profit and 650 to break even. Now lets say we have less prisoners say 450. Now the privatized prison can't afford to stay open so they ask for more prisoners to stay open and still make some profit. However, while it's good that there are less inmates it also leaves the government in a lurch. If they do close where do the 450 inmates go? So it's not the lack of criminals that's the issue it's what to do with the criminals they do have if the prison closes.
Well this is not what I thought 6 comments
· 5 years ago
So several very good points have been raised of why the Roman roads still exist. I'll also add that the Roman roads were made by slaves funded by the government whose goal was to make roads that would last centuries. They were not made by the lowest bidder using the cheapest legally allowed materials as to make as much profit as possible. Also even Roman roads needed to be maintained and used regularly. Roads that weren't used rapidly deteriorated into bolder strewn paths.
Edited 5 years ago
Which one will you take? 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Blue. Green would be a great way to become a hypochondriac and red is relatively useless unless you're a physicist.
Edited 5 years ago
I like to see monster fights 3 comments
· 5 years ago
The movie was great. The critics have just lost their minds. A monster movie about monsters fighting monsters should unsurprisingly have monsters fighting monsters. I swear it's like they think they're art critics and have see the "deeper meaning" behind something. Sometimes a banana is just a banana.
Makes sense 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Nothing like making a comparison between apples and a ruby and holding them to the same standards.
I need to speak to your manager. NOW! 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Looks more like Linda Hunt. She's one awesome actress. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001373/?ref_=tt_cl_t4
Imagine going on a leisurely stroll thru the swamp and tripping over this mossy log 4 comments
· 5 years ago
First, it's unlikely you'll be tripping of this "log". They tend to move when any large predator approaches, and yes, you are a predator. Second, assuming you do somehow manage to sneak up on one and then succeed in tripping over it you can expect one of two reactions. One, it's going to hiss, slap his tail or present it's open mouth to you, to ward you off, before running away. Or it's going to attempt to attack you. It all just depends on whether it thinks it can eat you or you can eat it.
True??? 8 comments
· 5 years ago
So I can't say for all trees as every species is different but from the University of Washington's Department of Natural Resource there is a published paper that shows the total biomass of a Douglas fur and it's distribution. Apparently about 83% of the total mass is above ground. Here's a link to the pdf of the relevant chapter: www.ruraltech.org/projects/conversions/briggs_conversions/briggs_ch11/chapter11_combined.pdf Now like I said it's not universal for all trees but it's likely very similar for most of them.
We need to make new classic fairytales before it's too late 3 comments
· 5 years ago
And what about the villain that just shoots the cat? Would make the story awfully short.
True??? 8 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm pretty sure most of a trees mass is above ground. This would mean the below ground part is the snorkel or more a apt description would be a straw.
Edited 5 years ago
I do look like an alpaca though 3 comments
The last guy gave me a nostalgic vibes 12 comments
· 5 years ago
3. 0 cards can be played out of turn on any number of like color. However if you play a 0 out of turn you must switch hands with a person of your choice. People have lost by getting too excited and playing their last card a 0 out of turn and having to switch hands, giving the win, to someone else.
4. All basic rules of Uno still apply except if they contradict the first three.
All these rule together means that once everyone gets familiar with them games get really fast paced with people playing out of turn alot. Revenge is very possible and encouraged. I would recommend playing with at least 2 decks of cards just to have plenty of word cards.
Edited 5 years ago
4. All basic rules of Uno still apply except if they contradict the first three.
All these rule together means that once everyone gets familiar with them games get really fast paced with people playing out of turn alot. Revenge is very possible and encouraged. I would recommend playing with at least 2 decks of cards just to have plenty of word cards.
The last guy gave me a nostalgic vibes 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Rule variant game: Down and Dirty Uno.
1. As long as it's the same card (same color and number/word) you can play it out of turn skipping others. (Caveat: you cannot play two cards at once. You must play one retract your hand then play the next if you wish to play two cards in a row skipping everyone else.)
2a. Any like card can be played on your turn if it's similar to the previously played card. ex... Red Reverse was played you can play any reverse in your hand. Blue Draw Two any draw two in your hand. Draw 4? same thing? Must be your turn, you cannot skip others, ie play out of turn, unless it meets rule 1. For all draw cards played it increases the amount needed to be drawn by final person it lands on. Playing with two decks means someone could potentially draw 32 cards.
2b. If someone has had to draw 8 or more cards at once the game can only continue after they have given the go ahead. This allows them to organize their hand and possibly get revenge once the game continues.
Edited 5 years ago
1. As long as it's the same card (same color and number/word) you can play it out of turn skipping others. (Caveat: you cannot play two cards at once. You must play one retract your hand then play the next if you wish to play two cards in a row skipping everyone else.)
2a. Any like card can be played on your turn if it's similar to the previously played card. ex... Red Reverse was played you can play any reverse in your hand. Blue Draw Two any draw two in your hand. Draw 4? same thing? Must be your turn, you cannot skip others, ie play out of turn, unless it meets rule 1. For all draw cards played it increases the amount needed to be drawn by final person it lands on. Playing with two decks means someone could potentially draw 32 cards.
2b. If someone has had to draw 8 or more cards at once the game can only continue after they have given the go ahead. This allows them to organize their hand and possibly get revenge once the game continues.
I want to have a lucid dream.. Any advice or guides 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Apparently practice is the key. Keeping a dream journal, always trying to remember as much of your dreams as possible and not using the snooze button are supposed to help. Some people have it easier than others but I've read the biggest hurdle is simply learning to recognize you're dreaming while you're dreaming. This is why you're supposed to keep track of your dreams so any recurring ones are easier to recognize.
Edited 5 years ago
Ah, they wrote 'the end' how wonderful- wait 'to be continue-' NO 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Monty Python's sketch is audio only but it's here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogPZ5CY9KoM
Well. Never mind then 7 comments
New Dragonball Z movie announced 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm not going to lie I would most likely watch this. I would cringe the entire time but I would still watch it.
You dense m*fer 7 comments
· 5 years ago
So I said it the first time this was posted and I'll say it again for the repost. The distance between Jupiter and the Earth 10x over is insignificant. The closest star of the trillions out there is more than 25 trillion miles away and that is close. Jupiter is between 365 and 601 million miles away. To put it in context the average distance between stars in our galaxy is 30 trillion miles. That all means that the distance between Jupiter and the Earth is a truly insignificant, just like you are in relation to the human race as a whole.
Still have the last one but I also have a gen 3 ipod that I use.