You can call me Mr. T 3 comments
· 5 years ago
So an additional part of the story is that Mr. T used to be a bouncer and when people lost necklaces/chains he would wear them so that if they came back they would see them and be able to claim them back. I love that what started out as a practical idea to make his job easier morphed into something with such a profound meaning that he made it part of his entire life.
Edited 5 years ago
Not so funny now, is it Mr. Satan? 6 comments
· 5 years ago
And if he just snaps his fingers and you now have no arms, legs, or tongue and then sets you fire, I don't think either of those things is going to help. Yes, I realize it's supposed to be ridiculous and I'm totally not playing ball with that but I like a little more thought in scenarios. Now given the same situation only slightly more plausible I would find it more amusing from the opposite perspective. Someone who thinks they'll be able to do whatever in hell if they can just show up in enough numbers and the Devil's like that's cute and snaps his fingers and bam they're all minnows or something.
Not so funny now, is it Mr. Satan? 6 comments
· 5 years ago
So let's assume that the Devil is somehow in charge of hell and can punish people. You die and go to hell but your body is still on Earth. So your soul goes to hell, what makes you think you even have genitals? Or if you do what makes you think the Devil wouldn't just make you super horny and then remove them anyway? A being that's so powerful it dwarfs the distance between an ant and man and you think he's somehow not going be able to deal with a few idiots?
They need to give him a 31 million for 31 years 14 comments
· 5 years ago
So true story but he did get 1 million in the end.
cnn . com/2016/12/21/us/tennessee-inmate-wrongly-imprisoned/index.html
independent . co.uk/news/world/americas/tennessee-dallas-wrong-jailed-conviction-compensation-lawrence-mckinney-rape-burglary-31-years-a8268641.html
cnn . com/2016/12/21/us/tennessee-inmate-wrongly-imprisoned/index.html
independent . co.uk/news/world/americas/tennessee-dallas-wrong-jailed-conviction-compensation-lawrence-mckinney-rape-burglary-31-years-a8268641.html
so cool 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the exact same thing Columbus saw with ship masts and why he thought the Earth was round?
Big Brain time 10 comments
· 5 years ago
While I think the kid's right, the teacher isn't necessarily wrong. The exercise is a "reasonableness" math exercise the point being to determine the difference between the fractions and whether the statement is reasonable given those specific fractions.
East bound and down, loaded up and truckin' 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Average distance of journeys performed in road freight transport in the EU-28 was 131 kilometres (81 miles) in 2017. Dividing overall ton-miles moved by tons moved indicates that the average distance traveled for all freight in the United States is 244 miles, the average distance moved by truck is 128 miles (206km).
As best as I can tell the average long haul truck driver in the US does between 500-600 miles (805-966 km) a day. In the EU that distance is milestone but not usual. typically only 400-500 miles (644-805 km )a day. So the distances are not that different but there are more limitations on distance and time in the EU. Combine that with the size regulations and it easy to see why the difference in rigs comes about. Plus in the US many companies aren't going to shell out for stays hotels and want their drivers on the road as soon as possible hence the cabs have living space for sleeping and whatnot.
As best as I can tell the average long haul truck driver in the US does between 500-600 miles (805-966 km) a day. In the EU that distance is milestone but not usual. typically only 400-500 miles (644-805 km )a day. So the distances are not that different but there are more limitations on distance and time in the EU. Combine that with the size regulations and it easy to see why the difference in rigs comes about. Plus in the US many companies aren't going to shell out for stays hotels and want their drivers on the road as soon as possible hence the cabs have living space for sleeping and whatnot.
Can't argue with facts :)) 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Running costs are quite low it doesn't draw anymore power than a upright or ceiling fan.
Can't argue with facts :)) 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Same price on their own website or you can get a refurbished older unit for $219.
Can't argue with facts :)) 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah, major downside is that it cost so freaking much and unless you're able to save up or have come into some money, like your tax return, it's just hard to justify the cost. I would totally by it again but man it's really a shock to the wallet.
Can't argue with facts :)) 10 comments
· 5 years ago
No, it's just super handy and I've found most people have never heard something like it even exists.
Can't argue with facts :)) 10 comments
· 5 years ago
I have a Bedjet for this very reason. If you've never heard of it, it's basically a fan that pumps air from down on the floor where it's cooler up under the blankets or into a special comforter that blows up and circulates the air. In the winter, or whenever, it also has a heating function. You can set the temperature and it will continue to heat the air it blows to that temperature. Depending on the temperature you can run it for 12 hrs at a time, longer if you continue to add time, and it has different fan speeds. bedjet . com/
Hahahahaha, until now they yelled in all directions that trans should have equal rights 13 comments
· 5 years ago
They run in standstills because of how different male and females bodies are put together. Even given the same weight class, in strength, men vastly out perform women. They have struggled to find some way to classify athletes that allow them to separate them. But since the whole point is to perform at the peak of your physical ability such distinction can only be made after the events when you see how they perform. So you can see how difficult it is when you can only divide by performance and you end up back at square one.
Edited 5 years ago
U dont read this 4 comments
· 5 years ago
You finished elementary at age 8? What country? In the US your usually 10, very rarely 9, and not younger unless you skipped grades.
Little Swedish girls 3 comments
Little Swedish girls 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I recognize that it's Pipi Longstocking but don't recognize which one it is other than its not the movie (1969 version).
How to flirt. Step one 7 comments
"Apply water directly to the burned area." 14 comments
· 5 years ago
So I fully understand that crib means home/house but it still catches me off guard sometimes and I'm left wondering why he would need a baby crib if he has no kids.
This wasn't covered in the syllabus. 5 comments
· 5 years ago
The Fifth only protects you from incriminating yourself. Swearing to tell the truth can in no way incriminate you since no question has been asked. Lying after the oath is committing perjury and is a crime in itself. Pleading the Fifth is a way of answering without answering since refusing to answer a question allowed by the judge can lead to them finding you in contempt. The Fifth is there to protect you and your right to be innocent until proven guilty. Now keep in mind if you plead the Fifth and it comes to light the answer would not have incriminated you, you can be found in contempt but it's entirely up to the judge.
Image from the surface of an asteroid by the Japanese Hayabusa2 spacecraft 2 comments
· 5 years ago
While this is really cool it also terrifies me. I can't help but picture myself there and just seeing the vast expanse of nothing while being in the almost completely pitch black dark knowing that any mistake on my part would likely end in an agonizing death, is not exactly comforting.
Oof... 20 comments
· 5 years ago
I think you may have read his question wrong then and I'm not attacking you. Just pointed out what was logical fallacy and then responded when it appeared you didn't understand. Now your response makes more sense when you take the question out of the picture. When I read his post his question, to quote, "If some Yahoo built the stairs wrong and resulted in injuries who would be responsible? " was what I thought you were trying to answer. I may actually be bored which is why I'm responding but it doesn't change the truth of anything I've said.