Snow cats 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Norwegian Forest cats. Beautiful cats with two layers of fur that make it almost water proof. I have an Americanized one myself and she's amazing.
One step at a time 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Why is the first step -.9 cal. but every step after only and additional -.15? Shouldn't the first step also be -.15? Or should ever step be an additional -.9? There's no way the very first step is somehow magically 6 times more of a workout. If that was the case then only using the first step repeatedly would be way better than actually going up the stairs.
Edited 5 years ago
Who uses 0.5, they break too much! 12 comments
· 5 years ago
War? The only mechanical pencils I got going to school were ones I found that other people had dropped. You didn't get to choose the size of the lead, you got dealt that hand randomly and could only hope that if you found lead it fit your pencil.
The amazing detail on this wedding cake 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Maybe it's just my fat self talking but it's cake. It's supposed to be eaten. To be sure the guys an artist and I don't think anyone can deny that but just like I don't go to a museum to eat, I don't go to a reception to look at art. These rich people blowing money on bad cake just cause it looks pretty makes me really doubt these peoples sanity.
Yeah Nice idea By the way 6 comments
· 5 years ago
It'd have more than that. It should be a game that requires two people to play it together in order to advance. You can only level up if your partner lets you but you can't move through the game if you don't level up. You score higher and you get better perks by helping your partner do better. Encourage selflessness by giving better stat bonuses or stacking affects when you give your partner gear that's better than your own. Tough bosses all the way to the end where you have to fight each other. Whoever wins gets to keep the gear but only the gear they gave to the other player.
Edited 5 years ago
The amazing detail on this wedding cake 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Sure it looks amazing but what does it taste like? At the end of the day it needs to taste good cause that's it's purpose. I've had pieces of a few of those fancy wedding cakes and all that fondant and special icing used to make it look great just make it taste like bleh. I'd much rather spend my money on a cake that tastes so amazing you can hardly stop yourself from eating it in one sitting than a pretty cake that tastes mediocre at best.
Pls share!!! 33 comments
· 5 years ago
corporations but blaming them for every problem someone runs into is not helpful and takes away the focus from the real source of the problem. In this case it's the government not doing their job and everyone's letting them get away with it because they're mad at Nestle. Instead we should be getting onto the government to do their job and once that's done then we can focus on whether or not the laws regarding corporations need to change and what they should be.
Edited 5 years ago
Pls share!!! 33 comments
· 5 years ago
So real quick I'll respond to the scenarios people used to rebuttal my post. "hacker crashing your game, blame the devs". Okay this one is easy your still comparing apples to shoes. The hacker isn't crashing your game because the game he's crashing you aren't playing. Instead you're turning on a light in a shed and the light bulb goes out but instead of getting the light bulb fixed you're to busy blaming a hacker crashing a game you're not playing.
Capitalist, also captitalists, and closing statement. Nestle isn't denying anyone clean water, (we're not going to go into water rights in other countries, cause that's a whole other can of worms, we're talking about this specific occasion). It's not their job to make sure the water coming out of your sink is potable and clean. The water they're drawing is not depriving anyone of water. They have water. The issue is not not having enough water but having unclean water that's not healthy to use. You may not like capitalism, or large
Capitalist, also captitalists, and closing statement. Nestle isn't denying anyone clean water, (we're not going to go into water rights in other countries, cause that's a whole other can of worms, we're talking about this specific occasion). It's not their job to make sure the water coming out of your sink is potable and clean. The water they're drawing is not depriving anyone of water. They have water. The issue is not not having enough water but having unclean water that's not healthy to use. You may not like capitalism, or large
House in West Virginia displays circa 3,000 jack-o'-lanterns 5 comments
· 5 years ago
I have never seen circa used like that before. I know it's technically correct and it doesn't necessarily have to be used before a date but that being said it's pretty much only used in front of a date. Oh, the house and the jack o lanterns are pretty cool.
Sweden's national food - The Kebab Pizza 6 comments
· 5 years ago
So I thought kebabs had to have a skewer. Turns out that's not true. It also turns out a kebab is literally just cooked meat. That's it. It's also supposed to have it's origins in the middle east but it's been around long enough that it's spread to almost everywhere so it's not always a requirement now. en.wikipedia . org/wiki/Kebab
School closed 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I never had a snow day. In fact I only ever had 2 days in my entire pre-college schooling off due to weather. They were hurricane days. We had 2 days off and they added them back at end of the year.
Unfortunately lost them in a boating accident 15 comments
· 5 years ago
It looks like your standard military issue M249 Bravo. Uses 5.56 rounds and that's a 200 round drum for linked ammo. Carried one of those around every day all day for over a month so I'm somewhat familiar with them.
Society, yes 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Delete pic and you now have a free usb drive in a unique case. You don't have to view the pic to delete it.
Pls share!!! 33 comments
· 5 years ago
Not making light of the situation, because it is serious, but this is like comparing apples to shoes. A private company that has installed it's own wells and filters, on it's own dime and land, to draw water to sell and government owned facilities that are supposed to draw and filter it to make it potable for it's citizens are completely separate issues. Should the government forcefully take over their facilities and use them for public use? That's called theft. Could the government tax nestle just like they tax any other natural resource that's exploited for profit? Certainly. Instead of blaming a company that's making money legally because the government allows it to do so you should be blaming the government for not doing it's job and putting it's citizens first.
I hate them, more than I hate skyler white 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I remember reading about this the last time I saw it posted on here. That was over a year ago. For those who missed out/never heard of this here ya go : businessinsider . com/dublin-hotel-bans-social-media-influencers-after-elle-darby-asks-for-free-stay-2018-1
Edited 5 years ago
Any pizza is good pizza 18 comments
· 5 years ago
Having worked a pizza place and sampled just about every combination I can say that I find Hawaiian pizza disgusting.
Failure is not an option 10 comments
· 5 years ago
There are plenty of doormats made of mesh like materials to allow water through so even if it's raining you'd still be good.
It's just a coincidence! 5 comments
· 5 years ago
These tribes are from the Ecuadorian area. The major fires were/are in Brazil with some secondary focus in Paraguay, Peru, and Bolivia. The fire starters are presumed to be farmers burning back the forest for farmland. The fires this year with all the hype is actually less than previous years. The Global Forest Watch's records only go back to 2001 but 2002-2005, and 2007 all had a greater number of fires.
h*rny gf can be dangerous gf 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Well okay, so I can see where this would be amusing because no one actually thinks you're going to actually break it. However, it's actually something that can happen and is extremely painful with a painful and long recovery. Here's the info, warning it does contain graphic images so you've been warned. en.wikipedia . org/wiki/Penile_fracture
By creating an indoor temperature inversion and carefully controlling humidity, a climate 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Interestingly whenever I tried typing (9)gag without parenthesis it replaces it with the word where.
Edited 5 years ago
By creating an indoor temperature inversion and carefully controlling humidity, a climate 3 comments
· 5 years ago
By creating an indoor temperature inversion and carefully controlling humidity, a climate engineering company created a genuine indoor cloud - (9)gag
Edited 5 years ago
All your fault Event Horizon 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Probably because it's a simple and cheap method to demonstrate a complicated idea in a way that everyone can understand. Granted it's completely wrong in almost every way but it's simple and for the purposes of a movie it's sufficient.