

— Lucky11 Report User
I find the lack of resemblance disturbing 8 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Learn to pronounce
noun: monument; plural noun: monuments
1. a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a famous or notable person or event.
2. a statue or other structure placed by or over a grave in memory of the dead.
3.a building, structure, or site that is of historical importance or interest.
"the amphitheater is one of the many Greek monuments in Sicily"
Funny, not one of these definitions say exact likeness.
The highground was a trained weakness in Annie 7 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
funsubstance . com/fun/548229/yeah-nice-idea-by-the-way/
And my original comment which I still stand by:
It'd have more than that. It should be a game that requires two people to play it together in order to advance. You can only level up if your partner lets you but you can't move through the game if you don't level up. You score higher and you get better perks by helping your partner do better. Encourage selflessness by giving better stat bonuses or stacking affects when you give your partner gear that's better than your own. Tough bosses all the way to the end where you have to fight each other. Whoever wins gets to keep the gear but only the gear they gave to the other player.
Sharks feel pain, but the process of shark finning is to remove their fins alive and 10 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
I agree with the sentiment but sharks don't have vocal chords so they can't scream. So yes it means they don't exist. It's still a horrible practice and is actually banned by many countries.
Im this old... Boss 5 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Bob Hoskins got so into the role he learned to hallucinate Roger. It didn't stop after the filming and took months to away
· Edited 5 years ago
I guess I'll die then 1 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
The problem is they won't force the company to sell it for less they will subsidize the cost so that the government pays $534 so the customers only have to pay $6. Governments do not make money. Okay, yes, they literally do but you know what I mean. The money they gets comes from us through taxes. So you still end up paying that money even if it doesn't go directly to the pharmaceutical company. Now if he's willing to regulate medical cost, meaning limit the profit a company can make on a specific medicine, not just push the cost off onto others I'd be impressed. Then the only way for the company to make more money would be to sell more. Unfortunately that's not typical of his party. Or any party for that matter.
Someone had to say it 5 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
That's kinda the point. The goal is to become a good/Godly person the problem is that better you get the more you realize how bad you are. Paul considered himself the chief of sinners but I don't think I'd ever like to be compared to him.
Works if you have friends 3 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
One of the funniest movies I ever watched was The Hills Have Eyes. It was a group of my college friends and it's truly an experience to watch horror movies in groups. All the stupid little things that make it really ridiculous are brought to your attention and completely undermines the horror part.
You better laugh 2 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Or she's heard it before and it's not funny anymore.
I bet it only opens if you use a credit card 19 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Strange, I'm a millennial an yet myself and almost everyone of my friends in college could drive a stick. Of the few who couldn't they were mostly female but not exclusively. It was mainly because their parents either didn't drive a stick or didn't know how themselves and so couldn't teach their kids how. Gross generalizations like this are really annoying when it's not me making them.
At least there would be more space 4 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
And yet neither one of these is true.
This angers me 4 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Yes because most fast food nuggets are covered in a disgusting mess masquerading as breading.
Great battle 7 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
How old is this? Ohio, as of 2018, has 11.69 million and it's estimated that there are now 45 million kangaroos.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Great spot to hibernate 3 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
As long as that's the only room that's all windows it looks like a good home to me. No neighbors, good view seems like the perfect place to live.
Meanwhile in Sweden 4 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
No you really wouldn't. I can't name anything specific but I know that monks used to hide erotica in plain site. The illustrations on books and other things were full of it.
C'mon DC Comics, make this happen! 10 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
They made a tv show but it was canceled.
Someone got Knocked Out once 1 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
This was the best part of the bus ride.
Sed 3 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Of course in the US the tree industry also replants the trees it cuts down because that's their source of income. Tree farms can be lucrative but they do require long term investments. Here's a little question and answer site: appalachianwood . org/forestry.htm
It's that time of year 4 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
So I live in Florida. I dream of winter in the summer, fall, winter, and spring. If I'm lucky I get winter in winter, sometimes.
He's still a good boy 2 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Anyone know what this is from? It's looks too good to be amateur. I"m not ruling that out but it looks like it's from a movie. Did a reverse image search but I didn't come up with anything.
Well shiiirt :) !! 2 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Is that fast? I realize it's more than fast enough to totally wreck a car but that's normal interstate speed. In fact that's actually kind of slow as most have a speed limit of 112.6 kph (70mph). Now if you said 177 kph (110 mph) I'd be worrying.
What are your thoughts? 73 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Now if antigravitons exist instead of slowing time in large concentrations it may speed up the perception of time. Conversely these very particles would be necessary to move backwards in time because while gravitons only work on the forward momentum of time antigravitons would work on the reverse momentum. But like I said it's really all speculation and it may not be something we can even test until we can place ourselves in a large enough area without any gravity, namely the space between galaxies. Which means any real understanding would require either massive amounts of time or an accident leading to FTL. It would be another of those we know this works now lets find out why scenarios, like gravity.
What are your thoughts? 73 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
If there is such a thing as a graviton and the fact that antimatter exists it would mean that it's also possible for an antigraviton exists too. Now gravity affects time but it's still linear it can slow down the perception of time. Nothing we've found can reverse time or completely stop it. And it's also possible that time continues pass at normal speeds but it's gravity that enacts it's own bubble in the universe. This could mean that our perception of time is limited to our bubble and the universe is a series of these bubbles but not constant without gravity.
What are your thoughts? 73 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
It's really amazing what speculation can lead too and rather unfortunate that we have such a poor understanding of how things actually work. We also have a major issue in the fact that once you've determined the quantum state of a particle you have in fact changed it. Now in some far off future where we can manipulate that change you could create the correct state to enact your teleportation. Throw in the whole entanglement process and you may be able to negate the delay in your scenario.
Concentration of CO2 7 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Japan's on the map.
What are your thoughts? 73 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Of course in order to experience and understand your travel through time, time for you would have to continue moving forward while everything else moves backward. This would mean you'd have to have someway of separating yourself from the current time stream. Meaning it's likely that gravity wouldn't affect you or your time machine at least the gravity outside your self-contained bubble. In fact because for you "time" is still moving forward while for the rest of the universe "time" is moving backward you may find yourself repelled away from outside gravity sources. Granted we don't really understand gravity other than it appears to work and can affect almost anything.