Mutes, Boomers, Xmen, Moaners (Millenials, Y gen: "Y", why...) and Zombies 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Ya'll do realize this is 100% arbitrary. There is no "official" dates for any of these labels.
Welp, gonna stay an introvert now 3 comments
A homeless man came into this Burger King asking for some spare food, this woman stood 3 comments
· 5 years ago
A homeless man came into this Burger King asking for some spare food, this woman stood from her table and instead bought him whatever he wanted. --Reddit
This is Henrik Huseby, the owner of a tiny phone repair shop in Norway, here IPhone 6 comments
· 5 years ago
For a little more info repair . eu/news/support-henrik-huseby-in-his-battle-with-apple/
Kids these days 4 comments
Kids these days 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I love the fact that Space Invaders only got harder and faster because it loaded all the invaders at the same time but the more you killed the less it had to process. This led to it getting faster because the processor had less work.
Invisible spiders : My only weakness 3 comments
My Body, My Choice but what the hell 10 comments
· 5 years ago
As long as you also realize that just because a kid wants something doesn't mean it's good for them. That's what parents are for, to provide that buffer between possible destructive behavior and guiding them safely. The kid's 7 so who knows if they'll continue to want what they want now in the future. It's a serious issue when parents stop being parents and start being vending machines for their kids wants.
To the plaaaace 4 comments
· 5 years ago
And somehow even if you don't like the genre you still end up thinking the song is good.
The hunter becomes the hunted 5 comments
Lol ! Justice is "served" 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Old news. Was planned but then canceled. Vegan unsurprisingly lost the lawsuit.
I really didn't knew this but now I know 3 comments
I really didn't knew this but now I know 3 comments
The worlds first heartless (literally) human. Craig Lewis has an artificial pump that 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Some of them are temporary. And ideally they are just a stop gap until your transplant comes through but there are people who are ineligible for transplants and it becomes a permanent solution.
My hero 7 comments
· 5 years ago
It's best to ask a tax accountant but the gist of it is that you have to pay taxes on your property. You have to pay income tax. Housing costs affects your taxes. Your tax level/type depends on what type of income you have. Straight income is taxed higher than most others. Paying rent to yourself moves that money into a different category which allows you to pay less taxes on the same money.
Buckle your seat belts boys and girls 6 comments
· 5 years ago
It's probably a good thing I'm not a teacher. I'd have deducted for all the grammatical mistakes then deducted again for the useless introduction. If the report has a word count I'd also deduct every part not pertinent to the report from that word count.
Not the usual adjective+noun insult 21 comments
· 5 years ago
He may be but it doesn't necessary make him wrong. There's a story about a man who had a flat tire outside an insane asylum. He pulled the old one off and stuck his spare on but in the process knocked his lug nuts down a storm drain. At a loss for what to do he hears a voice coming through the asylum's fence. "Just take one off each tire and put it on the spare. That'll hold the tire until you can get somewhere to buy more." The man realizing what a good idea it is proceeds to exclaim, " That's a great idea. What are you doing in there if your so smart? To which the voice yelled back, "I'm insane not stupid."
My hero 7 comments
· 5 years ago
For tax purposes it's better to pay rent to yourself even if you own the building.
I wear my sunglasses at night 13 comments
· 5 years ago
That's why you include the decimal for bills. $200.00. You could with creative editing change it of course but it's not as easy,
I wear my sunglasses at night 13 comments
· 5 years ago
My 2 minute google search turned up nothing but it does make it harder to falsify a ledger if the sign is in front of the number. 200$ is the amount we agreed you'd pay me for that job. Here's your signed copy 1,200$. That being said some countries do place it at the end and at least one in the middle as the decimal point ex. 1.50$, $1.50, 1$50.