Modern society 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Sounds great but you know there would be that one person that wouldn't wash their hands just so they could use the washed hands handle. I mean it wouldn't even necessarily be a person that doesn't wash their hands normally but just for this they would skip that step.
Nice 3 comments
· 5 years ago
This is so annoying and completely wrong. A century doesn't start until Jan. 1 **01. The millennium starts on Jan. 01 **00. Even a brief search of either of these terms will give you that information. Besides 7,342 days have passed since Dec 31, 1999 which also takes very little effort to find out. I get that this is probably a bot post but there has to be some standard.
Edited 5 years ago
BOTH 7 comments
It's true though 1 comments
· 5 years ago
If bees die out. They die out. A very select few plants will be endangered but on the whole it'll be just a small blip. Most people won't even notice. These kind of uninformed posters annoy me. I get that's its a bad thing and it is and we should be trying to stop it, but really? Stop just making up "facts" and stick with the truth. There's more than enough, real, scary things that we should be aware of but instead we get crap like this.
Seriously guys, what did you want? Playstation Tokyo drift? Playstation, the return? 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm still waiting for the PS9. If I go off the commercial it's supposed to be nanites that interact with your brain to induce a complete virtual world for the game.
I hope that was his name 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I think I read somewhere that his name wasn't supposed to be Kevin. But since it was said so few times in the previously shot scenes and the mother did it so well they just reshot the few that had a different name and he became Kevin. I've tried to find it since then but haven't had any luck so it may be that I just imagined the whole thing.
High guys/girls/other 11 comments
· 5 years ago
Which is a good thing, but not a realistic expectation. On average we only use around 2k-3k words in normal conversations. That's not much when you consider that English contains 50000+ words. However it is not just English that that average holds true. In every spoken language regardless of the size normal conversations only use 2k-3k words. So introducing new vocabulary isn't going to change those numbers unless you also increase the verbosity of average conversations. This would have the effect of keeping the current vernacular and introducing more words and then utilizing both. Problem is you're never going to convince people to keep using their current words and the new ones. The more effective method would be to require everyone to read a certain number of books every year in school, with accompanying tests or reports, and increasing the reading level and number of books every year. This would achieve the results I think they're looking for.
High guys/girls/other 11 comments
· 5 years ago
Changing the vernacular would only change the vernacular not produce any type of intellectual increase. There have always been less intelligent people. People we would consider dumb or stupid but their choice of words varies depending on the vocabulary of the culture they're from. An example of this would be letters from soldiers of the civil war era versus letters from soldiers now. They weren't necessarily any smarter or are we any dumber we just use different words. Here's an example of a bygone era: dp . la/primary-source-sets/battle-of-gettysburg/sources/1469
I am safe 3 comments
· 5 years ago
To premature to say only. It's "unclear" if the virus can travel from the infected to an object to a person. This happens with other corona viruses so it's entirely possible. Here's the CDC's word on it: cdc . gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/transmission.html
The mighty Kodiak inside 2 comments
Can't be only me 4 comments
· 5 years ago
For years I've used a RainX windshield washing fluid. At speeds of 45 and up unless it's absolutely pouring I barely need to use my wipers. Also I've lived in Florida most of my life so driving in the rain/hurricanes? Not a problem. Ice though? I hate ice. I go out of my way not to drive if there's ice on the roads.
Inspired or Obsessed? 6 comments
· 5 years ago
For those interested in this artist:
wikiwand . com/en/Frederick_Hart_(sculptor)
wikiwand . com/en/Frederick_Hart_(sculptor)
Swords are the obvious solution 7 comments
· 5 years ago
As long as it's usable and can hold an edge it's a good knife. Granted every knife is designed for a different purpose some for utility some for killing as long as it can fulfill its purpose it's good. However, a knife that's just for show is useless and should melted down and remade. That being said I looked up that Raven Claw it's made from a decent steel and with some care and sharpening it wouldn't be a bad addition to any collection.
He is speaking the language of gods 5 comments
1940 college admission paperwork 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Met a few women in college that were looking for the Mrs degree. It wasn't many but it was noticeable.
Sometimes the truth hurts 8 comments
· 5 years ago
I thought the same thing and was wondering how he was a server or if he just ran one or if he identified as one.
Oh come on, mom! 7 comments
· 5 years ago
We called it the OC (Oh, crap!!) handle because cussing was not allowed. To everyone else it was generally referred to as the OS handle and I'm sure you can guess what that stands for.
Hey, dark, hi! 5 comments