Alcohol 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Depends on how conservative they are and which of the guides they follow. There's over a 1000 supplementary books that people ascribe to that explain the Quran. I'm sure at least one of them covers other sources of alcohol. But if they only follow the Quran and a more literal interpretation then these would be fine.
Wholesome treeeeeeeeeeee 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Well it's neat but will only last until someone with enough money wants to do something in that area. Since the tree owns the land it's required to pay taxes on that land. Since it's a tree it's probably never paid taxes and the land could be confiscated by the municipality in the area. They can then sell it to whoever they want.
What a legend! 2 comments
· 5 years ago
I like how it includes- and has to pay His legal fees. That is completely normal. If you sue someone the court fees are always paid by the losing party.
Alcohol 8 comments
Windy 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Meh, that's unusual but not that bad. Granted I live in Florida and when we have hurricanes we can have gusts up to 289+km/h. So 161km/h? Not so bad. Makes for excellent ultimate Frisbee weather.
What vaccine?!?! 9 comments
· 5 years ago
It's also a good idea to be exposed to alot of germs as kids it strengthens their immune systems.
Alcohol 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Well depending on your take. Any alcohol not made from fruits or grains are okay.
Just saying 6 comments
· 5 years ago
You have to seal quick dry clays for them to be waterproof or use an oil based one but none of them are really recommended for drinking. Especially if you plan on drinking any caustic like alcohol. The only way to really do it is with firing it to harden the clay and then glazing it and firing it again. Skulls really don't do well in a kiln. Bone becomes really brittle and even more porous when exposed to high heat that doesn't burn it.
Just saying 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't know if ever tried to make a cup out of your enemies skull but it's not that easy. A skull is full of holes that you have to fill and make water proof. All the while using materials that won't dissolve in fluids and won't poison you. It's easier if you turn it upside down but then you have to create a base to keep it from spilling.
Know it all kid 13 comments
· 5 years ago
No it's not, don't do this. It's not going do anything but annoy your teachers and if you try to press the matter it could actually get you into trouble.
Edited 5 years ago
Just teacher tips 6 comments
· 5 years ago
This is actually a required action at many schools. Part of a teachers contract includes how they have to erase boards.
A wise choice young trainer 11 comments
· 5 years ago
And now here's the disappointing scientific reason. Babies are able to see red, orange, green, and yellow first. Blue and purple come later. It's quite likely that the child just picked the one with more color.
4 Importants Rules my mother gave me on the way the day I moved out 3 comments
· 5 years ago
The last two are pretty good. The second one is probably true but one has to hope that it doesn't always work that way. The first one, I can't agree with. If this is true for you, you probably should find new people to be around.
Sexism Swings Like a Pendulum Do 39 comments
· 5 years ago
I believe they want a woman to win in that category but it has to be deserved not just given to them because they are a woman.
Salute to the reporter 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Not sure where they got that translation from but potato in Arabic would sound like Btahtah and it's spelled like this بطاطا
So "potatoes are the greatest" would be البطاطا هي الأكبر. It would sound like Albatatan hea Al Akbar
So "potatoes are the greatest" would be البطاطا هي الأكبر. It would sound like Albatatan hea Al Akbar
Foodles 5 comments
· 5 years ago
What does that have to do with it? There's nothing that says you can't use a tune if the times don't match.
The more you know 4 comments
So brave 8 comments
· 5 years ago
When idiots confuse gender norms with the societal naming conventions. One is naming a male Cindy the other is naming a male Sewing Needle.
Look again 7 comments
Watchout for badass 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Of course not being proficient at violence doesn't mean you can't be violent, your just not as efficient in your undertakings of said violence. A baby can be really violent but not accomplish much cause they're a baby, whereas a fully trained Seal can be less violent and yet still cause more harm. But @guest_ is right the proposition is faulty.
There's an 8ft statue of the Devil in a pond near where I live. It's been there 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Are we sure that's supposed to be the Devil. It looks alot like a faun. Some simple image searches pull up this page: en . wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Mary,_Jersey
Apparently it's been replaced several times in the last century and it's history is clearly known.
Apparently it's been replaced several times in the last century and it's history is clearly known.