

— Lucky11 Report User
Well now I want Oreos and a glass of malk 6 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
There is a reason professionals use templates and rarely freehand the design. I'm pretty sure it's considered a mark of real skill to be able to freehand. But it's a skill that has to be earned through experience not the inability to judge your own work.
I rather there be no public displays of affection at all 6 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
I don't know why but I read that ladies words with a British accent. Seems to fit better.
Sensed comfortable inbound Tards 9 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
I never liked that saying. Anyone regardless of occupation can die for their country. The goal is to make the other guy die for his. You're also under strict supervision when performing your job. To break it down for those who don't know, you have roughly one Sergeant for every four soldiers. A Staff Sergeant for every two sergeants and eight soldiers. A Sergeant First Class for every four Staff Sergeants. It maybe more or less but this is the generally how it works. Off hours however you have a bunch of unsupervised frat boys who can do pretty much anything that's not illegal as long as they make it to formation in the morning. Drinking can be a real problem in that kind of situation. Having been in charge of my share of soldiers I can promise you they will do something stupid at the drop of a hat.
Sensed comfortable inbound Tards 9 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Having been in the Army and lived in the barracks I wouldn't trust them either. Granted you can have a toaster in your barracks room. Had a full kitchen in mine, stove/oven, microwave, toaster, and a full size fridge. The toaster was mine but everything else was provided for by the army. Now you do need to actually be in the army and not still in training but you can have them. You need to understand there are all kinds of people in the military but the average age is 19-20 for those in barracks. You can't keep a toaster in most dorm rooms in college either because at that age you will be irresponsible at some point. The hope is that in your moment you don't burn down the building.
I know I said pineapple pizza is good, but on burgers?? Nope 9 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Abominations all.
Meanwhile in Britain 2 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
For those who can't see what's happening:
· Edited 3 years ago
fly 5 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
That's the joke. There were people dying from all kinds of causes being marked down as death by corona.
AOC pays their taxes, allegedly 30 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
But was it legal? If he only paid that amount because for various reasons that's all he owed then your issue is with the tax laws. It's not a competition about who paid the most taxes. It's not a competition at all. AOC claimed people in New York were killing people and burning stores because they couldn't buy food. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to take her opinion as motivated by anything other than self interest either since it's clear she's so out of touch with the people she represents.
Country over party 7 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
That is also the exact same reason many people are voting for Trump.
No hoedowns, hootenannies, or jamborees 2 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
I find it annoying when they use words like halt or stop or end. It's about 10 months and 5 billion people too many for that. It's here, it's not going away, you're likely to get it and quite possibly get it again and again and again. The only thing to really do is protect the vulnerable as much as you can and just get on with your lives. Once it moves through a population it's not going to be as bad again. There is a reason we have Flu seasons. Countries that didn't shut everything down are showing better results now and less major resurgences.
A guillotine has been put in front of the fencing near the White House 8 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Third, would be transparency both in the office and out. This is simply that anything that effects the people should be understandable by the people it affects and you don't get to hide things if someone wants to know since you took the job. (I'm not talking about security issues here). You want to pass a bill or get a law put into place? Not a problem but it should be completely understandable for the average high school graduate to read and know what it means. Fourth, term limits. No matter what position there should be a finite time limit on how long it can be held by a single person. And no getting around it by moving. You get two terms as a Senator/Congressman/President/Governor etc... in your lifetime. None of this 20-40 year crap where you've never even held a job that wasn't paid for by the government. Lets get rid of the good old boys club.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
A guillotine has been put in front of the fencing near the White House 8 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
I'm not going to take a side on here, for American politics, but the most effective way to prevent these types of things is four fold. First, solve everything at the lowest level possible. The highest level should never be involved in deciding what and how things are done on the individual level because by definition all individuals are different. This includes things like, a person, a town, a city, a state. What works for one may but most likely not work for all hence the need for lower leadership. Second, anyone elected should be held to the highest accountability for the things accomplished or not accomplished based on the reason why they were elected in the first place. Did you accomplish what you said you would? Yes or no. Yes, great your doing good. No, then you need to go. Let someone who can do it do it.
A guillotine has been put in front of the fencing near the White House 8 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Many times the politician actually makes the situation worse by voting for this or that but because they have already prepared a scape goat who they can point too and accuse of doing the very thing they're doing they get away with it. It's the time honored tradition of creating a bogey man that's the cause of all your problems not those whose job it actually is to fix them.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
A guillotine has been put in front of the fencing near the White House 8 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Many politicians use this as a means to get elected and stay in power. Example, there's an issue that effects a group of people. Politicians: Vote for me and I'll fix this for you. Politician gets elected. Politician makes big noise about issue says I'm working on it let me get back to you. Nothing happens, people forget because issue has been ongoing and it's just a thing we always deal with. Next election. Politicians: Vote for me and I'll fix this for you,. But you didn't last time!!!. Politician: That's because of this person or that group or this reason, not me they/it stopped me, but this time we'll definitely get it fixed. And so on and so on.
A guillotine has been put in front of the fencing near the White House 8 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
True, but the main problem, at least with the French Revolution, was that the cause they were willing to die for is what killed them. Essentially it was, down with those in power because they're bad. Oh wait, the leaders of our revolution are just as bad if not worse, Oh wait, and I'm dead.
There is nothing wrong with change. In fact it can be a great thing. However, change for changes sake is not good. And unfortunately for most of the ^ those people they don't really understand what the leaders actually intend once they get the ball rolling. Most people are reactionaries, not revolutionaries. Something happens they don't like and they react to get it changed. But the reaction is not a plan to fix the issue it's just to stop the symptom. Unfortunately in those in power or those who want power generally understand this and use it for their own benefit.
it's like watching standup comedy 9 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Apparently I've failed to understand the purpose of a debate. The little I saw no one answered the question given. Biden just attacked Trump and Trump just fired back.
"What is your plan for dealing with the Corona virus and moving forward?"
Biden: Trump is bad.
Trump: No your bad.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
A guillotine has been put in front of the fencing near the White House 8 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
I wonder what they're gonna do if Trump wins again. Also, I realize the correlation with the French revolution where they chopped the heads off their monarchy (the dictators). But I wonder if they remember that alot of the revolutionaries also got their heads cut off by their fellow revolutionaries.
We only have cases because we're testing more than any other country in the spaceforce 15 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Generally or at least of one singular set of cultural values.
Trains have birth days! 3 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
I swear this pops up every 6 months or so and has for a few years now.
We only have cases because we're testing more than any other country in the spaceforce 15 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
It's also almost entirely homogeneous. Not that that should matter but it seems to.
The box for this scale has a picture of a banana for scale 2 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Now those are some talented marketing designers.
Tyntesfield, a Victorian Gothic Revival House in Somerset, England 1 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
This is the kind of house I would build if I ever won the lottery.
Tree Fern Trunk (by Okinawa Soba, link in description, Cyathea lepifera) 3 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Not a link to the picture but it is the Wikipedia article on this specific fern.
· Edited 3 years ago
Irate leery Louse 12 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Umm, if they're canceled I think they forgot to inform some people. Like everyone still wearing them. The companies still selling them. The manufacturers still producing them.