Programmed daily fancier Snail 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Hmm... I'd a said it's mostly boring. Occasionally fun, at parts terrifying, but the vast majority was boring.
Office camouflage 3 comments
Does this really need context? 3 comments
· 4 years ago
You know a shot gun wedding usually means that the bride got pregnant or had sex with the man and now the parents of the bride are forcing the man to marry her. Honestly though? The groom to be looks happier than the bride to be about this and why in the world is that kid in the tree?
Some have not forgotten 5 comments
· 4 years ago
On the one hand it sounds really bad when you put it like that. But, let me try putting it another way. Focus on one problem at a time. Generally sound advice and used by everyone. Now that we've established that how about we move on to stop making new problems for yourself/others. This type of tweet literally serves zero purpose other than to try and make more trouble. It doesn't help black women during the suffrage movement. Most people reading the tweet probably weren't even alive then. It certainly isn't trying to solve any of todays problems. In fact the only reason to say this is because you don't want to solve the problems. Kinda like your GF/wife bringing up what you did on Tues. 3 years ago while arguing with you about what clothes you should wear during your stay at home work hours and how that means you can't wash the dishes and don't love her anymore.
Edited 4 years ago
She's never getting her license back.. Don't drink and drive 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Usually these bad gifs indicate a bot posted something stolen from another site. Not sure if this was a bot post because the user made a comment 3 months ago but this type of gif is a good indication.
Sooooo, what kind of potato are you? 8 comments
· 4 years ago
So I guess I'll just leave this here.
Edited 4 years ago
Bullies don't exist in a vacuum 5 comments
A Society Where Men Are Constantly Under Attack - Sydney Watson 5 comments
· 4 years ago
As long as we can place the blame on some other group it means we're not the problem or part of the problem so we can do as we please. Then we're right back to where we started from but just from the other/opposite extreme. But since the blame is being solely placed this or that group and because "I" can point out their faults then "I" am not at fault. It really just boils down to are people responsible for themselves and their actions? And if they are, are we holding them accountable for their actions, both right and wrong?
A Society Where Men Are Constantly Under Attack - Sydney Watson 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Oh don't get me wrong I see what she's saying and she's not wrong. It's easy to see when someone does all the work of putting it all together and pointing it out but the mindset that creates the very situation we're in is the initial problem. Victim blaming, enforced societal roles, lack of support, the very things that are often claimed to cause problems for women have been radicalized as a response to the very things they are trying to fix. And you can see it everywhere. "You can't be racist if you're black". "You must be (fill in the blank) if you're (blank). "You can't have an opinion, or at least one that can be voiced, on (blank) if you're (blank). It's a logical fallacy that easy to fall into or use, especially when you want to get one up on whatever group you think is oppressing you. Just because all squares are rectangles it doesn't make all rectangles squares. The problem is that society likes to stop with all squares are rectangles.
How 2020 feels like 2 comments
· 4 years ago
I was thinking more along the lines that too much has been jammed into the year but I suppose either one works.
Rice up 7 comments
· 4 years ago
The two rules to making rice. One, unless you know exactly what you're doing use less rice than you think you're supposed too, it's just like spaghetti. Two, don't forget you're making rice. Looks like someone missed on both counts.
Mr. Cruz would like a word 5 comments
I swear it thinks I'm incapable of mental math 1 comments
· 4 years ago
The human brain is an immense calculating machine. The problem is that it's not always tuned to the specific problem you may be needing an answer for. Ever forget how to spell a relatively simple word? Or forget what something is called? There's nothing wrong with double checking yourself. You just can't let your brain become so dependent on outsourcing that you lose the ability entirely even when you are tuned in.
A Society Where Men Are Constantly Under Attack - Sydney Watson 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Of course that's kinda the point of the extremist subset of feminism. If any role filled by a man is useful or complimentary it must also be filled by a woman. And if it can't be filled by any woman it must be eliminated. This type of mindset can be seen all over for all kinds of things and it generally stems from the idea that an individuals opinion is absolutely correct and cannot be questioned. To question an opinion is in an attack on the individual and should then be attacked back as a defense. You can see how this mindset makes it hard to deal with.
For lease navidad 7 comments
· 4 years ago
Now that is really interesting. Imagine getting the same tree every year for around 7 years, depending on the type of tree.
Ouchie ouch 7 comments
· 4 years ago
Typically, the bands are used to force yourself to use proper form and help control the weights when lifting. It's a quick and easy way to make sure you don't hurt yourself by bouncing or snapping the weights. You can use them to create weight but like you said you can just add weights to it for a similar and easier result.
Ouchie ouch 7 comments
Karma 2 comments
· 4 years ago
That's what it looks like. You can just see the bike on it's side when the viewpoint gets closer.
We're all bugged 6 comments
"I could agree with you but we'd both be wrong" 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Hence, why I said you have to respect that people other than yourself can have opinions. There's a big difference between respecting that people can have their own opinions and respecting their opinions. The later, much like the right to free speech, means people can say stupid things and believe stupid things but you're allowed to call them stupid. Whereas the former, means they can say those stupid things or believe them and you have to "respect" those thing as just as valid as your opinions.
How to survive being buried undead 12 comments
"I could agree with you but we'd both be wrong" 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Well no, you don't have to respect peoples opinions. You have to respect that people other than yourself can have opinions. If you had to respect others opinions then everyone would have to "respect" the opinion that black people are less than human. Or that women don't deserve the right to do anything other than what a man tells them to do. This is an ongoing problem where people say you have to respect everyones opinion but what they really mean is that their opinion are the only one that matters and how dare you think or say anything against it.
Edited 4 years ago