

— Lucky11 Report User
Choose your quirk 14 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Turn luck into a tangible characteristic and helplessly absorb people's bad luck if they're me around for more than a half hour.
Think carefully, I *will* judge you 11 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Claw machine 1 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Umm... not exactly a hard choice. Call first then take pictures. Help isn't going to teleport instantly to your side. So while you wait you take all the pictures and videos you need to show your friends, your kids friends, your kid's kids, and so on.
8 · Edited 3 years ago
Battlelines? What's a battleline? 2 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Well yes, but mostly no, that depends entirely on the armies, the geographic location, and the year. Celt, Gaul, and Viking armies tended to be more likely to engage one-on-one because they were made up of warriors not soldiers. Even more "developed" countries didn't utilize the pike for a considerable time period.
Pike usage had a big drop off after Alexander the Great and barring a very few showings didn't become a mainstay weapon for armies until about the 15th century. About 900 years or so after the medieval time period began.\
For those interested here's more:
4 · Edited 3 years ago
You didn't read this anyway 3 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
I think may be disappointed in myself for knowing exactly who that is.
Crime is bad, m'kay? 10 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
People come to Florida and become stupid. We have laws to stop stupid people from themselves and laws made by stupid people.
My world's on fire. How bout yours? 7 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
That's the way I like it
Photo that became inspiration for Warner Bros. "Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote" 9 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
I agree mostly, but there are some people that don't lash out without thought when angry. Instead they craft the worst thing they could possibly say to hurt you even if it's a complete lie.
Come on. ASK 7 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
ଏହି ଭାଷା ଗୁଗୁଲ୍ ଅନୁବାଦରେ କାହିଁକି ନୁହେଁ?
Crime is bad, m'kay? 10 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Here's a few fun laws still on the books for Florida.
1. In the state of Florida, the law states you must pay for the parking meter if you tie an elephant, goat, or alligator to it.
2. Unmarried women parachuting on Sundays could risk jail time.
3. Publicly singing a swimsuit is illegal.
4. Women who fall asleep under a hairdryer can be fined.
5. Under law, men cannot wear strapless dresses in public. However, the law does not regulate other types of dresses.
6. Florida prohibits parents from selling their children.
7. The law prohibits having sexual relations with a porcupine.
8. It’s against the law to eat any cottage cheese after 6 PM on Sundays. -Tampa Bay
Crime is bad, m'kay? 10 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
All crimes are banned but not all bans are crimes, legally speaking. And just because something is illegal doesn't mean it's wrong nor does something being legal make it right.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
Heresy. That's what this is. 11 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Exactly, there's just something comforting about reading a favorite book again. There are my favorites I reread at least once a year if not more. While others it's only once every couple of years. Just enough time that the specifics get fuzzy on the later books.
Do people think 300 pages is long for a book? 11 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
300 pages is a about 3 hours worth of reading so I don't think it's all that much.
Heresy. That's what this is. 11 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
I have easily over 300 books and can count on one hand the ones I haven't read. 30 books would even begin to cover the ones I reread every year or so. This definitely does not spark joy.
Wood working, I sure hope it does! 4 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
That's if you actually wanted to "cut" down a tree. If you just wanted to down a tree just about any hardwood would allow you to beat the tree until it eventually breaks and falls over.
Wood working, I sure hope it does! 4 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Well, yes but also no. Depends entirely on the density of the wood making up the axe and the tree you want to chop down. It'd be a massive pain to do even if you did it right but you could do it. The heartwood of a super dense ironwood tree would need to make up the blade. It'd also have to be huge cause even properly treated it wouldn't hold an edge and you'd have to constantly resharpen it. The tree you cut down would have to be light, probably Balsam or something similar.
Milk chocolate > Everything else 20 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
The unappreciated average 3 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Not trying to being mean but mediocre talents are generally talents that people never put the effort in to get better. Now, I'm basing that on the premise that talents are natural abilities in any given area. Not to be confused with people that never get great at something they've put alot of effort into. If you're mediocre at something you've put a ton of work into that just means you didn't have a talent in that area. That doesn't invalidate your ability, it just means you didn't have a natural talent in that area. Plenty of the greats didn't have talent in their areas but through massive effort and good teachers they've bridged the gap between the talentless and talented. The downside is that if a talented person puts just as much effort into it they'll most likely be that much better than their counter parts.
It's "skrimps." 21 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Well, "regular" bugs are eaten by many all across the globe so I don't see the problem. Honestly, this is a bit condescending. This is like someone deciding that red isn't a color because it falls into the 625–740 nm wavelength. And to them any color that falls into that range is not a color. I mean I'd get it if there was some sort of ethical or moral reason but this is just I don't like that therefore you don't get to like that either.
Nøkken (MythologicalSubstance) 6 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
See now that makes me want to see a movie that takes place during modern times where every mythological being of a particular culture suddenly exists. All of them. No exceptions. Then watch as people scramble to remember all the old tales, the folk tales, the old wives tales that told them how to deal with those beings.
Must protect Earth-Chan 2 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
These are beyond dumb. A more accurate depiction: Picture Earth^^ completely fine and smiling. Then picture one hair sliding forward. There. That's it. That's the entire extent of the effect of humans on the planet. A momentary blip hardly even noticeable by the planet. The planet meanwhile doesn't care a single iota about it's ability to have life, support that life, or what that life might entail. If anything humans comparable to the benign microscopic life that lives on your skin. Not the ones could cause an infection if they get in a wound. Just the ones that live, eat, breed, and die by the billions that we don't even notice because they do nothing to us nor could they even if they tried.
Don’t wanna be dramatic 2 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
I use a Rainx windshield wash that's pretty handy. It means that in most cases my wipers only need to be on low or timed settings and everything is perfectly visible. You never want to be the guy that has it set on high for just a little bit of rain. What ticks me off is when you see people who don't turn on their headlights when it's raining. If your windshield wipers are on your headlights, according to the law (US), should be on. I have yet to see a State that didn't have inclement weather as a criteria for when you must have your headlights on.
· Edited 3 years ago
Look yourself in the eye 4 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
This makes the large assumption that those knowingly choosing wrong (i.e. unethical or immoral choices) actually care about those choices. A good person who chooses to do the wrong thing may experience guilt over it. A bad person could probably care less and be completely happy with their choices.
· Edited 3 years ago
Chocolate. Don’t mess with me 13 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Either strawberry or vanilla. Either is good. I have yet to taste a chocolate that was actually good.
Ahhhhh yeeeeeeeah 8 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
That was probably the best part of the trailer for me.