

— Lucky11 Report User
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
In this case you're both right even if you guys generally disagree. That's pretty rare here on FS so I'll take that as a win. As for posting links all you have to do is edit your comment and you can put in the links.
That's actually brilliant 2 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Seems really effective and provides even coverage. If ate chips more often this is the way I'd be doing it from now on.
I'm crying so hard 2 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
This reminds me of Pumped Up Kicks. Catchy tune, relatively upbeat. Lyrics? Holy crap socks what did I just hear.
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
It's interesting that the most homogeneous countries and the countries that have the greatest support for gender equality are seeing the most diversity in gender roles in occupations. There's a great little clip here: that sort of covers both sides of the argument. Now I am vehemently against equality of outcome, enforced outcome should never occur and is an evil in its own right. This is good example of equality of outcome represented in a story: However, I am also vehemently for equality of opportunities. No one should be limited in their opportunities by anything other than effort and merit.
6 · Edited 2 years ago
Its about right 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
This is some important self realizations right here. All kinds of mental illness stem from the assumed thoughts of others about yourself when in reality it's seldomly done. Most people only make surface impressions of the strangers around them. Generally they fall into two categories, sexual attraction and danger. But these are, like I said, just surface impressions that rarely get a second thought. This is also the exact reason things like acting like you belong, are on an important errand, or are angry, work so well when you want to avoid attention or be left alone. Are brains just go, nope, and move on.
Goldens are golden 5 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Washing your hair with nothing but cold clean water is recommended but if you have to use soap or shampoo most people don't need to use more than a dime size dab; longer hair can use up to a nickel sized dab. Most people use way too much soap and this can have negative effects on your hair.
The mental gymnastics of cancel culture astounds me 15 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Then there is the whole legal difference between a platform and a publisher. Media platforms are not supposed to regulate what gets published. They get held in a different tax bracket/have to pay less taxes than a publisher. A platform that regulates the media content is then by definition not a platform. This does not include explicit content or content that is illegal by it's very nature. This is why platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc.... have been called into congressional hearings. Of course proving they are intentionally removing content based on (fill in the political blank) is difficult since the companies are not required to keep that information and they "self" regulate.
Twice the HDMI 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
A second monitor is essential. How else am I supposed to play my games and watch Netflix/Hulu.
Its about right 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
No, they don't. That's not to say introverts don't experience social anxiety but many of us don't have anxiety more just a general desire to not be around people as much as possible. Then of course you have the conundrum that introverts are less likely to tell you that so extroverts tend to assume and they will say their assumptions. After a while everyone starts to assume what they're hearing is the truth since they hear it so often. Which brings us to this^. Instead of introverts this is really just describing someone with social anxiety which could be anyone.
An oldie but a goldie 6 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
While amusing I think the more accurate version of Thanos just wiping from existence all sjws is more realistic and also amusing.
I hope all my homies are doing okay out there! 28 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Crying releases stress. Depending on the reason for the tears it helps the body deal with emotions and allows the brain to move past issues to focus on the present. Even if you have to wait till you're alone it's a good thing to try and do.
Fillosuffee 5 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
You mean the definition: You have to allow or agree with everything I believe but I don't have to agree with or allow anything you believe. Also if you disagree with anything I believe you are not tolerant and need to be removed.
Yeah we see that alot right now.
Nailed it 9 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Dude that whole series is whacked. I read through most of it and it if Dune or Children of Dune is out there the rest of it just gets worse. It's really about unshackling the human race from the path they've stagnated into and giving them the freedom to expand and better themselves but yeah there is alot of death, misogyny, and the devaluation of human life. The series is literally the epitome of it's going to get worse before it gets better.
Nailed it 9 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Well that explains about half of the story. It certainly wouldn't cover the series. It also completely ignores the protagonist and their final goals.
Ye ole crapper 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Hmm, that's a really nice one, most just had an open hole out the bottom. I suppose that was warmer in the winter. Likely the channels on the right were added later, well after the original build.
Wow 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Not going to lie. I can't really comprehend a processor that has billions or in some cases a trillion transistors. The number is just too large. To think of that many anything on such a small scale and created in just three months is mind boggling. Here's a link to the Wikipedia page for microchip transistors, the numbers get much higher than the M1 Max on some:
4 · Edited 2 years ago
Arnold Bocklin, Centaur visiting a Blacksmith 5 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Wouldn't say they always went around in the buff but it was common in performing athletes or on body training grounds if women were not generally present. "The Greek Body"
By Ian Dennis Jenkins, Victoria Turner.
Spartans were more likely than others to go around naked but it was generally for a reason not just because they decided they didn't want to wear clothes.
Polybius (n.d.). "Histories II.28". Retrieved 23 April 2021.
Unless you were a slave then things got iffy. Of course there weren't any laws saying you couldn't just not wear clothes. Interestingly countries that dealt with "barbarians" tended to have more of a stigma about clothing than others.
Plato (1925). "Symposium 182c". Translated by Fowler, Harold N. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Retrieved 23 April 2021.
That said you'd be really surprised how many blacksmiths forgo a top when they work. An apron? Absolutely yes. Shirt, meh not really needed if you wear an apron.
Arnold Bocklin, Centaur visiting a Blacksmith 5 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Assuming this is supposed to be ancient Greece, or thereabouts, clothing was.... less of a priority. It was not uncommon to just forgo clothing if it was going to get dirty especially if you only had a few sets of clothes.
Footgoose 11 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
I do not like the angry cobra chicken.
3 · Edited 2 years ago
John Cena after spending too much time in the sun 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
I'm confused is there supposed to be someone in this photo?
More fillosuffee 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Amen to that.
Schopenhauer 2 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
The best advice I've read in years.
I suspect not 12 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
If you're still interested in something other than hyperbole go here for a decent source:
As for the questions? I'm not sure the IRS is behind the drive so much as the vehicle through which politicians are using to try and get more control. When it comes down to it control is what they want. If they can keep track of your money the next step is deciding where you can spend your money. Then they can punish you for not spending it "correctly". Which would allow them to decide you can't be trusted to spend it right so it would be better if they just spent it for you. I realize how crazy that sounds but there is plenty of history to back that up. I also realize that that is many steps away and also not currently, legally, possible. Which is why we need to make sure and vote. And need to make sure the voting process is not destroyed by those trying to make it easier to commit fraud.
4 · Edited 2 years ago
I suspect not 12 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Yep, that pesky1%. It's always a sticking point that 1%. But that 1% also pays approximately 90% of the taxes each year already. Which you can also look up. Then there's also the fact, fact mind you, that much of that wealth is tied up in assets and not in some bank account somewhere. I'm not saying there isn't room for improvement on how things are done. But what I find is disingenuous is for any elected politician to demand any other politician's financial records for public consumption without also offering theirs up right along with it. I'm all for requiring all, all, elected officials to yearly give them up. Of course I'm also completely for set term limits, no more than 2 terms in either Congress or the Senate or 1 in each. The only addition would be a 2 term max as either the President or Vice President not both.
One of these things... 5 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
But your money is "ours". Don't worry I'm responsible.