

— Lucky11 Report User
Tyrannosaurus Shirt 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Yeah, I'll go with that.
KFD 15 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
I can almost guarantee that if a fast food chain advertised it this way more people would buy chicken.
Revive me, I have Ray gun 1 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
I rather liked the ones in 28 Days Later.
Co-op schooling with ex-marine 7 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Yep, once a marine always a marine, unless you were dishonorably discharged I believe. Need a marine to confirm or deny that last part but I think that's how it works.
I'll take the ichthyosaur 13 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Brontosaurus and Ankylosaurus
The 60's were a wild time. 10 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Having seen some of the cook books from this time period "not bad" is actually a really good thing. Here's a few of its contemporaries:
· Edited 2 years ago
Boomer meme cuz I'm old 2 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Fun fact there was a whole fight scene choreographed for this scene but Ford was sick with dysentery. He could only shoot in ten minute sections and the scene would have taken 3 days to shoot. They were originally supposed to fight whip vs sword but Ford suggested it day of and Spielberg agreed since he was thinking the same thing. The only one really left out was the stuntman who had practiced months for this job and was instead killed in five minutes.
Emotional survival. Aka escapism 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Some of the best comfort books to read as an adult are young adult fiction. You don't have to think when you're reading one because it's geared towards a younger audience. They still have great characters but the motivations are simpler making it easier to slip into them. The plots tend to be less subtle and more straight forward even if they're a mystery. Never let the supposed age of an intended audience stop you from reading a good story. A good story is a good story regardless of your age.
*summons the trash panda* 1 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
"Every week you're waiting for someone to take you out. Are you a bin?" or "If every week you are waiting for someone to take you out, are you a bin?" This was written by someone who knows punctuation exists and it should be used but is mystified by their purpose.
Oh, you silly 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Which is perfectly acceptable and a valid reason for not doing that. But if that isn't your reaction or it doesn't bother you then you may be willing or even enjoy working those types of hours despite the negatives. Some people do this while they can in preparation for the future. Some want to do this to get into a position where they don't need to keep up that level of work but still maintain the level of income. Some want to retire early enough so they can do still enjoy doing the things they love. It really depends on the person. As long as your not someone who complains that they don't get the same "perks" as someone who did put in all that work and effort, it's all good.
Beep beep 8 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
That's really old. I mean the quote you're using not the girl. Haven't seen that one for years. Surprised you could recall it.
Beep beep 8 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
If the guy on the left is supposed to be the CIA contractor wouldn't his jacket say CIA?
They went to artflow.Ai and put in "9000 year old Greek teenage girl" 5 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
You're talking about people who have the training and skill to bring to life a long dead person's face. Does this training and skill seems like the type that belong to a person familiar or adept at applying make-up or knowing what light to use to give the best appearance to a person? I'm not saying they don't, the picture does that, but it's extremely unlikely they even thought of applying better "light" or whatnot. It more likely went something like "Look what we did! This is amazing! Let's show everyone because this is so cool!"
He's not the messiah 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Graham Chapman, who played King Arthur, was drunk for almost the entirety of the filming according to rumors.
The sorcerer "Tim" actually had a much longer name but forgot it or couldn't remember all of it so he improvised "Tim" which was so anticlimactically funny that they kept it.
Norwegian Forest Cats 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
I have one from the American strain that was brought over in I think the 20's. She's beautiful. Her fur is extremely soft but is actually in two layers. Together they form a water resistant layer that sheds liquids and provides insulation from snow. Mine used to lay in my bathroom sink and would just drink when I turned on the faucet. You can literally see the water run off the fur.
Actual crimes vs saying something rude 13 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Occasionally you have to be bad if you want the best items. Fable has a bow that you can only get by sacrificing a companion. It's the best bow in the game by a large margin. Luckily you can pay a bandit to be your companion. You still need to save/load a ton of times because the result is random to an extent.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Actual crimes vs saying something rude 13 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
That's what the quick save is for. Have the options presented. Do a quick save. Pick the bad option. See the results. Feel bad about it. Load and pick the good option.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Something of a whatever-you-just-said myself 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Reminds me of the car salesman whose brother was in the Army. Then it was the Marines. Then it was his brother-in-law and he wasn't sure what branch. Did not get my vehicle from him.
Dark Souls players are screwed 28 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Subnautica. At least it's interesting if a bit lonely to start with.
Good times 8 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
It that like the Pain Olympics? I don't recommend even looking that up btw. Lets just say it's gross and move on.
Your favourite movie's about social justice somehow 13 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Well, Hook is one of my all time favorites. Not sure how someone would turn that into a social justice movie.
Your favourite movie's about social justice somehow 13 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Favorite movie? No. But it made it a movie worth watching at least once.
Helpful 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Woo that's really handy. Thank you. Without the banana I wouldn't have really understood the size. Thanks again.
It's going 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Or they just don't have an answer worth mentioning and want you to move on to another topic. Some people don't care to discuss their personal lives good or bad. Or they don't know. Not all of us stop and consider what is going on in our lives to determine if it's bad or good instead we're just living. Highs and lows may be a talking point but most of our lives are relatively flat.
It has to be B!!!!! 10 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Well it is a preference question but I am vehemently for B. Also it just so happens to be the prescribed method for use on the original patent for toilet paper. Also also, if you use A I am going to judge you and everything you do. But it is still a preference question.