

— Lucky11 Report User
Hugs! 24 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
You're supposed unhinge your jaw? Dang, I knew something wasn't right.
It's 'Cause o' Those Vaccines 14 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Here's an excellent video of a doctor explaining a CDC report about covid original and delta variant and how it relates to hospitalization given four premises. Unvaccinated, vaccinated, vaccinated and had covid, and had covid unvaccinated. He does cover comorbidities and such. He doesn't try to prove or disprove anything merely explain in layman's terms what the report actually says. You will definitely find it interesting.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Doctrix? 2 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
It's 'Cause o' Those Vaccines 14 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Of course a "traditional vaccine" helps the body kill the virus by developing certain antibodies that go in and eat the virus essentially. This is how they stop the spread of a virus. Vaccines like the covid one don't do that. Instead they prevent the body from being susceptible to the virus. They don't make the body to fight it off or destroy the virus. So it does protect the vaccinated from developing serious conditions but it doesn't stop them from getting infected or acting like carriers. Eventually the virus dies out in the body of the vaccinated because it can't reproduce enough, but until then they will still spread the virus.
Have some ink 1 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
I remember in school that the teachers would complain about the quality but the copy room/office used to limit how many copies they could get. They had zero control over what copies they did get. They had to submit a paper to be copied with a requested amount and they may or may not get what they asked for if they hadn't already met their quota for copies for the month.
Life in the Fast Lane 2 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
So this is interesting because some states have laws specifically for this. If you're in the left lane and someone is moving faster than you, you are required by law to move over. The law makes no provision for speed of the traveler or the speed limit. It is simply a binary set. Are you moving slower? No, you're fine. Yes, move over. Unfortunately the law is rarely enforced; much like turn signal laws.
As if 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
This is an easy one to overlook. Ever done something that, while the concept was easy, actually took a lot longer and more effort than you thought? ^^ This is why. The phrase "it's harder than it looks" exists solely because of this phenomenon.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
I'm going to bed. No, I'm going to hit some guests... 10 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Or like many they forget that the Earth/Solar System/Galaxy is not stationary and where it will be even 10 minutes in the future is not where it is right now. So even if they do crack time travel they just end up in space. Not exactly good for your health to suddenly find yourself in the dead of space.
Made by the lowest bidder from the cheapest materials to do the minimum job 7 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
I am usually just amused when I see or hear that. There are many many civilian "grade" things that work way better and have more possible uses. Generally, besides the technical spec meaning, military grade just means an idiot can use it and not break it at least once. Also it has a specific purpose and is designed to do that one thing well. It's not generally intended to lend itself to secondary uses. There's also a good chance it does something completely unrelated magnificently.
1 acre is aprox 4050 m^2 2 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Lived in a house with a half acre lot so I always pictured ours and our neighbors yards together for size.
4 · Edited 2 years ago
Absolute legend 1 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
One of the unwritten taboos in the States that should be actively fought. Along with not using vacation time or requesting days off.
Fight the cancel culture! 12 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Goblet of Fire was my favorite of the series. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was on the reading lists at my middle school so that, to me, is a weird ban. Then again I read a few in high school that really should not have been in the school library, public library with content warning sure, but school, no.
Chonky birb? 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Nope, I'm just going to assume that seagull weighs a ton and bent the bar merely by landing on it. Don't ruin my reality.
Humans are humans 14 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
But this tweet is specifically about a specific culture or group of cultures. Neil specifically made it about European Colonial History, not anyone else. To then broaden it to include everyone defeats the point of making it about a specific group and then takes it out of context. No one that I can see is arguing that it couldn't also apply elsewhere but when talking in specifics, like he is, it does seem to fit nicely. This is the whole "all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares" bit of logic.
Humans are humans 14 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
There was this famous Italian that said it better and in less words. "Veni, vidi, vici."-generally attributed to Julius Caesar. Translating it into English makes it six words but who needs to translate.
Technically true, unless you're getting force-fed by grandma 8 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
A fair amount. Plus the food for pictures is rarely edible. Most photo shoots take place in a rooms with a/c and could take hours to finish. The food has to remain looking the same throughout. Steam is added after the fact. It's actually really neat. I saw a mini documentary on it once where they were doing pizza and the "cheese" had to remain melty for hours.
When Mr steal-yo-gf is hustling your girl 7 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Why is a train traveling on a road? Where are it's tracks? Does it have tires? If it doesn't have tires how long does it take to slow down on a road? Is it just the distance it needs to travel or is it intending to stop at the end of the distance? If it needs to stop then it would take longer cause it needs to slow down to stop. How much does the train weigh? Are there any turns in the road? How do you expect a train without tires to turn on a road? How do you expect a train to turn period? Trains don't have steering wheels they go in a straight line, it's the tracks that turn them.
he angy 13 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
I don't even really like glazed donuts. For me to eat one the glaze needs to be hard. I should be able to eat it and not leave my fingers all gooey.
Listening to quacks is not a survival trait 22 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Without intending to generate another flurry of responses, I called it a general purpose medication because it is a generic medication. It is one medication used to treat a large variety of things across multiple spectrums hence general purpose. Just like penicillin is a general purpose medication. And as I said I don't know or care if can treat the flu. But it is extremely disingenuous to all the millions of people the medication has helped to flippantly call it horse-dewormer.
Listening to quacks is not a survival trait 22 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
"Horse-dewormer" that's a bit like calling "corn" chicken feed. While yes it can and has been used for that purpose that is not its main use today. Whether or not it works for a flu I don't know or care. But it is a general purpose medication. That until recently was commonly prescribed in the US and has been used to treat hundreds of millions of people.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
The bottom right corner of excel 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Well since most of the paper will just be blank the printer is really just going to spit up paper, run out, and repeat.
Idk if it’s true, but what a queen 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
You mean incentivizing and helping our kids with school instead of expecting the teachers to do everything while applying massive handicaps works? Never would have guessed.
Level: 10% 4 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Can 100% relate.
What a lovely pair of .. 4 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Yeah, but your blue feet are not and I'm looking at your feet cause they're...let's go with unusual. Feel free to waddle away if you don't like it.
It was sent into the student's brain by the hacker 4chan 5 comments
lucky11 · 3 years ago
Waste of time, if the student didn't do the assignment fail the assignment. They're supposed to teach math not try and control their students rights to exercise free speech. If the student wants to not do the work and scribble what looks to me like bizarre men then let them. Let them fail. If they constantly fail because of stupid reasons hopefully they'll learn not to be so stupid.