

— Lucky11 Report User
I Would totally do this if I was given the chance 2 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
This is the way.
Best news this year so far 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
That's a thing? I mean news with the Kardashians in it. I went years where I had no clue who they were and this was when they were in their rising fame state. Even today, unless it's lambasted everywhere, I doubt I'd see something about them.
I like doing human activities like respiring atmospheric air 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
I like how some of them look genuinely puzzled about whats happening.
Be kind! Destroy the system! 13 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
This is why there's a law on the books in Canada that says the other party is not admitting fault just because they say "sorry".
Tfw no cashier hand touching 1 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
As someone who regularly gave change back that literally means nothing. Sometimes you slide the change in, sometimes you place it in. Sometimes you drop. It's much much more dependent on what and how much change you're giving to a customer. Tons of coins you're probably placing or dropping. Bills and change? Handing it or sliding it gently if the change is on top of the bills. Sometimes you just put the change next to them on the counter, though that's usually if they're doing something or their hands are busy.
Has a sling and doesn't use it 2 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
The only issue I have with this is how the dude is resting his weapon. A wrong bump or a funny shift and he could have a serious problem.
SW Day 96 1 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
It's sad, maybe, but I can almost hear them just by looking at this picture.
· Edited 2 years ago
Fillosuffee 6 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
This also leads to some rather uncomfortable and sometimes problematic issues. A liar thinks everyone lies. A thief thinks everyone steals. A cheater that everyone cheats etc.... They "think" that way because that's the way they would act or interact with the world. This does not mean that a liar can more easily spot a lie or a thief a thief. Just that that's the way they view the world. Observations should not be limited to just what you think about and is not always easier to spot something just because you're "thinking" about it. Observation is a skill you need to work at and what you observe is entirely dependent on what "you" can actually observe.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Toad for me 10 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Toad. I always take Toad.
Reasonable 2 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
When you reach the point in learning where you think you know what you're doing but haven't reached the point where realize you really don't know and need to learn more.
Shirley you can't be serious 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Not a new thing. Grocery stores would occasionally mark up cans that were a quarter that weren't selling and sell them 3 for a $1.
1: Do you math?
2: Sure, occasionally. Stay away from the hard stuff. Never do coke.
1: I said math. You know 1+1=2.
2: Oh, Oh, "Math." No, I try not too.
1: You don't say.
Smh. Kids these days 5 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Hmm, yes. That obscure indie band "The Cure".
One of the realist 2 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Because no one can be courageous with fear. A fearless dog can't be courageous only stupid. Courage was afraid of everything and yet he didn't let that stop him.
knowledge 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Skipping the rest of the comments and answering the question originally posed. We'd be hosed. There's no Independence Day like comeback. Any advanced race that manages to cross the vast distances to "invade" us would likely only consider us pests at best. Likely about the level we think of raccoons. At worst they'd ignore us since nothing we could do would even reach the level of inconvenience.
Don't tell me what to do 20 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Okay, if I saw NEW AGE! TANTRIC! STRAWBERRY! DIESEL!!!! on a label you can bet I'd be taking a second look. I may not buy it depending on what's in it but you'd have my attention.
Anxiety and trust issues mostly but also hyperfocus 10 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Only sometimes. Many times you're just content enough with what you've got. While you could work harder, longer, there's just no drive to get more, make more. So while you know you could do more, you have the ability, the smarts, you just have no drive to do so.
Anxiety and trust issues mostly but also hyperfocus 10 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
The ability to know you could do so much better but don't have the ambition or drive to bother.
This man was literally a murderhobo in real life. Eric the Chad 1 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
He must've had connections cause usually they just killed you if you kept murdering.
Don't tell me what to do 20 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Old spice makes this one with Lavender it's amazing. It's called "Wilderness".
Trees scare and confuse the rеdditor 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Or dendrophobia
booba 4 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
adipem abominabilis est
Nice mr decepticon 1 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
Heh, heh, "eight" year old me. Yeeees.
Say hi 1 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
"Pull the lever!!"
Did I stutter 3 comments
lucky11 · 2 years ago
So a Punt gun, a pump action one but still a Punt gun. Btw, those are illegal just about everywhere.
2 · Edited 2 years ago