

— Lucky11 Report User
No feels 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Probably an extrovert. Extroverts do not understand, at first glance, that introverts can be completely satisfied without being surrounded by others. Eventually, they can conceptualize that we're not lonely but I'm not sure they'll ever truly understand it and that's okay.
Oooh, spicy! 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Those eyes are saying "just you wait, your next".
Stay wholesome 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Systems aren't designed, and never are, to work for everyone, just the majority. Individuals, should be always to be encourage. Outliers are what causes change. Change can be good or bad. It's important that the people in the system, especially those the system works well for, to adopt the changes that are positive and denigrate the ones that are bad. What they should never do is just have a blanket acceptance for everyone. A tolerant society is good but tolerance isn't a synonym for acceptance.
Be evil! Do kindnesses! 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Good, of course they can't force anyone to join but that doesn't matter, the option still needs to be there. This is like free speech. You may not like what someone is saying but they should have the right to say it. It's your choice, and should be, to agree or not with someone.
This sounds like a Doujinshi plotline 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Yeah, not gonna touch the rape factor. An erection while a male is asleep isn't any indication of what type of dream they're having. It's a normal thing that occurs 3-5 times a night in healthy males.
2 · Edited 1 year ago
BODMAS 6 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
You mentioned receipts and now all I can think of is how the auto-calculated tips restaurants give almost always include the tax making them wrong. I'm all for tipping but don't give me an amount and tell me it's such and such % of my bill when it's not. I absolutely refuse to use those amounts.
The original Black Friday 8 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Also here's a list of "Black Friday's" none of which are why we call the day after Thanksgiving "Black Friday".
Black Friday (shopping) has it's own separate listing which corroborates the second link @felixo77 used.
Interestingly, the US is no longer the only country to use "Black Friday" as a sales day.
3 · Edited 1 year ago
The original Black Friday 8 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Edit your post to add links.
I'm going with dog 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Rich people's yacht money matters 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
And what make anyone think they won't just pass on those extra costs down the chain? Not saying people shouldn't be taxed. Just don't fall into that "they have more money so we can tax them higher and then those with less don't have to be taxed" mindset. The rich are rich for a reason. Some good, some bad, but all because they know how to keep their money. Plus, most billionaires don't actually have a billion dollars. They have assets totaling that amount but don't have a bank account with nine 0s. Even if we "taxed" them until they weren't billionaires or millionaires it wouldn't change much and the common person wouldn't see any benefit and likely, like I said earlier, would just end up ultimately footing the bill. Again not saying they should be taxed we just can't go at it vindictively just because someone has more money than us.
Story time 4 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Mine was a gnome. He ran really fast, but his preferred method was jumping from the top of one sign to the next. If there were no signs any fence or pole would work.
Lräk 7 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Incredible 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Those colors are amazing.
Kids these days 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Kill 4k lbs of animals in the hunting mini game, have room for 2 lbs. You died of dysentery.
Ah yes, wouldn’t want to be breaking the law 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
I suppose next you're going to tell me I can't use automatic weapons when I commit crimes.
3 · Edited 1 year ago
Doing it right 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
I get down playing just how horrible alot of civilizations were/are when you teach kids. The problem comes when you never get around to to teaching it later. Sure, alot of good things happened in history but if you don't teach the atrocities, in enough detail that people get a real grasp on just how bad it was, people can't learn not to repeat them.
This kid is brutal 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Nope. We're done here. Ain't nothing to see. Lets move on, shall we?
LOL 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
My favorite was the 0 to 60? Yes.
Helluva guy 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
The best part is that he plays really well so it's a perfect soundtrack to read the comments.
1 · Edited 1 year ago
Helluva guy 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago 2 · Edited 1 year ago
How are you supposed to answer this one..? 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Good to know 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
To be fair it would will a 14th century peasant too.
I wasn’t too sure where to post this but someone might get a kick out of it. This is 4 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Like dude, your inside you can relax and take your socks off now.
Fillosuffee vihlunz 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares. I say this because it may be that all villains are philosophers but not all philosophers are villains.
New pick-up like just dropped 15 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
I find nothing wrong with "canned" answers. They, generally, can be very helpful in giving someone that's not so loquacious a good response. Plus there is the added benefit of it being less likely to insult the person you are speaking to. Can they be really corny? Sure. Sound a bit like a robot? Sure. But like you said, it doesn't mean the person doesn't actually mean what they're saying. I do think that the line seemed rehearsed. I have no real way to describe it other than it doesn't sound like something someone would say in a natural manner.