

— Lucky11 Report User
Oh noes .. 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Positive thinking is hard and takes practice. Luckily, if you do make the effort it can become a habit. If it becomes a habit ruining one load will not clean out your wardrobe.
2 · Edited 1 year ago
But I only designed that weapon of mass destruction ironically! 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Umm, nope. He didn't work for 20 years on it just to be surprised it killed. He wasn't even against using it. He wouldn't even have changed anything if he could have gone back to do it again. Here's a very good article about him and his pacifism:
Interestingly, "never once said that he regretted building the bomb or recommending its use against Japan". He also told President Truman that he had blood on his hands.
3 · Edited 1 year ago
Schrödingers dumpster 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
The unspoken difference between an adjective and a verb and how some words are both.
Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Of course it takes an eighth dimensional AI to run the thing but yes Doo wee ooooo
When big countries commit atrocities they apparently can get away with it 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
$$$$$$$$$$$ The U.N. if not supported by taxes it levies. It's supported by funds given to it by major countries because it doesn't actually have that much authority. If the top 3 contributing countries just stopped and withdrew it would practically cease to exist.
This post sponsored by the Wendigo Gang 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
That sounds amazing.
The filament of this antique light bulb is shaped like flowers 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Wow, is this still a thing? There could be a real market for this. Shoot, I'd buy them.
Same for gym bros 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Or at the very least don't make it a fault in everyone else that they aren't basing their entire identity on the thing you do.
Call 1-800-FORRESTLAMP now! 4 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
I don't know, I liked it when I finally got to taste it. Maybe not something to eat in large portions but I did like it.
So.. It's game over? 7 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Works for me.
Im still tryna figure it out 7 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Science! 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
When I lived in some barracks the temp was adjustable but you couldn't lower it past 78. That meant the rooms would routinely get up to 80s especially in summer on the top floor. To get around that I used to stick a heating pad up against the thermostat to make it cooler.
Yeah, same actually 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Is this by Chernobyl? Cause otherwise that's a really messed up hand.
No pulp gang 5 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
You're welcome 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Looks like an Allosaurus.
This essay 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
This is a great example of a college paper. The dudes report is an F. It deserves to be an F. However the grader responds with the mindset of "okay his report is horrible, but what is he saying?" Would love to see the rest of it.
saul 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
I'm not a fan of She-hulk. I'm not a fan of Better Call Saul. If you think any of the actors or producers had anything to do with which benches were picked you're fooling yourself. They almost certainly have an advertising department that just bulk rented benches from the cities. The ones used depend entirely on what the city has and had available. We need to stop trying to politicize everything and we need to stop that especially with our entertainment.
It's only pain 9 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Well hey, don't beat yourself up too much. Most adults would be scared or useless too. And then there's the dumb, whiny, and useless adults which are also portrayed in movies where the "kids" outsmart them, or overpower them etc.... Kid me loved that stuff. Now as an adult that works with kids? I don't care what kind of training they have a 6-10 year is not going to overpower any reasonably fit adult in a "fair" fight. And a whole school worth of children may eventually wear down a trained adult but I wouldn't be placing any bets on the kids.
Perfectly balanced as all thing should be 6 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Yes, but what are they doing with all that luck? That's what I want to know.
Here have a wojak 5 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
And that you can't buy your way into heaven.
F*ck zodiac signs, how do you glue? 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Yes. 8->5->6->1->3->2->4->7 in that order
· Edited 1 year ago
Perfectly balanced as all thing should be 6 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
I think they take "all" your luck. Both good and bad. So nothing will ever happen by chance again in your life, for you. Instead, I imagine it will all happen according to schedule and routine and never vary for good or ill.
What is up with this timeline? 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Now that's a question I would love to be able to ask myself.
This’ll be fun 16 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Time to play the lottery.