

— Lucky11 Report User
Or is it both, or can you switch? 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Sure, logic a perfectly reasonable method. You can also see the distortion the back has on the one armrest. If it was facing the grass there would be no distortion.
Plato writes his Symposium 6 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Well you might enjoy the fall. It's the sudden stop that I doubt you'd enjoy.
Its germany! 11 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Next you have suffixes for all of these when it's the object and not the subject.
me ـني (-ni)
you (masc.) ـكَ (-ka)
you (fem.) ـكِ (-ki)
him ـه (-u)
her ـها (-ha)
us ـنا (-na)
you ـكما (-kuma)
them ـهما (-huma)
us ـنا (-na)
you (masc.) ـكم (-kum)
you (fem.) ـكن (-kunna)
them (masc.) ـهم (-hum)
them (fem.) ـهن (-hunna)
Now just conjugate the rest of the sentence to reflect both of these, and the tenses.
Its germany! 11 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Have to admit it was quite the struggle trying to understand it when I first tried to learn German. Then I had to learn formal Arabic. German is fairly simple in comparison.
I أنا (ana)
you (masc.) انتَ (anta)
you (fem.) انتِ (anti)
he هو (howwa)
she هي (heyya)
we نحن (naHnu)
you أنتما (antuma)
they هما (humaa)
we نحن (naHnu)
you (masc.) أنتم (antum)
you (fem.) أنتن (antunna)
they (masc.) هم (homa)
they (fem.) هن (hunna)
3 · Edited 1 year ago
No, don't do that! 4 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Rolly Pollies
Now that’s just too far 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
The average pen laser can completely and permanently blind a human eye with as little as 5 minutes of continuous shining.
80 minutes, duuuuh 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
That would be a really fast rendition. Normally it takes over an hour to play. Also, this is similar to the problem: 1 car traveling at 60mph can travel 1 mile a minute. How long does it take 3 cars traveling at 60mph cover 1 mile?
When you realize 2012 was 17 years ago 4 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
What? Did math change again?
Sticks out like a sore trigger finger 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
You could be right. However, many of those guys, especially the ones "trained" in the last couple of decades, had practically no firearm safety thoughts. Can't say I personally saw it, and it's all anecdotal, but I heard plenty of first hand accounts of just how bad they were. Now if they survived past the terrorizing and killing civilians stage and made it through a few real encounters with people who could fight back then maybe.
If you know you know 6 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
1, 2, 5!!
Trust nothing! 10 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
You can also just click and drag. Any of them that drag are fake.
My father’s 6th attempt to outsmart his geriatric cat into taking her bp meds 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
You know there's pre-made treats of various flavors designed to hide a pill. Plus they're relatively easy to find. Also, if the cat regularly eats that kind of treat and suddenly it tastes off they'll not eat it because they'll think it's gone bad. Whereas, if it's a new treat they'll get used to its taste with the pill and now your problem is solved.
Titlul memei 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
The worst best part is depending on what class of slave you were and what class citizen your owner was, you could have more rights, on certain things, than some non-slave citizens.
It really was painful… 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Maybe, on the really really cheap ones. But if you used the ones prior to the anti-skip you could really tell the difference. For one you could actually use them in a moving vehicle.
The Great Debate, Do you Agree? 14 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
I don't care for either of them. Does that count?
Uh oh 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Don't blink.
Avoid drama. 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Statistically, there was never any difference between the Bermuda Triangle and any other section of the Atlantic. What it did have was 3 or more major shipping lanes running through a relatively smaller portion of the Atlantic. So while ships and planes and such weren't at any more risk traveling that area than normal, the area would have experienced more wrecks simply because more passed through it.
Crows 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Lol, wrong post. You meant the one below this one.
Thanks doc, very cool 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
The worst part is I can see it now that they've told us what it is.
Now we know, no more excuses! 4 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Well it does get stronger the longer it exists. So give it a few hundred years and it does get better. You just have to build with longevity in mind.
Dog years 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago · Edited 1 year ago
Drink Compass 8 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
No, No, have to flavor it or I won't drink near enough, no.
"German engineering is the world's finest!" 23 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Japan has crazy bad iron. So the smiths figured out how to make the best of it. They still avoided "crossing" blades as much as possible and instead focused on one hit kills. Because they used bad iron and water to quench, their blades were generally very brittle and if they crossed blades the blade would easily get damaged. Only 1 in 3 traditionally made blades even survived the quenching and the curve was a byproduct of their bad quenching techniques. Also, as a general rule, you don't even try to cut steel with a sword, cause that's just stupid and only damages a blade.
I didn't even know number four existed until I decided to make this 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Two pieces together like a sandwich.