

— Lucky11 Report User
Woke Disney 1 comments
lucky11 · 49 weeks ago
I love that Kronk is his own point.
Yes I exist 2 comments
lucky11 · 49 weeks ago
What do you mean? An African or European swallow?
This holiday season, please don't do this 1 comments
lucky11 · 49 weeks ago
Who just leaves stacks of notebooks int he produce section? That's just weird.
Honour vs modern weapons, lol 1 comments
lucky11 · 50 weeks ago
Stupidity is not honor. Should have just used that chivalry to avoid the need for a battle you were massively unprepared for.
Ishango bone 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Or it could be functionally decorative. The grooves let you grip it better to bash things with and it's easy to recognize as your stick. Did similar things as a kid to sticks I found.
*Second guitarist, but still incredible 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Was reading that and thinking to myself "would I be able to do something similar?" Have a degree in music, was in the Army, all that's left is the philosophy bit.
1 · Edited 1 year ago
I know this may shock some of you but I for one am not afraid to make fun of Americans on 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Oh no, it's almost like the country that paid for and made the movie wanted to portray it in a positive light. How horrible, other countries that make movies don't do that... oh wait they do.
Both are so good 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy
A Masterpiece 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Wasn't all that impressed to be honest. Also, it's a whole lot smaller than you think.
Does my love of Boba tea fit in? 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Without double checking, I was under the impression that Ireland drank the most tea per capita.
He wasn’t the only one but still 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Generally what's taught to kids today. Many, many others knew the world was round. In fact, the whole point was to find a faster route to India and one of the reasons Columbus struggled to get funding was because he was so bad at math. His calculations on how long it would take to get there were very off.
1 · Edited 1 year ago
I think you know what I’m talking about 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago · Edited 1 year ago
Boo berry 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Does that mean it comes with a list of all the mistakes. Cause let's be real, I've made so many mistakes that I couldn't begin to remember all of them.
Am I really the only one? 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
There's some really good adaptations. There's also some really lame ones that cut out tons of stuff to fit the limited scope of 12 episodes. I will watch the goods ones and even repeat the ones I really like even if I also really like the source material too. The lames ones? No, in that case the source material really is the only way to go.
Béarnaise sauce 8 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Mustard, just like I normally do.
If things had just gone a bit differently 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Well it wasn't as if they could utilize it. There's tons of stuff we know of right now but can't use because it's just too impracticable. There's tons of stuff that if we could use it would make everything super convenient, end world hunger, minimize poverty, and help reduce or even reverse climate change. The problem is the fiddly bits. The stuff you need to have in order to make the stuff you need, to make the things you want to have.
Mr. Free Speech in action 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
But did he remove them from twitter?
You’ll still be full of shit 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
I realize this is a bot post but I'm going to comment anyways. There's a big difference between Ivermectin that's used by Veterinarians and the Ivermectin prescribed to millions of people yearly around the world. If you're human, you should not take medicine designed to be given to animals. Even if the root medicine is the same, the quality, amount, and additives are completely different.
And screw the Greek letter hiearchy as well 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Whichever one has the most mcnugget.
I am currently in the year 2069 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Alright go ahead.
Which dystopia is most likely 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
And did some caveman just drop their meat into the fire or something? 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Bread cooked in stone ovens tended to develop a very thick crust on the bottom. This was generally cut off before it was served to the wealthy. The remainder was then given to the servants to eat. Toast was then simply the cast offs from the more well offs bread.
cringe 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
This is why this is literally used as a therapy method. Writing, clearing your head, and re-reading your writing allows you to gain a perspective it's hard to grasp when in the throws of an issue.
Hans You are 4 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Spiders commonly found inside are adapted to inside life. When you place them outside you've just condemned them to death. All that aside, did you know? In the state of Florida you're rarely, if ever, more than three feet from a spider.
We found nothing wrong in our investigation 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Fraud Corp. has investigated and found no evidence of fraud in Fraud Corp. Also, would you like to go on a vacation. We have a wonderful spot at Lake Laogai.